All Chapters of A Time for Strength: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
151 Chapters
Chapter 121
Lenora’s POVI stand up and lean over the table as my temper flares. “Delilah, you told me-”“Beta, can I see you in the hall for a moment?” Milo pinches me by the armpit and drags me into the hall, slamming the door closed behind him. “What do you think you’re doing, Leni?!”“Milo, Delilah gave Kas some goopy neon green shit to drink, then like… sucked out part of her fucking brain! I watched her!” I hiss at him. “It turned her into a hag! She knew exactly what she was doing, too!”“What the fuck are you talking about, Leni?” He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Delilah is a white witch. She can’t be a hag.”“The other night after Kas’s vision. She wanted to remove Kas’s fear. She called it gray magic. I didn’t know what that was. I told her to go for it.” I throw my arms out to the sides in frustration. “How was I supposed to know it was dangerous?!”“Is that why Delilah got sick?”“She stole one of Kas’s emotions, Milo!” I snap at him. “Why can’t you focus on what’s important here?”“We
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Chapter 122
“Milo, I thought we weren’t going to exchange gifts.” I hold the box in my hand and tilt my head to the side. “I haven’t had time to go shopping for you.”“Well, technically, it’s not for you. It’s for you to hold on to. It’s for Codi for when she gets older.” He squeezes my knee and gives me that lopsided smile that makes me melt. There’s a mischief in his eyes I haven’t seen in a long time.“Okay?” I pull the ribbon off the box and open it. The contents make me gasp. It’s a pair of diamond studs and a matching solitaire necklace. It looks suspiciously similar to my engagement ring. “Oh my Goddess, Milo! This is too much.”“No.” He kisses my cheek. “It’s not. I’ve been holding onto them for years. I’ve been keeping them in the safe with my gun because I know you would never look in there, but you never really seemed that interested in jewelry. I figured whenever we started a family, we could leave them with your engagement ring as part of an inheritance or something. Besides, do you
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Chapter 123
“Elder Randall, sorry for the delay. Alpha Mike and Luna Sandy are here for the holiday. We were having a private luncheon when you arrived.” Milo holds my elbow and stands half a step in front of me to put space between me and Randall. “Oh! Who is this?”A petite girl stands behind Randall, making herself as small as possible. She looks uncomfortable, tugging on her raspberry colored skirt suit as if she’s not used to wearing something so formal. She pulled her hair into a modest French braid. When she looks up, I can see pure fear in her wide set blue eyes. Her movements remind me of a bird.Carly was right. If she’s of age, she sure doesn’t look like it. I would call you a liar if you told me she was older than fifteen. There’s a sickly smell to her, as if her scent is too concentrated, like overripe bananas. My heart constricts. She has to be a girl he’s selling.“Answer the Beta Regent, my dear.” Randall turns and dotes over the girl. “Remember what you’ve been practicing with ma
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Chapter 124
Shifting to wolf form reminds me of when I first learned how. It's something you can only do for the first couple of months of pregnancy. Justice keeps up with Ghost to lead the run, but it’s a strain for her, which is a change from her usual effortless pace she kept before we were pregnant.I shift back to human form and snuggle with Ghost near the edge of the woods so he can sniff my belly and connect with Codi. He wraps himself around me while I stroke his head and let his thick coat comfort me. Ghost lays his snout against my belly and huffs. His gray eyes look up at me with surprise and love when Codi reacts to him. There is sadness there, too. I’m not sure why. Outside the enclosure he has created with his body, nothing matters.“She knows you, my brave wolf.” I kiss his nose. “You’re her daddy just as much as Milo. I bet her wolf is going to be gray like you.”Ghost licks my face and before unraveling himself from around me. I curl up into a little ball to stave off the chill
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Chapter 125
I crawl under the covers and lay on my side. For a while, I listen to Milo snoring. The sound melts into white noise, and I’m able to focus on my body. Codi isn’t jumping around in my belly, but her heartbeat sounds like it’s racing. The doctor said it’s normal for an unborn pup’s heart rate to be close to two hundred beats per minute even when they are sleeping. I try to count the beats, but they are too fast. If her heart is that fast now, how fast is she going to have Milo and me running in circles after she is born? I chuckle at the thought. Justice is already resting in the back of my mind. I can tell the run and the shift wore out. My bones and joints still ache from shifting. I take a cleansing breath and let myself sink further into the mattress. I finally let myself think of Ghost. My handsome wolf mate. I can’t help but smile. Watching him lead the pack through Justice’s eyes for the midnight run filled me with pride. I feel a pang in my heart when I think about the sadness
