All Chapters of HIS TWISTED OBSESSION : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
59 Chapters
Chapter 11
As they turned their gaze toward the door they discovered Britney, his sis-in-law standing there, with a confusing look on her face.Without any further words exchanged Adrian freed her from his embrace, and immediately started missing her warmth. Her lavender smell still lingered in his senses. Taking a deep breath one last time he cleared his voice to reply to Britney. " Nothing Britty. She was about to fall, but I saved her."He let out every word clearly and loudly without diverting his gaze from her. Jane didn't like how he put extra pressure on the words 'saved her' as if he didn't startle her in the first place.Smiling lightly at Britney she declared,"Yeah. At first, people invade your personal space. Then decide to portray themselves as self-declared knights in shining armor. No?"Though she was looking at Britney, it was as clear as broad daylight that her words were pointing to him.Britney was perplexed, more like confused to see this interaction between them. She could
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Chapter 12
Coming back from her apartment Adrian entered his house still whistling. He noticed his father's car parked in the garage. His brother was back from the office too as his Audi was parked in the front yard."So they are already back! It's a good thing that I came out of her apartment just in time. Otherwise, I had to face her aunt and family." shrugging his shoulder he opened the front door and entered inside.His whole family was sitting in the living room, talking with each other. Everyone stopped seeing him."Addy you! " his mother looked at him surprised." Yeah, mom! I was missing you. So came directly from the office to see you. When did you guys come?""Oh just now. And you did absolutely right my dear. I was missing you too."Everyone exhaled seeing her affection towards her younger son. She was a tough lady indeed, but when it came to him she seemed to be lenient about a lot of things. Hugging him tightly she pecked his forehead affectionately. " Here we go again! Didn't yo
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Chapter 13
"Bye Mom. See you in the evening.Adrian stood up from the breakfast table to leave." Evening! Are you planning to be back here again? Won't you go to your apartment?" his father frowned, listening to him.Before even Adi could respond to him his mother intervened, " Let him be! It's his house too. He will come whenever he wants to."In his mind, Adrian thanked his mom. The least he wanted was to be interviewed by his father in the morning."Where's Drew?"Adrian asked, looking around. "Oh! He already left for the office. I am not going today. You both have to manage for today. Now go and join him." his father stated." Ok! I will take my leave then." Pecking his mom on the forehead he left.Accelerating the engine, Adrian left his house.Just as was about to take a U-turn, he found his sis-in-law talking with someone standing in a corner. Frowning a little he checked again. Yes, it was Britney. "But didn't she leave a while ago? Where's her car by the way?"Parking his car on t
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Chapter 14
A comfortable silence soon fell upon the car. Both of them were lost in their own minds. While Adrian let his daydream be continued, Jane in her mind was reviewing his words. Still couldn't really get her hands on what he exactly meant by those words, but seeing that stupid smirk on his face she comprehended there had to be some hidden meaning behind that. When he started explaining his action, she was sure of it.Even though he sounded sincere with his speech, it was very much possible he was just aiming to acquire her sympathy. But she was truthful with her statements. She surely didn't feel very comfortable with his stare and his touch but that was not enough reason to decide whether he was a good person or not. She let him know about her discomfort, and hopefully, he would keep that in mind.Seeing the known building in the near distance she shut down the voice in her mind." Stop here." Hearing her, Adrian stopped the car. " Why? What happened? I mean we are allowed to park th
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Chapter 15
1 month later:"Sir, when are you leaving? Everyone has left already. It's almost 8 pm! " Hearing the hesitant voice Adrian looked up at the person. Erik, his PA was standing in front of him." Oh, it's 8! I even forgot to check the time. Did Andrew leave already?"" Yes sir, a while ago". He replied." Ok. You may leave."" But sir…." Erik tried to protest hesitantly." Erik, leave. It's the weekend. Go enjoy yourself. I am almost done. Will leave within 10 minutes." He ordered." Ok, sir." Smiling at Adrian politely he left.……..Shutting down the laptop Adrian sighed and leaned back in the chair, letting his body be relaxed. For the last month, the work pressure was getting too much. Their company was about to finalize a deal with a foreign company. If it had been confirmed, Johnson Industry would be one of the top most companies in the Country. And he was making sure that they would confirm the deal.Rubbing his temples he took a deep breath. It's the weekend already. After that
