All Chapters of Psychopath Love Series: Dashiel Davin's Forbidden Love : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
Chapter 21
Time flew so fast that I didn't even realize it was already afternoon, and this was our last subject for the day. I was just bored, leaning on the classroom window, staring outside. I was getting bored, to be honest. Who wouldn't be bored when the professor in front of you speaks so slowly and softly that you couldn't even understand them?Besides, I already know what he's saying since I did advance reading, so I was sure I wouldn't understand what Professor is saying because he's so soft-spoken and slow. In other words, I self-studied.It seemed that I wasn't the only one bored in this class as I heard Candice sighing beside me, a sign that she was also bored.I just sat there the whole time, during ma'am's lecture, as if I had no life or interest in the world. I only came to life when we heard the bell, a sign that our class was over."Goodbye, class," ma'am ended her long lecture, the only one who understood it.She didn't wait for our response to her goodbye class, quickly leaving
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Chapter 22
I felt a little sorry for what I witnessed, my heart softened a little as I looked at the pitiful state of kuya guy. I don't know why I felt sorry for him, but maybe it's because I once experienced being in his position.The only difference is that it wasn't my boyfriend who caused me to be in that position before, but my mother.I still remember that I was in the same position before, while looking at the police car that my mother was riding in. I begged them to return my mother to me until I was completely overwhelmed by the asthma. I had asthma attack.That scene is still fresh in my memory until now. I don't know why, but maybe because it was the first time I felt completely broken. It was the first time I got hurt.The rain poured harder, and I felt more sorry for him. He was drenched, and I noticed her trembling, a sign that he was really cold.I heaved a sigh before saying, "Whatever," and I followed Kuya Guy's lead to invite him to take shelter. He was already shivering.As so
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Chapter 23
I was startled from my standing position and returned to my senses after feeling a tap on my shoulder and hearing those words whispered in my ear.I snapped out of my deep thoughts after hearing the question. I looked ahead of me and remembered Thunder and his car.But I didn't expect that my shoulders would drop so suddenly when I saw that they were no longer there. A sign that they had already left.I didn't expect that I was so lost in thought earlier that I didn't even notice his departure. It's sad because I didn't even have the chance to thank him for giving me a ride and for my inconvenience.While we were talking earlier, the rain had stopped, and when I checked my watch, my eyes widened because I was already running late for work. So I quickly said my goodbyes and headed in the direction of the coffee shop where I work.But before I could even leave, I felt him grab my hand and asked where I was going and why I seemed to be in a hurry. When I answered his question, he insiste
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Chapter 24
I stopped from taking off my polo shirt when I felt his arms around me from behind and heard him say those words."You dumbass! Close your fucking eyes!" he angrily exclaimed to the man in front of us - the man I had a collision with.The man in front of me turned pale and panicked upon hearing what the man behind me said. He quickly closed his eyes and hurriedly turned away from me out of fear."Where's the restroom?!" he angrily asked.I saw how my colleagues in the cafe panicked because of his question.Eventually, they pointed him to a specific location where the restroom was located."That way, sir," confidently said Hill, one of my colleagues and a friend.He had the courage to say those words, but his voice still trembled. Perhaps he was scared of the man's aura and intensity, which was already intimidating just from his voice alone. I wondered how my colleagues felt, as they could also sense his anger.The man released his arms from around me, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
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Chapter 25
Just a minute has passed since he returned to my side after opening the main door of the CR. I don't know how he talked to Hill and why he was able to come back here so quickly, but one thing I am sure of is that he slammed the door shut.The impact of the door closing was so strong that I could hear it from here."Are you done?!" he exclaimed.I straightened up upon hearing his voice and he even knocked on the cubicle door where I was."Not yet," I replied to his question, even though the truth was that I had just finished putting water on my chest.I was scared, so I lied to him. I was afraid of what he might do to me when I come out of that door. I was especially afraid because I could feel his annoyance at this moment.I don't know why he's annoyed, but maybe it's because I've been inside the CR for a long time and he's been waiting outside for a while.From inside, I could hear him taking deep breaths, as if he was trying to extend his presence."Do you really think that you can
