All Chapters of A Time for Strength: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
151 Chapters
Chapter 61
“Milo, it took two weeks to get this info?” I drop my forehead into my hands and look at the sheets of paper. “So you’re saying Paars and Minnie are what? Aliases?” “Hard to say.” Milo looks over my shoulder with his hands on the arms of my chair. “There’s no record of a Paars de Wees in Council archives for over a hundred fifty years. Before that, records are shoddy. There is a Wilhemina Visser, but she was born in the Netherlands over a hundred years ago in a pack called Vrede Berg. It doesn’t exist anymore. Merged with a larger pack eighty years ago. There is a record of her having a daughter, but I couldn’t find a name.” “Why would there be no registered names?” I sit back in my seat and brush my fingers on the underside of his chin, making him smile. Things have been different for us since the night in the meadow. Justice says it’s because I’ve stopped hiding and opened myself up to Milo. I mean, I’ve definitely been open to new things with him. Most of them require my legs to
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Chapter 62
“Alright Luna, you have two calls this morning. One with a vendor for a new cafeteria food service and one with an existing client who would like to add additional services, but first there is an in person meeting with a potential client… a guy named Yee Walker. We have him in the small conference room on the third floor.” Carly hands me pages of information. “I blocked this afternoon out for uninterrupted work time.” “Uninterrupted work time?” I furrow my brow. “You’re falling behind on getting paperwork signed, but I’ll help you get organized. The digital signature system works well for pack business, so we are working with IT to integrate it for MasonCo.” “Um, shit. Okay.” I frown and look up at her. “Sorry.” “We can do a little more to help with administrative work, Luna.” Hana smiles at me sympathetically. “Thanks, Hana.” I tuck the papers into my folder. “I’m going to drop my stuff off in my office then go to the conference room.” “I’ll escort you.” James volunteers as we
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Chapter 63
“Yeah. That’s the skin walker from the underground fight.” Reggie looks at the photos from the security video. “The audio in the file is corrupt.” James growls. “I guess if this guy is that powerful, we’re lucky to have video evidence.” “He said his name is Yee Naaldlooshii.” I pace behind the guys as the screen goes fuzzy. It clears up and Sin appears from behind the creature. “That’s not really a name. It’s the Navajo word for skin walker.” Bronx folds his arms over himself. “I guess if he’s old enough, he may not remember what his name was when he was human.” “Well, I don’t know if he’s still on Sin’s side after I called him out, but let’s assume he is.” I swallow hard. “And if that’s the case, we need to assume he is acting as Sin’s personal guard.” “If he is, then no one should try to attack Sin alone.” Hana speaks up. “A skin walker can curse the entire pack with a spell on one pack member.” “Sin told you he ain’t waiting to attack us?” Marco says, also watching the screen
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Chapter 64
“Elder Randall! I'm so glad to see you!” I greet him with a warm handshake. “Fully recovered, I take it?”“Indeed, Luna Lenora.” He gives me a curt smile. “I apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you.”“Well, the good news is, Elder Oscar and I had a conference call. Based on the reports I’ve been sending, the Council says this will be your last required visit.” I lead him to the conference room. “After that, you’ll only need to come if the Council has business with Blood River.”“Good news for both of us.” He muses. “I noticed more uniformed guard activity outside pack territory on my way here.”“Ah, yes. There’s been an uptick in rogue activity. There’s also been a rumor of a skin walker. We’re taking a proactive approach to guarding our pack members and war munitions.” I hold my hands at the small of my aching back. “We can’t be too careful, right?”“Glad to know you’re doing your best to protect the Council’s inventory.” Randall looks fidgety at the news. “Are you alri
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Chapter 65
Milo’s POV“Milo?” Bronx says in a mindlink. “I have Reggie and a guard with me. Where you at?”“Living room. Ghost did a quick sweep, but have them check again.” I reply, looking at the coffee table. “You should see this shit, bro.”“It smells like an animal died in- what the fuck?” Bronx looks at the table. “What is that?”“That’s where the incense smell is coming from. I think it’s trying to mask the dead animal scent. I thought it was a rogue, but even rogues don’t smell this bad.” I don’t look away from the small pile of fragrant dried flowers and leaves smoldering on top of a pile of mud on my coffee table. Bronx kneels down to inspect it closer. “These flowers don’t look like the ones in the meadow. Do you recognize them?”I lean forward with my hands on my knees. “Uhh… desert willow and those are New Mexico Locust flowers. Those little piney things look like juniper. That bit there looks like pieces of cactus.”“None of that is native to Montana, right?”“No, it doesn’t get w
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Chapter 66
