All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire Your Dumped Wife Returned With Quadruplets : Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
249 Chapters
My happiness
Louis didn't say anything to her. He just glared at her. She slapped him? What had he said wrong? She started it. Without saying anything else, he tried to get Pamela's hands off him but she wouldn't let him go. "Pamela please, let me go. You know that I love you and even till now, I still love you. So please, let go" Louis pleaded. "No, Louis I won't let you go. How can you say such words to me. I love you and you know it. I waited for you to be alright. I didn't take it as an offence when I saw your intimacy with Miranda Alvan. And after I knew that you were having affairs with her, I confronted you on it, you remember how it ended that day, right? I remained faithful to you Louis, even when you were wallowing in unfaithfulness. I only broke up with you after you recovered your memory. How dare you tell me that you fucked Miranda Alvan better than me? How can you disrespect me like this?" Pamela yelled into his face. She started sobbing. Clarion went to
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Ready to crawl
There was silence that followed. Neither Ellis nor his son replied. Leah didn't know what the argument was all about but simply asked about the two names she heard her son mentioned. Are they new employees or what does Louis meant when he said Ellis already had them? He went ahead and employed such people when Louis couldn't remember the past? Ellis glared at his son with pleading eyes. Louis shouldn't expose his best kept secret. If Louis can just be quiet, he would be grateful to him. Louis glanced at his mother. She looked so remorseful, her eyes welled up with tears as she stared back at him. He looked away. He loves and cares a great deal about his mother. He would have taken the case up with his father for cheating on her. She deserved to be treated fairly and with dignity. But the role she played in his love life, he cannot forget quickly. She hurt Pamela too much and pushed him to the point where he reached with Miranda. "What do you want in my of
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You're a murderer
Pamela's face went pale. What is grandma saying? Oh gosh! How can grandparents like hers still quarrel with each other after so many years of marriage? "... I hate you Tarvan. Everything you've done to me, I hate you. I wish I could turn the hands of time, I would never have loved and married you. I am no longer your wife. I signed the divorce papers and if you like, don't sign it. But I have no relationship whatsoever with you. Set me free Tarvan, I want a divorce…" Clarion bellowed. Pamela's heart was beating fast. Divorce? Grandma hates her grandfather that much? She wants to get separated from him at her age? Her flower age and youthfulness had all been spent with her grandfather. Now, that age was telling on her and she's an old woman with wrinkled cheeks and dropping eyes, she wants to get separated from her husband. She cannot let it happen. How can she see her grandparents separated? How can she grew up a granddaughter of a broken home? Her both pa
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I'm Alice
Pamela didn't know she was already shedding tears. She didn't know she was drenched in her own sweat and beads of it rose on her temple. The door opened suddenly and she came face to face with her grandfather. The two of them stared at each other and for a few seconds, none said a word to the other. "Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?"Tarvan asked, frowning in disapproval. This is not right. How can she be picking up on their conversation, especially this argument and misunderstanding. "I didn't mean to, grandpa. I was coming to find out why I was hearing grandma's voice. I'm sorry" Pamela explained hurriedly. Tarvan nodded passively. He didn't say any thing else but called a servant and told her to bring his suitcase downstairs. Pamela went after him. She knew her grandfather was trying hard to hold back his fury and keep his temper in check. His facial expression was hard like a stone and his eyes had gone reddened. "Grandfather, where are
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Waiting to die
Margaret stared at Susana in fury. It's over, it's all over. The disguise is over. She had blown her covers. She had revealed who she truly is to her daughter. Game up!! "What have you done, mother Susana?" Margaret bellowed. She's a young woman, she doesn't know what it means to be a mother or be affectionate towards one's child. But Susana had gone back on her vows. Things can no longer be the same anymore. She's vowed her life to the creator but now, she suddenly has forgotten the sacredness of those vows. "It's my daughter. She's going to hurt herself. I will not be able to forgive myself if Pamela does anything to hurt herself.." Susana declared in agitation. Margaret stared at her. She hasn't realised that she had said what she shouldn't have said. She hasn't known yet. All that her brain can process is Pamela. "Did you realise you just revealed who you are to your daughter? Do you know the implications of that?" Margaret reprimanded. Suddenly Susa
