All Chapters of A Dangerous Atrophy: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
656 Chapters
Chapter 471
Haydn raised his head and looked in the rearview mirror as well, giving the Didi driver in the mirror a smile that looked worse than a sob. “Let’s go.”He did not know anymore!“Go where?”“Where’s the place with the most people?”“At a time like this?” They Didi driver gave it some thought and then beamed at him. “It has to be the bars at Lijiang Ancient City then, but it’s a two-hour drive from here. Do you want to go?”“Sure! Why not?” Haydn grinned too, but it was an extremely ironic sm
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Chapter 472
“Jane… Jane… Why are you here at a bar?” Haydn ignored the manager’s existence completely. Was he really drunk, or was he…?He just kept staring intently at the trembling little cleaner.“I-I don’t have money. So I’m here to earn more.”There was a flash of pain in Haydn’s eyes, and he hurriedly pulled out his checkbook. “A pen, do you have a pen?”The manager quickly offered him one. “Here.”Haydn did not give it a second thought. He just took the pen and rapidly scrawled a number across t
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Chapter 473
This woman was one who had seen things.Her words reached Haydn’s heart precisely and effectively.Haydn closed his eyes and opened them again. His thin lips curved upward, forming a beautiful smile that oozed with pain. It was both insane and despairing. “Sure.”His hoarse voice seemed to hold no pressure nor care, saying it happily and carefree.He stood up!‘She doesn’t love you. You’re the only one in pain.‘She doesn’t love you, so are you going to shut yourself in a fortress?‘She d
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Chapter 474
Dunn Group was going down!That was the news circulating wildly around S City lately.“That Sean Stewart, really.” When the rich elites had a drink too many at their lavish private parties, that became their topic of conversation.“Tsk-tsk, he’s so heartless, abandoning the past like that. No matter what, Joseph Dunn was once his father-in-law.”Zach smiled without a word, smoking his cigarette at the gathering. The wisps of smoke turned everything a hazy white.He had no patience for these
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Chapter 475
The baldy said, “It really is ‘that’ Jane Dunn!”“Why did you…?” Zach did not know what to say after that. This woman seemed to have changed, but when he looked closely, she also looked like the same Jane Dunn from three years ago, careful and cautious with everything in life.However, his first glance at her today really had him feeling as though the woman before him was somewhat different now.He could not say how she was different, though.Was it that she was a little more distant than sh
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Chapter 476
The next day, the major newspapers all carried shocking headlines!‘Coup in Dunn Group! The mysterious heiress back with a vengeance!’‘Heiress’ low-key return! Is she here to save Dunn Group from crisis, or is she after something else?’‘Shocking! Dunn Group leadership changes overnight, internal workings in disarray. No other Dunn can take the job, desperate times!’‘A fortune of billions falls by the wayside! Miss Dunn abandons family and launches merciless takeover!’These terrifying an
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Chapter 477
Well, to tell the truth, he did not really need to look for it. The headlines were obvious enough!He did not need to read the articles from start to finish either. Just by looking at the headlines, Ray instantly understood why that Stewart seemed so pissed first thing in the morning.Ray resisted the urge to roll his eyes… That Stewart would only ever be that anxious when it came to that woman. See, he was wondering why Stewart actually asked him so politely to “do me another favor” today.F
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Chapter 478
Dunn’s ResidenceJoseph Dunn pointed a finger at Mrs. Dunn’s nose, raging, “That’s the daughter you raised! What a wonderful filial daughter!”He was furious. He did not want to just give up Dunn Group, but if he did not agree to Jane’s request, then Dunn Group would really fall apart.He knew very well that as long as Dunn Group still stood, he would still be a wealthy man with a house, cars, and servants. Without Dunn Group, he was nothing.No matter how reluctant he was, Joseph Dunn just
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Chapter 479
The Dunns were in complete disarray!Their old butler quietly backed away and walked to the landline, giving Jane a call. “Young miss, please come home for a visit. The master, he hit the madam.“She’s crying right now.”On the other end, Jane said coolly, “Isn’t Mr. Dunn there? Ask him to comfort here.”“The master left. The madam tried to stop him, but she fell when she chased him and she’s crying now. Miss, please come back for a visit.”On the other end, Jane held the phone to her ear,
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Chapter 480
Jane’s whole body was stiff. That man’s warmth reached her clearly across two layers of cloth.She did not dare to move. She was scared.At least, right here and now, she could not accept something like this.They said that time healed all wounds, but often, all time did was distill some things into a pain carved into one’s bones.The palm on her shoulder was terrifyingly scalding. It was not just his hand, but his chest and every other part of his body. It was all frighteningly hot.The wo
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