All Chapters of A Dangerous Atrophy: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
656 Chapters
Chapter 171
Alora was extremely nervous as she faced Sean Stewart. “Mr. Stewart, I just felt bad for Jane.”She was explaining why she helped Jane hide all the money she had earned from the man before her now.Right now, Sean was not in a good mood at all.That woman’s final piercing words kept echoing in his ears, and he could not get rid of them no matter how hard he tried. When he heard Alora say something like she “felt bad for Jane”, his lips curved coldly.“Alora, none of my subordinates are saint
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Chapter 172
Actually, Alora would prefer to grab Jane by the shoulders and shake her violently, demanding, 'Why won't you cry?! Why won't you say anything?! Why must you pretend to be alright?!'Are you really okay? If you are, why are you howling to yourself when no one else is around? Why do I hear such heartbreaking frustration in your wails?!'Jane was the one in the most pain right now, but Alora was the one whose hand was shaking. Alora could almost see her past mirrored in Jane's silhouette… That
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Chapter 173
"When you said 'they'... Does that include Mr. Stewart?"When she said that, Alora could clearly feel Jane's body stiffen for a second in her embrace. Alora sighed soundlessly… Therein lay the problem. They did not believe her… and neither did Sean Stewart. With that, Alora could more or less guess what happened between Jane and their boss without any more input from Jane's part.Rosaline Summers… Alora had been working for Sean for two years, and she vaguely remembered hearing someone m
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Chapter 174
With that, Sean reached out his long finger and ended the call without giving it another glance. On the other end of the phone, the white-haired old man was so livid that he wanted to smash his phone into the floor. "That Stewart brat!" After that, he roared at the butler next to him, saying,"What do you think? Haven't the Stewarts gone too far?! I've been in this business fit decades now, and it's not like I'm a nameless nobody. I'm two generations older than Sean Stewart, but the little br
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Chapter 175
Joseph Dunn hung up and jumped out of bed, grabbing the night robe next to him and throwing it over his shoulders.His wife asked him drowsily, “What happened?”“What happened?” Joseph was furious. “Your good daughter went and became a hooker!”Whoom!It felt as though there was an explosion by Mrs. Dunn’s ears!She immediately sat up in bed. “What did you say?”She must have heard him wrong, surely.“Old Master Hoffman personally called me and said that Brendan saw her with his own eyes.
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Chapter 176
…In the hospital.Elior gave Jane a final check-up. “Alright, you can leave the hospital now. Jane, don’t take your life for granted anymore after this.”He had not wanted to tell Jane all this, but for some reason, when he looked at the woman with her head held down wordlessly, he suddenly remembered that conversation in Sean’s bedroom on the 28th floor of East Emperor that day.He looked at Jane again and said, “Since you’re out of prison now, you should live a good life, and live your li
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Chapter 177
“Sean…” Elior’s voice died out there. Sean Stewart looked terrifying right now, such that even someone like Elior felt a chill in his heart when he looked at him.Sean ignored Elior, his long and narrow eyes fixed on Jane and her alone. His expression right now was terrifying!He was furious at this woman, but even more so than that, he felt a deep frustration building up in his chest that he simply could not vent!“You really never learn your lesson.”The man’s voice was ice-cold, heartless
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Chapter 178
Jane did not want to relive those memories, but they just refused to let her go. They washed over her like a broken dam, spilling over, drowning her!All of those memories from the past!Rosaline looking troubled as she said, “I don’t like Sean.”Rosaline comforting her like a miniature sun, saying, “Don’t worry, that’s what Sean’s like. But you’re a wonderful woman yourself, Jane. He’ll understand your feelings one day.”Rosaline looking shy as she said, “Jane, I think I fell for someone, b
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Chapter 179
No matter what, Jane’s curses just now had been too much. After all, Rosaline was already dead. How could she insult a dead person like that…? Elior frowned disapprovingly and glanced at the woman on the bed.Sean did not show any emotion on his face, but the great Mr. Stewart who had always boldly trampled over everything now reacted as though his arm had been scalded. He hid it behind his back, his hand shaking uncontrollably.He looked at the woman on the bed with his bottomless eyes. When
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Chapter 180
He asked her if she knew what she had done wrong.Wrong?What was right?What was wrong?“I didn’t do anything wrong.”She said.Her heart ached so badly that she was in agony!He actually asked her if she knew what she had done wrong?Ha ha!“Mr. Stewart, if you say that I’m wrong, then I can only be wrong. However, you’re asking me if I knew what I have done wrong.” She lifted her chin. The proud look that she wore on her face looked blinding to the eye. Her smile that was tugged at t
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