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Clarion couldn't take it
Clarion doesn't understand what Pamela said. What is she saying? Is she hallucinating? Was she already seeing the land beyond while still alive? "What are you saying?" Clarion yelled at her. This whole scenario is making her go insane. How can Pamela say Alice is still alive? Was she in a trance? "Grandma, are you listening to me at all?" Pamela asked, cupping her grandma's face in her hands and looking at her intently. "My mother Alice, who is your daughter, is alive. I just spoke with her. She had lived in disguise all these while and found a way to befriend me. When I told her I am about committing suicide, she eventually revealed herself and told me she's Alice and will talk to grandfather not to get a divorce. And remember, no one ever found her grave. Her remains were never found and no one knew a thing about her. This only explains the riddle and puzzle we haven't been able to unravel since the news of her death. The day I was talking to someo
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Everything is lost
Same night in Louis Hayden's Mansion, he couldn't sleep, he was in his wine cellar and getting drunk. He felt like a complete failure. Though successful in business, financially, popularity and fame, he is a total failure in relationships and family wise. The only woman he had ever loved, he couldn't keep. His kids, he can't live with them. He found himself in a big dilemma and now, she slipped off his hands and he stood watching, unable to do anything to stop her His life is empty. He loves Pamela but she'd left him. It's not easy for him to accept the fact that he lost his woman to another man. Pamela should believe him when he said he was sorry. He didn't mean to hurt her this way. If his mother hadn't ruined everything for him, maybe things wouldn't have taken this turn. "I'm sorry, Pamela," he mumbled. How he wishes things can return to the way it used to be. Nothing matters to him anymore besides Pamela and the kids. He gulped an entire bottle
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After my death
"What did I do to you,Alice?" Clarion asked. At this point, she doesn't know what else to say. For Alice to have done this, it means she was deliberate in punishing her. What if the news of her 'comeback' left her in shock and she was not able to overcome it, what if she had died? She probably would have been pacified if she heard the news. How can a daughter do this to her own mother? How can a daughter not take pity on her mother's emotions and keep torturing her? Alice came closer and hugged her mother. Clarion's body developed goosebumps. Is this really Alice, holding her? Her heart was beating fast and she went pale. "Leave my grandma, she's still in shock about your 'comeback ' from the dead" Pamela declared, stepping in and seeing her grandmother looking pale as if she was seeing a ghost. Susana withdrew from her mother and cleaned her tears. It's time she leaves. It's getting too late to be far from the convent. "I need to go now, mother. I
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More Surprises
Leah Hayden didn't wait to be told, she simply excused herself and walked out. Pamela and her family need some privacy. She would check on her again. But at least, she had registered it in her heart that she was sorry for what happened in the past. All she would be doing is follow up on it. Leah Hayden bowed slightly and walked out. She had hardly crossed the threshold when she sighted a car zoomed in. She didn't look at the car twice when she walked past it. But she heard a familiar voice, she paused, oh, her mind was playing a prank on her. She heard Alice's voice, calling out to her. She wanted to keep going when she heard the voice again. This time, it was clearer. This is not her mind. The voice is not playing in her head, she heard it with her ears. It's Alice's voice. A cold shiver ran through her spine as she turned abruptly to glance at the car that she passed. Was the voice coming from there? Just then, she saw a woman's beautiful legs, alighting
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You are not my daughter
Clarion was speechless. She doesn't know what to say to retort back at her husband. She accused him yes, but it's all after he married those girls that are Pamela's age mates. Those concubines he shared his body with wouldn't even stand anywhere near Alice. And majorly because he refused to acknowledge Pamela as the crown princess of Middletown City. "Are you leaving my mother!" Alice asked, caught up in confusion. Her father leaving her Mom at this age? They've come a long way as a couple. Does it have to do with her, about her death? Her mother accused father of being responsible for her supposed death and he couldn't bear the taunting anymore? "You are not my daughter, Alice," Tarvan declared. He still hasn't been able to find a place in his broken heart to place Alice. "I am your daughter, Father. I have always been your daughter. Not in words but indeed. That heart of yours has always held me close even after the news of my death. I don't know if
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