All Chapters of LUNA ANNA'S REVENGE : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
115 Chapters
We visit the Calve pack
The Alpha asked Leo and I to go and see his maternal grandmother, which came as a surprise to both of us. The Alpha informed us that he wants us to appreciate her kind gesture for coming to our wedding so we have to go to the Calve pack the next day. Leo and I began assembling our travel belongings. Since we would be staying overnight, I made sure to pack the essentials like clothing, and some road food. I started looking through my clothing as my thoughts turned to what I ought to gift Leo's grandmother. What do you give a total stranger—especially if she's your partner's grandmother, whom you both adore—when they're not expecting anything? I couldn't sleep for hours because of the challenging question. I didn't just want to appear there and bringing nothing for her. Even though everything is a facade, I have to pretend well. After considerable consideration, I made the choice to visit the pack market. I was hoping to find something special there that would convey our gratitude
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I couldn't help but feel grateful for the kindness and generosity we had received when we were guests at Leo's maternal grandmother's house in the Calve Pack as we said our goodbyes. She had brought a sense of calm to our travel, and I knew Leo treasured his time with her.We ate breakfast with her before we left, once again enjoying a dish that showcased her culinary abilities. We knew we had to leave this peaceful location and return to the busy life in the Sunshine pack, so it was a bittersweet time.We left the house with our bags packed and our hearts full of gratitude, vowing to return soon. I was really affected by Leo's grandmother's attendance since she had been an unexpected but lovely part of our trip.Although, I despise Leo's family, this grandmother makes me want to love her so much because of her kindness. I guess I would like her. The environment changed from the calm beauty of the Calve Pack to the comfort of our own territory as we made our way back to the Sunshine
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A duel?
Jason closed the door of his house and made his way to the palace to see Leo since he knew that Leo would have been back from his grandmother's place. The pack was busy as usual and everyone were busy with their own activities. When Jason got to the palace, he was greeted by some guards as he is well respected Beta of the pack. Jason replied them politely also as he entered the palace gates. Jason walked down the hallway of the palace and made his way to Leo's room. When he got there, he knocked gently on the door and waited for Leo's reply.Leo ushered him in and he entered. Jason saw that Leo was engrossed in what he was doing. Jason called his attention. Leo lifted his head from his work and smiled broadly at seeing his close buddy. "Jason," he said in a tone that was really happy. "It's good to see you."After shaking hands firmly, Jason asked about Leo's recent travels. Inquiring truly, "How was your visit to your grandmother's place?"Memories of good times glistened in Leo's
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A spy?
The Sunshine pack's castle included a vast meeting room with comfy seats around a wide circular table in the middle. Numerous significant conversations about the affairs of the pack took place there. The Alpha, his council of elders, and his son Leo had convened on this particular day to talk about a number of issues pertaining to the health of the pack.The Alpha at the head of the table, a formidable and powerful man. With his graying hair and imposing appearance, it was obvious why he was the leader of the pack. The elders surrounded him, their knowledge and wisdom showing on their worn features.The Alpha opened the meeting with a strong voice that echoed across the whole space, "Thank you all for coming." "We need to talk about a few things today in relation to our pack's condition. I want to start by talking about our food source.Elder Thomas, a bearded man of many years, raised his voice. "Thanks to our successful crops and hunting teams, Alpha, our food supply has been steady
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A monkey?
The forest seemed to shut in on me as I scurried through the thick undergrowth, the whispering trees and rustling leaves adding to my sense of discomfort.I walked softly and quickly while holding my sword firmly in my hand and looking around. I became very conscious of every sound and movement due to the adrenaline that was rushing through my veins. Before I did anything, I had to be sure who this invader was or what it was.When I eventually got up to the enigmatic figure, my heart seemed to stop when I realized it wasn't a human at all. All that was there was an inquisitive monkey meandering through the forest. I let out deeply, a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding, as relief filled me.I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous the whole thing was. I was prepared to fight an invader in the jungle since I had been taught to be a formidable warrior, but instead I was facing a harmless monkey. The anxiety that had seized me a few minutes previously started to fade, giving way t
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The shining moon
As I sat there in the quiet corner of the royal gardens, the silvery light of the moon like a comforting blanket over me. These quiet moments, when the moon was watching me carefully, were periods of introspection and solace for me.A soothing diversion from the strain of my training was supplied by the sound of gentle leaves rustling and a pleasant breeze caressing my skin as I sat there lost in my own thoughts. The soft tunes of the natural world's lullaby made my senses dance. This was nothing like the daytime loudness and activity of the palace.Then a voice that I knew all too well broke the stillness. "Enjoying the cold breeze, Anna?"Leo was coming closer, and I could see his figure in the moonlight as I turned to look at him. His presence was unwelcome yet not unwelcome. I nodded and gave himna little smile in acknowledgment. "Yes, Leo. The night is peaceful and the moonlight is rather reassuring."He sat down next me, his gaze fixed on the same beautiful moon that had drawn m
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She is a nobody!
