All Chapters of A Dangerous Atrophy: Chapter 501 - Chapter 510
656 Chapters
Chapter 501
The moment the door opened, the weariness on Jane's face was wiped clean. What took place on her face was a bright and dazzling smile instead.Elior was leaning against the window. He turned his head sideways when the door opened. What he saw was Jane flashing an extremely dazzling smile. He was taken aback. Fury surged through him. The next moment, however, the anger in his heart dissipated."Come in." He sighed in his heart. She definitely did not know that at first glance, the smile on her face might look brilliant, but at second glance, it looked hesitant. At third glance, there was excruciating pain.The woman was still standing by the door, rooted to the ground.Elior turned around and walked toward her. He stretched out his long arms suddenly and caught her off guard by pulling her inside. "Stop smiling. He won’t see it."The woman's smile hung stiffly on her face."Shot in the heart. Less than two centimeters away from his heart.“After the incident, he was sent to the h
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Chapter 502
Elior and Ray did not know what Jane was feeling the entire time she was alone.When the door was opened once again, Sean was still being rescued.There were hurried footsteps in the corridor. Everyone was on edge.It was as if Jane had been forgotten. Everyone was focusing on the man who was being rescued.No one was talking. The doctor finally announced that the crisis had been averted after a long time.However, this was not the end. In the five days and five nights that she stayed with him, this near-death crisis kept shrouding over his head.Five days and five nights. 11 times.She had counted. Every rescue would leave a number in her heart.She did not know why she did this.She did not know whether she had the energy to feel resentful toward him in her heart.She could not even understand herself, so how could she understand Sean?In that early morning, they had hope.She was by his bed. She was used to staring at his pale and sunken face for the entire night. She wo
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Chapter 503
“Sean, why are you…” Elior reacted immediately. He reached out his hand to the man on the bed.“Don’t touch me!” The man on the bed backed away. Ray approached him. He was scared to break open his wounds.“Sean, don’t move! Watch out for your wounds.”This time, the man was reacting even more wildly. He even waved his hand that was connected to the IV drop to Ray who approached him.“Sean, what’s wrong? It’s me! Me! Ray!”Elior grabbed Ray who was trying to approach Sean. “Calm down. Something’s wrong with Sean.”“Who are you? Get out! Out!” He was talking like a child. He looked at the people around his bed in fear and horror. Suddenly, when he laid eyes on the only woman in the room, he stopped.In the next second, he did not care about all the tubes on him. He pounced into Jane’s arms in front of everyone and said in an extremely aggrieved voice, “Big Sister, I’m scared.”Jane was frozen. She was extremely tense when she lowered her head and looked at the man who was asking
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Chapter 504
Sean went back to S City after his condition turned for the better.However…When she looked at the fingers clutching onto her shirt, Jane did not know how to feel.She looked at his eyes that looked as vigilant as a child’s. Suddenly, everything changed.Not a lot of people knew about this aside from Elior, Jay, and the bodyguard who had been working for Sean since he was a kid.From Uno to Diez, none of them would leak this information.Of course, Elior and Ray would definitely not do th
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Chapter 505
However, her suspicion did not last long. It was broken by the man who immediately wanted to be praised.If Sean was really conscious, how could he become a man who would admit defeat so easily?His expression when he was fawning over her while trying to get credit for his achievement… Jane could not imagine this. If the man in front of her was really conscious, he would not dare to make this kind of face or gesture.The arrogant Sean Stewart.The cold Sean Stewart.The apathetic Sean Stewa
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Chapter 506
Ray had already made arrangements.Dos and Tres had arrived before them.At this moment, there were finally people in the quiet manor.After making the necessary arrangements, they ordered Dos and Tres to stay and take care of Sean.Meanwhile, Jane, Elior, and Ray rushed back to S City.Elior and Ray still had a lot of unfinished business.Someone had to oversee Stewart Industries in S City. If not, there would be suspicions.Sean was only on a ‘holiday’.Jane still needed to take care o
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Chapter 507
Jason asked anxiously, “Mom, is it a match? Is it?”His anxiety could be seen even without him saying it out loud.Madam Dunn’s face was green. Jason snatched it over. When he got it, he read it quickly. When he saw the results, he staggered backward and collapsed on the chair that was against the wall. “How is this possible…”“I don’t believe this. I don’t believe this.”Jane reached out her hand to take the result.After she read it, she frowned. ‘Still no, huh?’It was still unsuccessfu
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Chapter 508
“Joseph Dunn…” She muttered these two words.Vivienne saw that she could not stop Jane. This woman was always so stubborn.In the car, Vivienne cracked jokes occasionally to make Jane laugh.There was one time Vivienne was shocked when she lifted her head to look at the rearview mirror.At the backseat, the stubborn woman who was able to support an entire huge company, the woman who never complained despite all the hardship and pain she suffered, that woman who had her eyes closed… That woma
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Chapter 509
She walked over to her underground garage and drove to Stewart manor. What if… What if?What if he remembered everything and decided to go back to Stewart manor himself?She was driving extremely fast. She reached Stewart manor in a blink of an eye. After she got out of the car, she knocked on the door quickly. She pushed the butler who came to open the door and searched for him from the bottom floor to the top floor. She went through every room.“Madam, what are you looking for?”She pres
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Chapter 510
Do you know that Dos and the gang are in a difficult position too? Not only do they have to accommodate you, but they have to watch out for your safety as well. They even have to coax you!“Do you know what you’ve done?“Do you know how much trouble you’re causing for everyone?“Do you have any idea?”She yelled at him sharply and angrily. Jane’s heaving chest and gravelly voice sounded like they were going to break.Her eyes were on that man. There was a light sheen of sweat on her forehea
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