All Chapters of Bright Future With Him: Chapter 1281 - Chapter 1290
1343 Chapters
Chapter 1281
Observing Kathryn's confusion, Tally continued, "Jessica may appear gentle, but that demeanor is reserved solely for you. She wouldn't continue tolerating things indefinitely if she could divorce Matthew.Kathryn was left dumbfounded, her heart pounding in her chest.Kathryn recalled that Jessica had initiated the divorce. Despite being fully aware of the challenges that came with single-handedly caring for Kelly, Jessica didn't dwell on it much in that particular moment.Concern for Jessica lingered in Kathryn's mind, deepening after her conversation with Tally. She acknowledged that, like the Glenns, the Hunts had a questionable history during their early years in Harborlean.If Jessica truly intended to seek revenge on Byron, Kathryn believed the former would only be futilely fighting. "Kat? Kathryn?" Tally waved her hand before Kathryn's eyes, noticing her increasingly pallid face. Kathryn snapped back to reality instantly, looking toward Tally with a numb expression. "Wh
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Chapter 1282
Krista felt stifled as she locked eyes with Jessica's icy gaze."Never approach me again. I don't want to see you, and I refuse to acknowledge our relationship," Jessica declared with a chilling demeanor. Krista was left in shock, a suffocating tension settling over her. Hearing such words from the child she had sought for years was more tormenting than she could have imagined. Over the years, she had envisioned the reunion with her daughter countless times, planning ways to mend their relationship and express her love.Never had she fathomed that her daughter had been close all this time. Yet, Krista had unknowingly been inflicting pain upon her daughter and even endangering her own granddaughter."It's understandable if you don't want to see me, but please don't get into harm's way because of me.""'Harming myself because of you'? Do you believe you deserve such consideration?" Jessica's tone turned colder as she mocked Krista's thoughts. Jessica's few words inflicted more
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Chapter 1283
Krista was ready to comply with any request and pay any price Jessica demanded, just as long as she agreed to step away from Byron and forge her own path. But at that moment, reality hit Krista hard—Jessica couldn't. Byron was about to get engaged to Cindy, a move driven by a sinister motive to exact revenge on Krista. He had ensnared Jessica in an abyss of his making, and it was all part of the Hunts' plan for payback.Krista suspected that Jessica's compliance was somehow tied to Kelly. If that was the case, Krista knew what needed to be done. She closed her eyes and spoke with a chilling resolve, "Find out where Kelly is now."David nodded. "Alright."They had initially dismissed the idea of searching for Kelly, assuming Byron wouldn't harm his own flesh and blood. However, it became clear that Kelly was the key to saving Jessica."Keep an eye on the Neils as well. Make sure they don't stir up any trouble for me right now." Krista's tone carried a cold edge when mentioning the
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Chapter 1284
Krista believed none of them had the right to dictate the terms if Byron wanted to discuss the matter. As Byron wasn't Jessica, confronting him didn't stir any guilt in Krista.Byron lapsed into silence. Just as his remark about Krista almost taking Kelly's life had provoked her, his complexion paled when Krista mentioned Kelly's depression."If we're discussing the harm inflicted on Kelly, we share equal responsibility," Krista asserted, convinced that Kelly's leap from the building was driven by depression. This behavior, she thought, stemmed from facing overwhelming adversity.Softening her tone, Krista met Byron's pained gaze. "Come after me if you hate me. Let Jessica go. Let her be with Kelly."Her words were calm, containing a touch of pleading yet carrying an undertone of toughness. It wasn't just a final concession. It was also an ultimatum to Byron. Observing Byron's continued silence, Krista pressed on, "I'll pay whatever price you demand." Krista intended to ensur
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Chapter 1285
Exiting Byron's office, Krista encountered Jessica, who was en route to deliver some documents.A pang of anguish crossed Krista's steely gaze when she saw Jessica. Surprised by Krista's sudden presence, their eyes locked momentarily. However, Jessica swiftly averted her gaze in a fleeting glance.A chill of cold indifference emanated from her. Krista couldn't help but feel that they were complete strangers.Despite feeling suffocated, Krista suppressed the weight in her heart, knowing it wasn't the time to concede defeat. If Byron intended any harm to Jessica, he would have to contend with her.Leaving the Skyline Group, Krista entered the car and addressed David, seated in the driver's position. "Inform the Neils that they will be held responsible if anything befalls Jessica now."Aware of the Neils' cunning nature, Krista suspected they had discovered Jessica's true identity. She couldn't guarantee they wouldn't act against Jessica to secure Cindy's marriage to Byron at this