The maids gathered in the crowded hallways of the Sunshine pack's castle, whispering about Anna with a tone that was both spiteful and contemptuous. Their exchange was poisonous, full of hateful remarks about Anna.Lily, one of the maids, mockedly said, "Really, what makes Anna so unique? She is only a nobody who was fortunate to wed into the Alpha family."Sally, a different maid, said, "Exactly! I have no idea where she originated. If she has a family at all, it is completely unknown."Their little group burst into laughter as they carried on with their negative comments about Anna. Their remarks sliced through the palace like blades, bringing gossip and hostility with them.They had no idea that Gabriella was coming. Their spiteful banter caught her attention as she passed, and it didn't set well with her. Particularly towards her companion Anna, Gabriella was renowned for her strong sense of devotion and her kind nature.Gabriella's face clouded as she approached the group. She cu
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Gabriella left the palace carrying a basket that had been woven. As one of the pack's maids, she was tasked to get some goods from the market, a chore she often completed. She strolled down the well-trod route that led to the bustling marketplace with light feet and her long, brown hair swinging gracefully in her wake.Gabriella was glowing golden as the sun warmed her as she moved across pack territory. She felt happier because of the lovely weather and the gorgeous day. Gabriella has always had a positive outlook on life and enjoyed the little things in life.She could see the vibrant kiosks and the commotion of the pack members as she got closer to the marketplace. The market served as the hub of the pack's activities, where members congregated to swap news and pleasantries in addition to trading items. It was an energetic and vibrant location.Gabriella saw a familiar figure as she was making her way through the stalls. It was Josh, her partner. When Gabriella saw him, she couldn'
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Why can't I resist him?!
As I held the plate of midnight snacks in my hands, I couldn't help but wonder why Leo demanded that I cook them. Although, I used to be the one to prepare it before but that has been a while. I entered Leo's room gently, the gentle glow of the hallway lights providing a pleasant atmosphere on the polished hardwood floorboards. The palace was often strangely silent at this hour, since most pack members were deep sleeping, and the night carried a certain peace that I found comfortable.A soft knock on Leo's door marked my approach, and he instantly asked for me to enter. Pushing the door open, I saw Leo seated on his bed, his face softened by the ambient light seeping through the curtains. His eyes brightened as he spotted me, a warm grin adorning his lips."Anna," he welcomed me, his voice a quiet whisper. "I appreciate you bringing me the midnight snack. Come, sit with me for a bit."I nodded in thanks, heading over to the tiny table near the bed where Leo had put the tray of goodie
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Anna, can we talk?
Leo lay in his bed, his mind distracted by the unexpected and wonderful meeting with Anna. A warm, self-indulgent grin touched his lips as he replayed the event in his mind, over and over again. He couldn't help it; he was absolutely captivated.He recalled the feel of Anna's lips, the short contact that had sent electric currents through his body. It had been an impulsive move, formed out of an unsaid bond that seemed to grow deeper with each passing day. He had desired to feel closer to her, to overcome the distance that separated them.A quiet giggle slipped his lips as he remembered the astonishment on Anna's face when he had leaned in to kiss her. She had resisted at first, her resolve to keep her distance clear in her gaze. But suddenly something had altered, and he had seen the flash of doubt in her eyes.Leo had pushed on, his pulse beating in his chest. The minute their lips had connected, it had been like an explosion of emotions, a union of wants and unsaid words. It was a
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