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Chapter 126
The freezing air outside the packhouse hits me like a wall of ice. The firefighter sets me down near the back of a firetruck. A medic replaces the firefighter’s face mask with one of their own. Fresh air floods my lungs creating a floating sensation in my brain. Someone drapes a blanket over me. People are poking and prodding, but don’t notice it. I feel numb.“Justice, our mate still hasn’t replied to my mindlink.” I can’t tell if the pain in my chest is because of the smoke or the mate bond breaking. Are the tears because of the fire or because I’m crying? I don’t even know. “Have hope, child.” Justice soothes me, but she sounds just as worried as I feel. “Our pup is safe. That’s the most important thing right now.”“Leni, look at me, honey.” Ashley is in front of me. The ends of her hair are singed. I take her hand and squeeze it tightly. I’m a heartbeat away from freaking out, but I need to hold my shit together in front of the pack. “Leni, you need to stay here. The medics are g
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Chapter 127
“How’s she doing?” My foot bobs under the desk as I look at James and Marco’s report. It’s supposed to be a schedule of what Kas has been up to, but it really just shows her going from her apartment to the butler's kitchen every day to meet Delilah. Sometimes she goes to the dining room, but even those couple of things are happening less and less often. She’s only let Lex out a couple of times. I can imagine even that isn’t satisfying if she’s by herself.Her search history is mostly wedding related. There are a few things related to running a business. What catches my eye is a search called ‘how do you stop being lonely’. She only clicked on three links from the search, then shut her computer down for the night.“She’s having meals sent to her apartment?” I look up at them.“No. She’s been cooking herself. She cooks for the Alpha too, but he’s never around to eat with her. I don’t know how much more she can take, honestly.” James says with a frown. “Marco and I ask her every morning
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Chapter 128
“Is someone in the room with you? Do you have your blade?” Milo barks into the phone. “Get out of there! I’ll leave for the airport right now!”“No you will not, Milo. You need to stay at Blood River. Bronx and the pack need you more than I do right now.” I warn him with a whisper. “MasonCo runs this hotel’s security. Mindlink Reggie. Have him send guys up here. I just need to clear the bathroom and closet.”I pull my dagger out of the sheath and turn it in my palm while I sniff the air. If there is someone here, I would never know. The scent of blood is overpowering everything except the faint smell of overripe bananas. It must be from the fruit basket the hotel provided. I stand still and listen closely. Codi’s heartbeat is the only one I hear besides mine. It doesn’t mean there isn’t a vamp hiding out. I place a hand over my belly protectively at the thought.“If there’s someone here, security is on its way up. They’re armed and they’ve already called the police.” I call out into t
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Chapter 129
Milo’s POV“I’m sorry, Elder Randall. We can’t disclose information about any cases we may or may not be investigating for confidentiality reasons. We aren’t the police. We’re a private organization hired by our clients. They entrust their personal information to us.” I coo into the phone at him. “You work with enough high-profile clientele. I’m sure you understand. Right?”“Beta Milo, this isn’t just a case. I’m responsible for Ryan Connors and all former members of Silver Moon who haven’t registered for asylum with other packs. It’s stated by the mandate under the Council to act as administrator for the pack. Well, until a suitable Alpha can be indoctrinated.” Randall whines into the phone.“Elder Randall, the last time this guy checked in with his employer was over a week ago. Did you know that?” I raise my eyebrows. Bronx leans over the table to listen closer and snuffs his cigarette, then gives me a thumbs up.“Y-yes, but I was already looking for him when Mr. Lemay hired MasonCo
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Chapter 130
“We can agree that was the cheesiest movie ever, right?” Leni rolls her eyes as we leave the theater room. “I mean, like, talking dogs and cats?”“Well, it was a cartoon for families. Not the most romantic date night, but Elle and my sister and her mate seemed to like it.” I nudge her, then slide my hand to the small of her back as we walk. “I saw you snickering, too.” “Hmm.” Leni twists her mouth at the accusation, trying not to smile. “I guess it wasn’t that bad.” As we climb the staircase, I see her scrunch her nose and make an annoyed sound under her breath. I take her hand and wait for her to tell me what the problem is. She hates when I try to guess . Especially now that she’s pregnant.“I probably shouldn’t have eaten those jalapenos.” She grimaces. “I still have heartburn.”“Want to try some milk? It helped last week.” I kiss her hand and unlock our apartment. “You put your feet up. I can get it for you.”“You’re the best, Babe.” She steps inside and gives me a kiss that mak
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