All Chapters of Godfather's Adorable Sexuplets : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
41 Chapters
Suspects "I was really scared and didn't know who to talk to... I was really scared," Anna looked into Ace's eyes and said. She finally stopped crying after crying for more than 5 minutes."It was wrong leaving you here alone with the kids but I couldn't risk, I couldn't risk bringing Bay or Mary here," Ace explained also staring at her."What do you mean?""I suspect someone gave my father information about the kids, it's strange. I find it a little strange that Rico got taken on their first day to school after that short break.""Do you suspect Mary and Bay?""No, not exactly but I just couldn't risk it," Ace said.Anna looked away from him and Ace turned her to face him again."There are some things you need to keep to yourself starting now, can you do that?""I can do that but I trust Bay, Bay can't possibly betray us and I don't think Mary can easily...""Mary is my father's biological daughter, sometimes she does some things for him, I don't hold it against her but I can't let
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Old Neighborhood
Old Neighborhood"Are you sure you don't want me to follow you?" Bay stood behind Anna as she got into the car."I'm fine Bay, not like the man will abduct me, he doesn't want anything from me," Anna chuckled."Okay, be careful there, you must return safely else Padrino will hang me," Bay said and made a death sign."Don't worry, you won't die," Anna laughed and closed the car door. The driver left the vicinity the next minute and she gave him the address of her former neighbourhood.They arrived in the neighbourhood two hours later and Anna dropped at a stop close to Desmond's house, she lived there with Desmond after leaving America.Desmond is the one who brought her to Italy and lived with her till the incident happened. "Is that you Anna?""Anna??" She heard and looked back to the two women behind her, they were her customers back then. "Good day ma'ams," she greeted and they rushed to her."Oh my gosh! She's the one, she's the one, the women said both pointing at her." They we
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Desmond "So you haven't heard? Desmond was cheating on you with different ladies on a daily basis, Sharon was his main hoe and he finally married her in your place when you left, I thought that was the reason you broke up with him. I thought you found out about this," "No, I... I... I don't know about this," Anna found it hard to believe."Desmond is a man whore, he doesn't deserve someone as faithful as you, could you believe that everyone found out about his unfaithfulness but he turned it against you and said you were the cause of it.He said it was because you were not giving him what he wants, he said you were satisfying him enough so he had to satisfy himself outside, I had to hit him when he said those shameful words, he can't turn this on you." Garbo went on and kept talking about the incident from the past."Garbo... Garbo, can we stop here for now? I have something to do, I have an appointment to catch up on, I'll visit you properly next thing, I'll also call before visiti
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Her Ex
Her Ex"Is Anna going somewhere?" Cosimo asked and took a seat in the visitor's chair."I don't know, why do you ask?" Ace asked as he worked on his laptop. They were in his office."Nothing, I saw her leaving the house a while ago and I think I know where she is headed.""Hmm," Ace hummed."I think she's headed to her ex," Cosimo added and Ace stopped what he was doing and looked at Cosimo."Now you are interested," Cosimo sighed."Which ex are we talking about here?""The ex we visited, her fiance," Cosimo waved his hands."Him? What was his name again and why is she visiting him?""Desmond, his name is Desmond, I don't know why she looked for him. You can ask her if you want to know more," Cosimo said."No, there is no need to bother with it, it's her business and I don't think she wants me involved in it.""Are you sure because I made investigations and found out that her ex is already married and he has a son who is almost a year older than your kids?""So what does that mean?""