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Chapter 16
" Jane, come come! " Kathy welcomed her, giving her a warm smile. Jane smiled in return and took a seat beside Brirney." What's going on? Anything serious? I mean all of you are sitting together." She asked curiously." No "." Yes".Britney and her aunt both ended up saying it at the same time. Jane looked suspiciously at both of them.Soon Mary, her aunt, realized they couldn't let her know about this. It was supposed to be a surprise. Smiling awkwardly at Jane she mumbled _" We were just talking about you. I mean it's already 9.30 but you still didn't come so I was just concerned. I was about to call you ". She looked at Jane expecting her to buy her excuses. She felt bad for her. The girl hardly went out. She told her that after coaching she would go to dinner with her friends. She was happy that Jane was finally opening up to people again and making friends. But in the rush that was the only lie she could come up with. Shefali made it in mind that next week after her birthd
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Chapter 17
A WHILE AGO:Entering the bathroom Adrian stood under the shower. Brushing his hair with fingers he stood under the shower and closed his eyes, waiting for the water to drench him completely. He badly needed that to calm his mind down. But nothing came out except the sound of the air trapped inside the pipeline. Knitting the eyebrows together he tapped the shower and twisted the handle in both ways but nothing happened.Adrian punched the wall with full force, frustrated. Nothing was going on in his favor. It seemed like everyone and everything was plotting against him. Coming out of the bath chamber he closed the glass door with full force. Peeping in the corridor he found no one there. Without minding to put more clothes he went towards the common bathroom in a towel, covering his lower abdomen.PRESENT:Entering the bathroom Adrian was about to go straight to the shower but stopped seeing someone in front of the mirror. Feeling his presence at the same time she turned back to onl
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Chapter 18
" Sissy ". Turning back, both of them saw Liam and Aria standing there, watching them with amused eyes.Jane quickly pushed him aside and got out of his embrace as soon as his hold on her wrist got loose." Liam, Aria, what are you doing here?" She asked nervously. She was so thankful that both of them came to get her out of the devil's clutch but embarrassed that they saw her with him." Mummy sent us to get you," Aria replied to her. Her eyes drifting between Adrian and Jane." Ok, Aria. Can you please tell your mom to come here?" Jane asked pleadingly. She won't be able to go in front of everyone like this." Ok, I am telling her." Both of them left the place giggling.Without giving him another look Jane came out of the washroom.Turning the shower off Adrian waited for one whole minute before coming out.He didn't really plan for any of these to happen but it somehow ended up better than he expected. Only if the kids won't have interrupted him! He could have lost his chance to
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Chapter 19
" Leo." Hearing the voice all of them turned back. Adrian saw Mary, Leo's Mom standing there. Her face was gleaming with the excitement of meeting her son probably after months.Adrian shared a civilized relationship with him as he was their neighbor. Both of their mothers were friends for a long time.He recognized him as soon as he saw his face. For a moment he felt at ease realizing he was her uncle's son, but then an unsettling feeling was back as he remembered immediately they weren't blood-related. He was her father's friend's son. The realization only made him more restless even if possible.Her expression made it clear how much she was comfortable with them. The realization that he wasn't a part of her comfort circle made him clench his jaw. Generally, he loved to see her smile. The way her lips curl slightly upwards making her look even more radiant. But now her laughing felt like a thorn prickling his skin.He was standing there for a while but none of them even spared a g
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Chapter 20
Sunlight peeking through the curtain fell upon Adrian's face, disturbing his peaceful sleep.He stirred a little, blinking a couple of times as he tried to adjust his vision. Stretching both of his hands upwards he turned to his other side just to find an unfamiliar figure beside him, wrapped around the duvet.In a moment realization hit him like a truck. Jolting up he sat back straight. But suddenly felt someone was hammering inside his head. Clutching his hair with fingers he let out a loud groan to tolerate the unbearable pain. God hangover! What did he do last night? He dashed out of his home and went straight to the bar. Then he drank like it was the end of the world. The girl came to him, talked, and he left with her. Then?"Jane, wasn't she here? Was I just hallucinating? Shit! How drunk was I?" I didn't end up doing something he would regret, right? But why did it feel like she actually was here?" He couldn't even remember anything properly.Only the girl beside her can answe
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