All Chapters of A Time for Strength: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
151 Chapters
Chapter 11
Milo’s POV“Hey Sanchez, got a minute?”“Yes, Beta?”“Nah, bro. I don’t want it to be like that for the next nine months. We’re all the same here. No pack ranks or any of that bullshit.”“Alright. Qué pasa, Milo?”“I-I wanted to say I hope there are no hard feelings over Leni.” Why is this difficult? I was sure of what to say five minutes ago. “Obviously, no one planned it to be like this.”“No hard feelin’s.” Marco tries to smile. He can’t hide his disappointment, though. “Just make me a promise?”“Okay?”“Make her feel special, like every day, all the time.” He looks at Bronx, receiving orders, and motions with his chin. “Everyone gets worked up over what he’s got goin’ on. They forget her. She says it’s fine and it don’t bother her. It’s bullshit. She don’t like opening up to people. She’ll tell ya it’s cause she likes privacy. That’s bullshit too. Trusting people ain’t her thing. She thinks people use her to get to Bronx. She’d rather be alone than used.”“Bro, yeah. Of course I c
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Chapter 12
“No, Milo.” Bronx returns my mindlink. “What the fuck?” “We see how much time you spend together. She’s kinda cute, you're both single, and you two get along well.” “It’s not like that.” “So what’s it like?” “I don’t know.” He sniffs the air. “Saint says I should take care of her. I agree with him. It’s like… I-I don’t know. It just feels right. Like it’s my job or something to protect her.” “Your job?” I furrow my brow. “Bro, your job is to find Sin and fuck him up so we can go home. That’s your job. If you’re saying she’s your job, you have a thing for her. Which means she’s a distraction. Fortier needs to reassign her.” “She stays with us.” He pulls something out of his pocket. “Have you ever heard of tiger nuts?” “What the fuck is a tiger nut?” I look at the few shriveled looking bits in his palm. “Other than her knives and her handgun, this is all she brought. No photos of family or paper to write home. Nothing.” He looks at his hand. “Try one. They’re honey roasted.” I
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Chapter 13
Lenora’s POV“There has to be more to it.” I close the binder and fold my arms over myself. “We just let the Finance department do their thing?”“Well, ranked members provide oversight. Gammas build out the budget with input from all departments. They determine all personnel needs… raises, promotions, additional staffing, finding positions for omegas. Alpha and Luna approve the budget. Then Finance ‘does their thing’.” Mom uses air quotes. “Purchase orders are for everything from greenhouse supplies to fleet vehicles. That’s how we ensure we don’t go over budget. Even the kitchens and housekeeping have budgets to follow.”“I can explain it to you more, Lenora.” Ashley pats my hand to ease the tension. “I’ve been learning a lot about it from Gamma Carol.”“Okay.” I shake my head and sigh. “I have to get going. I only have half an hour to eat and change, so Becca, Ron, and I can go to the northern border for a guard house inspection. And I have trigonometry, history, and chemistry homew
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Chapter 14
Dad cuts a crescent moon shape into his palm and places it on my forehead. “Lenora Jane Mason, do you and the wolf spirit, Justice, accept the honor and privilege by your hereditary right, the title and responsibility of Luna Regent Scion of the Blood River pack? Your acceptance will remain valid until the Moon Goddess provides our Alpha Scion with his fated mate. When that time presents itself, you agree to step down from the Luna Regent position to fulfill the role of Female Beta Regent of the Blood River pack?” “With the blessings of the Moon Goddess, I do, and I will.” The spot where his hand lays is warm and tingly. Blood drips down the sides of my face. “Then as Alpha Regent of the Blood River pack, I, Michael Andres Mason and my wolf spirit, Mace, bestow these titles and responsibilities upon you.” He looks at me with pride. The blood on my face pulls itself back up, disappearing into Dad’s palm and my forehead. His hand heats up and I feel pressure as blood absorbs into my
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Chapter 15
I hold Mom’s hand until we get into the dining room, pushing the feelings of doubt and hesitation to the deepest depths of my soul. They try to fight their way back to the surface, but Justice pushes them back for me. When we get to the double doors, I take a deep breath. Mom squeezes my hand and opens the door for me. As we pass through the room, pack members whisper and point at us. I stop at the table where Elder Randall, the Alpha and Luna of Silver Moon, and the delegation from Ruby Hills are sitting. I bow low to them and murmur a thank you for joining us for the ceremony. When we get to the head table, I gather the bottom of my dress in my hand. Mom takes my other hand and supports me while I step on a chair, then up onto the table. “Lenora, what are you doing?” Dad tries to pull me down with a hoarse whisper. I swat his hand away and clear my throat. “May I have your attention, please? Everyone!” My voice booms in a tone I’ve never heard before. It reverberates off the wa