Lenora’s POVI hold my hand up so the nurse doesn’t follow me into the office. “I’ll be just a few minutes. I promise. This is a private matter.”“Yes, Luna.” She looks concerned as I close the door on her face.“Oh, Goddess, I’m fucking exhausted.” I hobble my way to the desk and fall into the chair. “Justice, where were you? Why couldn’t I see you or feel you?”“I don’t know.” She thinks back. “I remember going into the apartment to find our mate, then everything was dark, then we woke up in Bronx’s arms.”“I don’t think it was a possession like Doctor Nolan said. Yee Naaldlooshii took me somewhere. I think he separated our spirits. I don’t know how he did it, but he took me to a place between dimensions.” I pull the dagger on my thigh out of its sheath. “And he gave me something.”“Gave you something? Why in Zeus’s name would a skin walker give you anything?”“As a fucked up thank you.” I take a deep breath and hold the tip of the dagger to my palm. “Brace yourself.”“Whoa, wait! W
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Chapter 67
“Elder Randall, I apologize for deviating from our scheduled meetings, but we received a tip from a credible source last night. We’re going to need to take action immediately. I’ve come up with a plan and want to get you up to speed.” I wait for him to sit across from me at my desk. “Unfortunately, because of the urgency of the circumstances, we can’t let you go home. The safest place for you is here at Blood River.”“A tip? Urgency?” He looks at me suspiciously. “Lenora, you’re being cryptic. You know that irks me. Why wouldn’t I be able to go home? What are you talking about?”“Well, I won’t expose my informant, but as I said, they are a credible source. They advised that Sin’s army of rogues and dark creatures is prime to attack within the next forty-eight hours. That was last night, so now we’re down to… mmm… about thirty-six hours. I can’t guarantee we even have that long.” I look at my watch. “It’s not safe for shifters in alliance with the Council to travel right now. I’ve alre
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Chapter 68
The cool morning grass under Justice’s paws is refreshing. Her long strides and the fresh air filling her lungs remind me of the freedom she craves, especially when I’m busy with business and pack matters. She and Ghost romp and play, nipping at each other between guard stations and look out teams. Pack members bow to them and happily accept her yips and tail wags. I can feel their moods lighten when she stamps her paws and bows to them in return, grateful for their loyalty and dedication. She sits back and lets Ghost accept ear scratches from his friends in human form before they make their way back down the mountain.“Tomorrow, we will prove ourselves, child.” Justice stands guard while Ghost shifts back to human form.“You’re not nervous?” “Of course I am.” Her tone is more soothing than usual. “This is war. We either live, or we die. I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to die. I love you and I’m not ready for our paths to deviate from each other yet.”“I-I love you too, Jus
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Chapter 69
I stand on the front steps of the packhouse and look out at my pack. Everyone is staring back at me. The energy in the air is palpable. I take a deep breath in. Everyone’s scents combined creates a sweet, mellow taste on my tongue that I’ve never noticed before.“Justice, what do I say?” I swallow back the panic building in my chest.“Inspire them.” Her confidence flows through me. “Give them courage.”“Alright, everyone. Remember the basics. Shifters who share a body with an animal spirit have reflexes that make them faster. Werewolves, werebears, weretigers. Don’t forget werefoxes. They may look like children, but they are most definitely NOT little kids. They are twice as fast and just as vicious as any other shifter. Witches, vampires, and dragons are morphers; they only have one consciousness. There may be a first wave of vampires at nightfall. Don’t look them in the eyes. Don’t give witches time to finish a spell. And dragons can breathe fire even if they are in human form. Oh,
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Chapter 70
“Maris, Tyree, where is Elder Randall? Our unit needs to get in position.”Maris comes through the mindlink. “He will be down in a moment, Luna. He asked me to take him to the hospital wing first so he can make sure the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma are not interfering with pack operations.”“Oh, for fuck's sake.” I drop my arms to my sides. “Alright. We’re going to go. James will hang back and escort him when you get him downstairs. Tyree, you’re standing guard at his suite?”“Yes, Luna.” He says. “I’m going to help Maris clean his quarters as soon as she comes back. From what I can see, he trashed the room.”“Trashed it?” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You’re joking?”“I wish I was. I assume there’s something he wants to hide, but can’t. He doesn’t have time to get rid of… whatever it is, so he created a diversion.”“Got it.” I purse my lips in frustration. “Well, I know we’ve got the right people on the job.”I cut the mindlink and curse under my breath. It is becoming more and more diff
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