All Chapters of Bright Future With Him: Chapter 1311 - Chapter 1320
1343 Chapters
Chapter 1311
Tally steadied herself, suppressing the storm of emotions within.Her words cut through the air, "I'll ask just once. Where's my father?"Elijah raised an eyebrow, sensing the tension emanating from Tally.His piercing gaze met Tally's. "You think you get to threaten an old man like me, huh?""Oh, so you're aware you're just an old geezer? Getting up there in years and still not worth a damn, huh?" Tally shot back. Elijah was too stunned to speak. Victor and Zane entered the room right after. Upon hearing Tally's blunt insult toward Elijah, both couldn't help but twitch their lips.Even Elijah was momentarily left in disbelief."You audacious little brat! Y-You…"In the heat of the moment, Tally couldn't hold back her emotions and lashed out at Elijah, questioning his decency despite his age. This fell significantly short of the respectful manner one should be when addressing an elder."Want to hear some nice words? You've thrown my dad into God-knows-where, and now you exp
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Chapter 1312
Zane couldn't help but facepalm after Elijah's straightforward statement. It seemed Markus had truly mastered the art of embarrassing himself.Meanwhile, Markus remained oblivious to the fact that his father, Elijah, had just made a fool of him.Tally took a deep breath as she listened. She was finding the situation almost laughable.Even though Tally had a rough idea of what was going on when Elijah took Randall away, she was still taken aback when faced with the actual moment.She scoffed at Elijah, saying, "You want me to have lunch with your son?""Yes, starting today, you two will date and try to get to know each other," Elijah said sternly, not caring that Victor, Tally's fiancé, was also in the room.Victor's eyes flashed with coldness as he gave Elijah a chilling look.Tally chuckled mockingly, "You're asking me to understand your son, but you're resorting to using threats?""I don't care about the methods. I just want results!" Elijah exclaimed. Tally's remark left E
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Chapter 1313
Victor's words left Elijah and Zane tense.Even though they hadn't personally witnessed how much blood Victor had on his hands in his early years, the prevalent rumors provided a clear picture.However, Tally decided to add fuel to the fire and said, "I don't see why not. There are plenty of despicable people in this world worthy of devouring."Her emphasis on "despicable people" was unmistakable. It was evident she was reminding Elijah that Markus was the person she despised the most.In response to Elijah's initial threat, she, with Victor's collaboration, fired back with an array of threats.Tally and Victor left together.Elijah looked at Zane in disbelief. "Did Tally just threaten me?""Yes, sir!" Zane affirmed.Hearing Zane's reply, Elijah felt an extra knot tighten in his throat. He was feeling thoroughly displeased."Her father is in my hands, yet she still dares to threaten me?""Yes, sir!" Zane nodded again.Elijah was so frustrated that it felt like his head was t
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Chapter 1314
In the car, Tally took a deep breath. Victor's audacious act of igniting the fire at the Hunt residence had provided an unexpected release. However, a hint of panic crept in.Victor pulled her into his arms, asking, "Feeling better now?"Tally was startled by his remark. She awkwardly glanced at Victor, asking, "Is it really okay for us to do this?"A mischievous glint danced in Victor's eyes as he posed a tantalizing question, "Want something even more extreme?""Wait. There is?" Tally was shocked, looking up from Victor's embrace.She thought setting fire to the Hunt residence's main gate was already quite extreme. Little did she know, Victor had an even more extreme idea in mind.Victor nodded, playfully tapping her nose. "Yes, but for such a ruthless deed, you'll have to do it yourself."Tally asked, "And what would that ruthless deed be?"At that moment, surprise mingled with curiosity within her. She wondered what kind of intense and devious task Victor was proposing for
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Chapter 1315
As Victor had highlighted, the situation wouldn't reach a resolution unless Tally complied with marrying Markus. Nevertheless, the idea of marrying him remained firmly off the table.Recalling Markus' troubling actions, particularly those involving Randall and the incident where he compelled her to apologize to Yvonne, her perception of his character lay shattered.Committing herself to someone with such a problematic track record was simply unthinkable for Tally."But hey, let me assure you about one thing," Victor said as Tally nodded.Intrigued, Tally asked, "What's that?""It's regarding the incident from earlier when you confronted Mr. Hunt Senior," Victor clarified.Tally went silent, trying to process this unexpected piece of information. She began to reconsider her actions from earlier.As she pondered that particular instance, she came to the realization that she might have depicted herself in a somewhat abrasive light.Feeling conflicted, Tally turned to Victor and as