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Chapter 16
We stand on the steps to the packhouse waiting for the SUVs. Mom fidgets where she stands. “Mom, don’t worry, they’ll be here in a minute.” I squeeze her hand. “Just remember, the doctor said he is on a lot of drugs. He might not be himself.” “I know, I just can’t wait to give him a hug.” Mom says, looking down the driveway. A guard’s howl in the distance alerts us to the approaching vehicles. Guards and warriors stand at attention as the SUV pulls up. Dad gets out first then turns to help Bronx. People clap and wolves stamp their paws on the pavement to welcome them. Veterans salute them silently. Bronx is deathly pale. A heavy bandage covers his left eye, and he limps when he walks. He lets Dad put an arm around his waist while he gets his footing on the snowy ground. Bronx winces in pain as he tries to stand up straight. The applause of the crowd dies down when he holds his hand in the air to get their attention. “Thank you for the warm welcome home.” His voice strains. “I’
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Chapter 17
The ballroom is beautifully decorated with swaths of blue, white, and silver decorations. The snow gently falling outside adds the perfect touch to the ambiance. Families are already there with younger children. They are having a mini dance party before the kitchen staff takes them for an activities night in the conference room. In a couple of hours, we will bring them back so Mom and Dad can pass out Solstice gifts to them. “Lenora!” Ashley rushes up to me with her jaw dropped. “You look amazing!” “Thanks. Mom picked out my outfit.” I motion at her dress. “And that little number? You should wear royal blue more often!” “Come on, let’s dance with the pups.” She gives me an exaggerated smile. “Gamma Carol said it helps them learn to trust us if we spend time with them. They need to be accustomed to our scents.” “A-alright?” I look at Mom who raises her eyebrows. “The DJ has a remix of Wiggly Worms that slaps.” She chuckles. Ashley and I look at each other and burst out laughin
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Chapter 18
I sit on the floor of my empty bedroom and look around with a deep ragged sigh, listening to the bustle of the rest of the apartment being emptied. I hug myself, still able to feel all of Mom’s strength and love through the embrace she gave me before she got into the SUV. I think about Dad’s last words to me. “I know you're going to do great. Just because your mother and I won’t be here doesn’t mean you’re in this alone. Lean on the pack. Use the resources at your disposal to your advantage. If you have to outsource, don’t forget to go through MasonCo and get a purchase order.” I shake my head with a chuckle. He always has the pack on his mind, even in retirement. Thinking about Bronx picking Mom up into one of his crushing hugs and hearing her laugh at him makes me choke back tears. His last few words to Dad. “I hear it’s summer in Australia and there’s plenty of room for Mace and Dahlia to run in the outback.” Watching the SUVs make their way down the snowy drive. The pack me
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Chapter 19
“Mr. Rollins, these are all four keys to the Alpha residence.” I pull the other three out of my pocket and drop the small pile into his hand. Randall catches up and looks over my shoulder. “Perfect, and I have the master here in the safe. Housekeeping gave me their copies this morning.” He looks at the serial codes on each key and marks them off on a sheet. “We will leave the lock as is during renovation. Only the site super and project manager will have keys. When Alpha Bronx moves in, we will retool the locks and destroy these keys. Your parents’ belongings are going to the warehouse until the cottage down the street is available in the spring. We will move things around then.” “Good. How about the Beta and Gamma apartments?” “Got all their keys this morning. Locks are the same for now. When you and the Gammas are ready to renovate, belongings will go into temporary storage and you’ll be moved to guest suites.” He hands me my new key. “When the Beta and Gamma get home, we will h
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Chapter 20
—Flashback— “Bronx, there’s a monster in my closet. Maybe it’s a witch.” I peek into his room. He’s reading a book. I bet it doesn’t have pictures. He says books with pictures are little kid books. I like books with pictures though. Maybe when I’m ten like him, I won’t like picture books anymore? That sounds boring. I’ll like picture books forever. “There’s no monster or witch in your closet.” He keeps reading. “It’s your imagination.” “No, there is! I swear!” My lip is shaky. I don’t want him to think I’m a crybaby, though. “I saw its eyes.” “So growl at it. If it’s hiding in your closet, it’s scared to come out.” He rolls his eyes. “Your wolf face will scare it away.” “Can you help me… please? Your wolf face is more scarier.” I don’t think he heard me. He still keeps reading. “Bronx, I really sawed it. It has glowy purple eyes!” Bronx slams his book closed. “Come on. I’ll show you.” He grabs my hand. When we get to my closet door, he stops. “How could you see glowing eyes if
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