All Chapters of No Divorce For Us, Mrs. Godfrey: Chapter 701 - Chapter 710
831 Chapters
Chapter 701
After entering the same college as Damon with great difficulty, she had joined the same societies as Damon. Damon had joined the basketball team, so she signed up for the basketball team as well. Unfortunately, the basketball team did not accept women on their team. She had been disappointed for a very long time after their rejection.Later on, her wish had come true when she married Damon. She had insisted on staying with him, even when he neglected her and had countless rumors about him, which linked him to other women.Why would Jeanette, who was so in love with Damon, want a divorce all of a sudden? What on earth had happened?Jeanette wept, just like that. The chill in her eyes was intense.“It’s funny, isn’t it? But it’s true.” Jeanette turned to Elias. “I think, this time, my marriage really is at an end.”It took Elias a long time before he could return to his senses. “Are… Are you serious?”Jeanette nodded. “I’m dead serious. I’m exhausted, Elias. I don’t want to discuss
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Chapter 702
The night was chilly.Jeanette lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. Her mind was filled with memories of Damon, intertwined with the secretary, with their clothes in disarray.That scene seemed to be carved deeply into her mind. She couldn’t get rid of it, no matter how much she tried.She wondered what Damon was up to now. He was probably in the seaside villa, having sex with the sexy secretary, drunkenly indulging in his fantasies.He probably had no idea that she had pa
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Chapter 703
There were already signs of brightness in the sky. It would seem that it would be daylight soon. The dark night sky was gradually brightening and turning into a navy blue shade. The light from the stars gradually glimmered faintly, just like her slowly waning hope.‘Why is this always happening to me? Every time I think that I have happiness in my grasp, life throws a huge punch at me.’Jeanette sat by the window, staring into space with reddened eyes. Images related to Damon flashed across he
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Chapter 704
The secretary’s chest was filled with a numb pain. She knew that Damon was deeply in love with Jeanette, but she had no idea that he was this in love with her. He was willing to ignore his own health and rush to her side, just to explain the situation to her.She had lost. She had truly lost.No, it wasn’t loss. She had never won in the first place. No one could ever measure up to the love that Damon had for Jeanette. The secretary wept at the sight of Damon’s concern for Jeanette and felt i
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Chapter 705
Damon smacked her hand away and rushed out with a cold look on his face, like an enraged lion. His face was as white as a sheet of paper. He stumbled as he ran out. How long did he expect to push himself like this?The secretary’s heart ached, but she still followed him out. He was in a very weakened state, and she was worried that something would happen to him.However, Damon was consumed with panic and ran too quickly. Despite his ill health, he disappeared in the blink of an eye. The secret
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Chapter 706
“Sir… Sir? What’s wrong? Are you feeling alright?” The butler, who had rushed over to check on him, saw the sudden change in Damon and quickly approached him. His eyes filled with concern.Damon’s face was getting increasingly pale. He cradled his stomach with one hand with a pained look on his face. His forehead was drenched in a cold sweat. He looked extremely weak. “Sir, don’t worry. I'll call an ambulance at once!”The butler nervously picked up his phone. Just as he was about to call an ambulance, Damon stopped him. “Don’t… Don’t call an ambulance. I’m not going to the hospital… Where’s Jeanette? Why isn’t she here?”He couldn’t be bothered with the intense pain in his stomach. Jeanette was the only thing on his mind now. He was suddenly struck with fear that she would leave him forever over this stupid misunderstanding.After so many years, Jeanette had become a part of him. She had melted into his bloodstream and could never be separated. She was his life. Without her, the
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Chapter 707
The scene on the surveillance footage made Damon’s pupils dilate. He narrowed his vast, abstruse eyes. His expression filled with mild shock, and mostly discomfort, iciness, and chill.Because in that surveillance footage, he saw the man exiting from the car and walking toward Jeanette, who was standing at the entrance to the convenience store. He took off his coat and draped it over her body. His tall figure stood by Jeanette’s side and emitted a strange warmth.His actions as he placed the coat over her shoulders were smooth, as if he had practiced it many times. It was like he and Jeanette had an intimate and close relationship.In the surveillance footage, he and Jeanette were facing each other. The atmosphere between the pair was an eyesore.Most importantly, that man had a handsome and familiar-looking face.‘Elias…’Damon’s eyes were ice cold. At that moment, his heart was filled with an indescribable mess of complex emotions. His expression grew increasingly enraged. His
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Chapter 708
Damon scoffed. “I see you’re still aware that Jeanette is my wife, Elias. Since that’s the case, stay out of our affairs. This is between my wife and me. It’s none of your business!”Elias laughed exasperatedly and continued playing the fool. “I’m even more confused than ever now, Mr. Damon. What are you talking about? What happened between you and Jeanette? When have I meddled in your affairs?”Damon grimaced as if he was trying his best to endure his rage.“I see you’re determined on playin
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Chapter 709
Her mother-in-law had been bullying her, and she was disgusted by her husband. The first two years of Jeanette’s married life had been filled with humiliation and agony. Finally, with great difficulty, she had managed to change Damon’s attitude toward her. However, she scarcely managed to enjoy a few years of happiness when she was hit with something sinister. Elias was enraged. He was enraged for Jeanette’s sake. He just couldn’t understand it. How could Damon bring himself to hurt her, the s
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Chapter 710
Damon felt as if his heart had been pierced and was panicking a little instantly. The hand that grabbed Elias’ collar tightened. “Elias Burnham! What the hell are you talking about?”The doctors nearby were shocked as they hurriedly said, “Sir, please calm yourself, or I’m going to have to call for security! Judging by your getup, you should be a famous person, am I right? Social media is so advanced at the moment, so aren’t you afraid of someone taking a picture of you right now and posting
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