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Chapter 1286
Krista's response held a resolute certainty.David nodded.Returning to the Hunt residence for the sake of Jessica was something Krista hadn't anticipated after so many years. The idea that their connection hadn't completely severed, even after the events of the past, was beyond her imagination.…Byron maintained silence after summoning Jessica into the office, quietly smoking a cigarette. Jessica, displaying indifference, occupied a chair across from him. After a long while, she calmly stated, "I'm leaving if there's nothing else."Swiftly standing up, she received a cold glance from Byron, who intended to say something but opted to bite his tongue."Where are you living now?" he calmly asked as Jessica's hand touched the door handle."What does this have to do with our deal?" Jessica retorted. Byron was rendered speechless by her retort. With that, Jessica opened the door and exited his office. Jessica wasn't residing at Cloudshade or Sunshine Bay. Since Kelly's depar
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Chapter 1287
Jessica sensed that the news Jonathan carried wasn't something positive, especially considering he seemed unsure how to deliver it."Uh, Mr. Byron asked me to hand over the preparations regarding the engagement ceremony to you."Stunned, Jessica tightened her grip on the pen, absorbing the unexpected request. Despite the shock, she remained silent, her cold gaze projecting a calm demeanor.The notion of Byron entrusting her with the preparations for his engagement ceremony with Cindy left Jessica incredulous. Sneering, she questioned, "Did he really say so?"Jonathan felt a subtle sense of danger in Jessica's tone, though he struggled to imagine her reacting negatively, given her typically gentle nature. However, he considered that Krista, Jessica's mother, might react differently.Everyone in Harborlean knew how unreasonable Krista was. Jonathan worried that her reaction to Byron's treatment of Jessica could escalate matters.Jonathan felt troubled as he couldn't comprehend why
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Chapter 1288
"Yes." Jonathan nodded."What did she say?" Byron asked.Confusion enveloped Jonathan as he turned his gaze toward Byron. The meaning behind Byron's words eluded him entirely. Wasn't the inclusion of Jessica in the situation what Byron had intended?Jonathan couldn't fathom it."Ms. Michaels said that she'll handle it. She didn't say anything else.""What about her attitude?" Byron asked again.Jonathan was perplexed. He couldn't grasp Byron's motive behind probing into Jessica's attitude. Did Byron expect Jessica to joyfully applaud him for such actions?Taking a deep breath, Jonathan replied, "Quite positive.""Quite positive?" Byron arched an eyebrow, his stare turning noticeably colder. It sent shivers down Jonathan's spine.Once again, Jonathan couldn't comprehend the situation. Was there an issue with Jessica having a pleasant demeanor? Or was Byron anticipating Jessica to make a scene?If that were the case, Byron's expectations were overly demanding. Jonathan's though
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Chapter 1289
Jessica noticed Jonathan's sympathy toward her and remarked, "He's asked for me. How can I not go in?"Stunned, Jonathan couldn't fathom that Byron sought out Jessica to unleash his anger. He found Byron's behavior utterly unacceptable and deemed him unreasonably harsh. Byron was being a scumbag now. Despite his dissatisfaction, Jonathan felt helpless at the moment. "Just be careful, then.""Thanks." Jessica proceeded to open the office door after expressing her gratitude.Jonathan's heart weighed heavy as he watched her leave. He struggled to understand Byron's intentions, thinking that this wasn't the person he knew from before.Byron's demeanor had drastically changed after discovering he had a daughter. Jonathan recalled how Byron had once wanted to save Jessica. Now, it seemed like Byron considered Jessica's act of giving birth to his daughter a mistake.As Jessica pushed the door open, the chaotic state of the office became apparent.She approached Byron casually and plac
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Chapter 1290
Jonathan firmly held the belief that Byron shouldn't push things too far, given his familial connection with Jessica through their daughter Kelly. He was convinced that the repercussions of their shared history would not allow for an easy resolution.A coldness flickered in Byron's eyes as Jonathan nodded. "Give it a try, then."Byron's tone held a subtle threat.Jonathan finally grasped that Byron was intentionally pushing the boundaries. He doubted the appropriateness of the situation but couldn't fathom Byron's motives.Under Byron's icy gaze, Jonathan reluctantly said, "I'll go and find Ms. Michaels now."He quickly turned away, leaving with a sense of urgency, as if escaping the place. Upon Jessica's return to her workplace, her phone rang. Jonathan hurriedly appeared before she could answer the call.Jessica's eyes reflected a coldness that concealed her emotions. Jonathan, however, appeared anxious. "Ms. Michaels, Mr. Hunt wants you to clean up his office."Confused, Je
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