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Infidelity"No, it can. It will change a lot, I came back because of you, I already filled for divorce from Sharon, I don't love her at all, that makes me a free man, I can freely marry you, just like we planned, just like before my love, and we'll have up to 5 healthy children just like we planned so please give me a chance, listen to me. I promise to clear things out, give me a chance please?" "Desmond...""What did you just say, Desmond? Did you say you filed for a divorce?" Sharon rushed into the house, she looked ready to kill Desmond."Sharon, can we just talk later?" Desmond groaned."No, there is no later, I want to hear you say that again," Sharon moved closer to them but Garbo dragged her back and dragged her out of the house."When you are done talking you can tell me," Garbo came back and said to them."Please don't worry about Sharon, Sharon deceived me and made me marry her, she threatened me with her child after you left, she said she was going to expose me if I don't
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Conning "I have a question for you, what will you do if Anna picks another man over you?""Where is this coming from Cosimo?" Ace furrowed his brows."I'm just saying, what if Anna meets up with another man and somehow falls in love with him, what will you do?" Ace stopped working and dropped his pen. Once again they were in his office."I guess it's her choice, I can't change that," Ace replied."Won't it break your heart?""Break my heart? I don't think so, I might feel a little bad but I don't think it'll break my heart," Ace answered."Are you saying that because you want to give me an answer or it's the truth?" Cosimo cross-questioned.Ace frowned but didn't say a word until they heard a knock and Anna's voice came up."She's back," Cosimo whispered then opened the door.Anna came in and greeted the two men."I came here because I saw your missed calls," Anna said."Yes, I heard you went out and called to check up on you," Ace told."Okay I'll go to my room," Anna said and immed
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Blackmail. Deceit
Blackmail. Deceit.Bay constantly turned to stare at Anna as the driver drove them back to the house.When Bay continued staring at her, Anna had to speak up."What do you want to say Bay?""You know they lied to you to con you, don't you?" Bay grunted."I know that," Anna mumbled."Then why did you still give him the money? Why did you allow them to con you that way? The both of them deceived you, it's unacceptable." Bay frowned."He did a lot of things...""I don't care what he did for you Anna but deceiving you to get some money is a crime, he should be punished for it.""I've always wanted to repay his kindness to me, even when I realized they were deceiving me, I still had to pretend like I haven't caught their lies. I'm happy that I no longer owe him, in the future when I see him, I can easily walk past him without a feeling of remorse," Anna explained but that didn't alleviate Bay's anger.She was boiling inside at what Sharon and Desmond did to Anna and she stayed that way til
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Tied "Hey! Bastards! Untie me right now!" Desmond yelled at the top of his voice to attract the guys outside the room, he has been hearing their voices for quite some time but none of them came."Bastards! Fools come and untie me!!" Desmond kept yelling at them."You want some money right? Tell me the amount you want and get this off me."The large door that looks like a gate opened and Desmond stopped screaming. He watched as the men from last night came into the room one after the other.Desmond counted them with his eyes and they were 14 in total."Come and untie me, took you guys long enough, and where is that bitch? Where is Sharon?" Desmond groaned as one of the guys came up to him and slapped him hard across the cheek."Will you stop acting like a girl? Even girls don't aren't this noisy," the guy glared at him and the other guys laughed."You are a bastard you know that right?" Desmond gritted his teeth in anger."Take your eyes down," the guy commanded."Untie me now when I
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Stubborn Desmond
Stubborn DesmondOne of Capo Vico's boys dumped a bucket of water on Desmond and he opened his eyes, Desmond lost consciousness due to the beating so they had to wake him up again, they lifted and dragged him to Ace's feet. Then made him kneel in front of Ace.Water mixed with his blood dripped down his body as he knelt there weakly."So what were you saying and which bitch were you referring to?" Ace questioned but Desmond kept quiet, he was too weak to open his mouth and speak."Vico," Ace called when Desmond didn't reply, and Vico had one of his guys hit him on his head with a wooden stick.Desmond collapsed on the floor but he was forced to kneel properly in front of Ace.His eyes were swollen and his nose was broken, blood kept coming out of his nose and other part of his body as he stayed there like a mommy."Repeat what you said Desmond, I'm waiting," Ace told."I'm... I'm sorry, I apologize. I shouldn't have done that... I'll give her 50 perfect of it, 50, I can even make it 6
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Three Days Later
** Three Days Later **"Now are you ready to say the truth, Desmond?" Cosimo asked.They were back to interrogate him."No, fûck you! How can you keep me here and don't bother to feed me?" Desmond snorted."I see that you have regained your energy," Cosimo walked around him. He was tied to an iron chair and made to face Ace and Cosimo."Bring in the torture tools, we will get the truth out of you whether you want it or not," Cosimo threatened.Some guys brought in some tools and kept them in front of Desmond."We will use all these on you until you decide to tell us some truth Desmond," Cosimo pointed to the torture tools and this creeped Desmond out."Can I ask you a question?""Yes, what is your question?" Cosimo inquired."Anna didn't send you to do this so why are you doing this? And what are you to Anna?""That's two questions, Desmond and I'll answer just one.""We are doing this because we can. Now will you be obedient enough to answer my questions or do you want to be tortured
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