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Chapter 26
I was left staring, while looking at his red lips that just took my first and second kiss moments ago.I was truly stunned and it felt like I lost myself when he kissed me. I don't know why he did that. Why did he kiss me? Why did he mess with my mind? I don't know! I don't have any idea and it seems like this will be the reason for my insanity.I felt like I lost myself after he kissed me, like my spirit left my body because of what he said. I don't know how to react. I don't know what to do. Should I slap him because he just stole my first kiss? Should I kill him because he wasn't satisfied with the first kiss and went for the second one? Or should I curse him loudly and badly? I don't know! I don't know what to do and how to react.Should I be angry with him or not? But there's only one thing that's clear in my mind and that's why did he kiss me? Why did he kiss my lips?I found myself holding my lips because of that thought. It's been a minute since our lips touched, but I'm still
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Chapter 27
THAT WAS a long and tiring night.Those were the only words I could remember from last night.It was a long and tiring day because my manager scolded me as soon as I entered the kitchen. He said I was late and made a scene. The words Sir Manager threw at me last night were quite hurtful, but it's okay. I can handle it. It was my fault anyway, so there's nothing to worry about.After Hill's pep talk last night, we immediately went back to the kitchen to help out, but instead of being able to help right away, I was greeted by Sir Manager's harsh words. He scolded me first before letting me work.During the few hours that I worked last night, I was busy, so I didn't have the chance to ask punyemas the questions I wanted to ask. I was so busy last night that I didn't even notice it leave the cafe. I didn't even see its shadow after it left the restroom, how much more when it left?The cafe was swamped last night because it was raining, and whenever it rains, you can expect customers to fl
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Chapter 28
I was already wearing my uniform as I came out of the bathroom and headed to the car wash.I immediately approached Kuya Noel to ask him what to do. I had forgotten because it had been a year since I last worked here.He taught me what to do, and I was grateful. I didn't know why he was the only one here and why he hadn't tried to hire someone else, considering how busy his car wash was. He had a lot of customers, and sometimes it was so crowded because this was the only car wash in the area.I wondered why he hadn't hired permanent staff for his car wash. "Kuya Noel, why don't you hire permanent staff for your car wash?" I asked him, unable to control my tongue, "Especially since your car wash is so busy?" I added.He looked up at me and said, "Sometimes your Kuya Silva helps out, so I didn't bother looking for staff."I nodded my head. Ahh... now I understood. Kuya Silva was his only son who liked to tease me.After Kuya Noel taught me the basic steps on how to clean a car, I immedi
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Chapter 29
I dropped my shoulders and put the tools down in the bucket after cleaning the car. I turned off the hose and walked towards their direction, still with my head down.Even if I wasn't looking, I knew that Kuya Noel was staring at me intently. I could feel it, the way he gazed at me sharply.My knees trembled from the intense gaze, but I remained steadfast because Kuya Noel might wonder why I was acting strangely.I went towards the back of the garage, where their big house was. Only Kuya Noel and Silva lived there, as they were separated because Kuya Noel used to hurt her for an unknown reason."Who's that, Tito? Is she a new worker?" I heard Punyemas ask. Her questions shook me to the core. Why did she ask who I was when she already knew my name? He even kissed me, and I saw him with another girl. How could he pretend not to know me? What's wrong with him?Wait, why was I feeling hurt because of this? Damn."Oh, that's Marra. She's doing a part-time job for me this sem break to earn
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Chapter 30
What an idiot!I wanted to add more words, but I decided not to continue because he might hit me. His ego might get hurt, and he still has many achievements in life.I saw amusement in his eyes, an amusement that I didn't know was for what or for whom, and besides, I don't have time to worry about it.I walked towards my car that I cleaned earlier to continue my unfinished cleaning.I wiped the tire as I approached it.In the middle of wiping it, a fancy car suddenly arrived with a beautiful girl inside, whose name I don't know."What can I do for you, ma'am?" Kuya Noel asked as the girl approached."Um, can I have a car wash, kuya?" she asked meekly."Yes, of course, ma'am, but we don't have anyone here, but don't worry, we'll clean it, but you need to wait a few minutes," Kuya Noel said in a long sentence.I saw the sadness on her beautiful face, "Is that so, kuya?"Kuya Noel nodded.Her shoulders dropped because of Kuya Noel's response, "Can't you do it in just five minutes, kuya?
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