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Chapter 1316
Tally went silent. The realization sank in—she truly had to face this alone!Anticipating Elijah's inevitable wrath upon discovering her interference with his family's sacred resting place, Tally prepared herself for the storm that would follow. This audacious move promised to provide Elijah with a crystal-clear insight into her character. It would appear as the most assertive response she could muster."Can't we find another way?" Tally asked. "No other method carries the same level of intimidation! Besides, if you go ahead with this, Mr. Hunt Senior is bound to harbor an even stronger dislike for you," Victor responded.The term "intimidation" triggered memories of Elijah's shameless threat from earlier. Yes, it was indeed shameless.How could a father intervene in his son's romantic pursuit in such a manner? Not only did he intervene, but he also resorted to such extreme measures. Since they were willing to take such actions, they should be prepared to face the consequences
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Chapter 1317
Markus raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "How bad is it?"Byron's expression grew somber, and he replied, "The house's main gate was set ablaze, but the fire has now been extinguished."As their eyes locked, it was apparent that Byron was silently questioning Markus' choice to be entangled with a woman of such unyielding ruthlessness.A flicker of unease passed through Markus' eyes as he asked, "How messed up is it?""You'll know once you go back and see for yourself," Byron replied, his tone showing some frustration.Undoubtedly, Tally was a paragon of mercilessness, an exceedingly ruthless woman.As the realization dawned on Markus, his immediate reaction echoed in his thoughts. "Tally's cunning surpasses all expectations!"He knew Tally would be greatly provoked once she learned that Elijah had taken Randall away. Tally wouldn't easily succumb to Elijah's wishes. Even if she did relent, the process of softening her resistance would undoubtedly cause all sorts of chaos and ha
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Chapter 1318
Zane just felt like explaining to Markus and Byron that Victor was the one who set fire to the main gate. But before he could say anything, Elijah gave him this disapproving look.Having served alongside Elijah for many years, the two shared an unspoken understanding. And just like that, Zane decided to stay quiet."You can't be with her, that she-devil," Elijah reiterated. Elijah appeared visibly drained. Clearly, the sight of the main gate ablaze had greatly infuriated him. He had barely calmed down when the landline started ringing. Zane hurriedly answered the phone. "Hello, this is the Hunt residence.""What? Who did this?" Zane was visibly shocked, his face turning pale. As the phone call continued, Zane's narrowed gaze shifted toward Elijah. A wave of unease swept through the room, indicating the growing concern shared by all present.Byron's gaze bore into Markus, who couldn't shake the feeling that Tally might have done something outrageous again. "Could she have do
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Chapter 1319
The sight of the wreckage from the fire truly got under Markus' skin when he walked past the main gate. He hopped into the car, revved the engine, and sped away with a thunderous roar.Inside the Hunts residence, Elijah repeatedly mumbled, "Can't have my son with Tally, can't have him involved with this troublesome woman."Byron didn't seem too pleased either. He obviously hadn't anticipated Tally making such a move. Logically, with her father still under Elijah's control, she should be more compliant.Yet, she didn't even back down. Instead, she displayed a thoroughly angered demeanor—setting fire to the main gate and desecrating his grandpa's grave!Her way of doing things and her attitude were undeniably aggressive, to say the least."And you." Noticing Byron's continued silence, Elijah cast him a stifling glance. Byron asked, "What did I do?""Saw what happened to your brother? That's the consequence of falling for the wrong woman. Luckily, he didn't marry her."Byron fell
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Chapter 1320
"Doesn't this risk causing serious trouble?" Tally raised her head, giving Victor a pitiful look.That was the Hunt family's burial ground, after all. Thinking about it now, Tally couldn't shake off the feeling that Victor might have tricked her into doing something really wrong.Victor observed her timid demeanor and chuckled, "Your dad's in their hands, and you're still thinking about being scared?""Of course, I'm scared."She had gone as far as disturbing someone's grave. If Elijah were to find out, any chance of him liking her would vanish, and there was no way he would let her become part of the Hunts family.And frankly, she wasn't interested in that anyway.They had achieved their goal. Was it possible for her to evade accountability for her actions after committing such an act?Elijah was a ruthless man, too.Could this be taking things too far, provoking them to the point where they would want to resort to violence?Victor ruffled her hair and said, "Relax, even
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