All Chapters of Anthology Of Gay Love: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
79 Chapters
Falling For Damien Allen: Damien (one-shot)
"How do I know this is an A paper?" The boy asks standing outside behind the school with Baz"I'm an A student" Baz replies keeping an eye out so everyone who walks by doesn't notice them, "where's my money?""80 fucking bucks" he hands over the money, "if I don't get an A I'm kicking your ass."While he's alone Baz fans out the money to count, as he's counting he feels a pair of eyes staring. Looking up from his hands Baz looks directly at the person, standing a distance away smoking his cigarette Damien doesn't avert his eyes or bother looking away, he wanted Baz to see him staring. Shoving the money in his pocket Baz walks away.Ewan Basilton isn't a nerd but that doesn't make him popular, with not many friends and already an outcast for being the vice principal's son, Baz didn't know how else to get excitement in his life so selling papers gave him a leg up. No, he didn't need the money but he liked being needed for something, and he tries to never disappoint, well except his pare
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Falling For Damien Allen: Prologue
"You ever climbed a tree before?" Baz pauses their game asking Damien "When I was a kid, why?" With a grin, he replies "because I have something to show you, put your shoes on we're going outside.""But I'm about to win," he points at the screen and Baz shrugs. Getting out of bed both boys puts their shoes on, they leave Baz's room heading for the front door. "What's happening?" Damien asks as they're in the driveway walking to the side of the house "That," they stop at the giant tree on the side of Baz's house "see that branch?" He points and Damien looks up nodding "well it hangs on the roof that we like to sit on and smoke, I don't know why it never dawned on me but I think if you can climb the tree, you could have unlimited access to my room." "No more sneaking me in or waiting for your parents to not be around," Damien nods liking the idea, "all right" he agrees."Exactly so get up there and see if you can do it... or should I try it first?" "You first," he pushes Baz forwar
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Falling For Damien Allen: Chapter 1
"To commemorate us getting back together I'm going to do you a huge favor," Silver says rushing up to me as I'm unloading my bag into my locker. "We're together?" I ask "Not like that Baz, as friends! We're friends again and I want to celebrate that." I can already feel the determination "Oh god, celebrate?" I zip my bag putting it on my back "Listen you, me, tonight, huge party at it doesn't matter's house, I pick you up and we go have a fucking blast!""Uh..." fuck that, "no but thanks," I turn to walk away but Silver grabs me turning me back "Baz please it's one party it won't kill you," "I know that and I don't care, I'm not going." "Why not?" "Because I know you! If I go to a party with you I'll be left alone, while you have all the fucking fun with your other fucking friends." That came out of nowhere and Silver frowns clearly offended, "look you're it for me all right? But I know I'm not for you and that's fine I've made my peace with it-""Baz stop that's not true" she
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Falling For Damien Allen: Chapter 2
"Do you have your phone?" "Yes" "Is it charged? Like fully" "Yes... I think" "That's not funny Ewan" my mom sits on my bed interrogating me as I get ready, "do you have money?" "Yes mom my debit card is in my wallet, I'm gonna be fine" "I don't know if I trust that Silver" "My best friend?" "Well, what kind of person dates a bully? Just doesn't make sense" I knew I shouldn't have told her about that, "are you sure dad and I can't drive you?" "No mom" I sit next to her about to put on my shoes, "Silver's picking me up." "I'm just trying to make sure you'll be ok" "Are you?" I come up from my shoe to look at her "or are you micromanaging me because someone took a video of me and put it on the Internet?" She's been on a warpath since that happened begging me to turn Eddie in but there's honestly no point, he'll always be who he is. I'm just shocked for the time being he's left me alone. "You sure you don't want dinner before you leave?" "I'm fine mom" I get up and my phone d
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Falling For Damien Allen: Chapter 3
"All right I'm sober, ready to go?" Silver asks as I'm standing alone and the party dies down, I nod and she asks "what happened out there with Damien?" "Nothing we started smoking a second time but his friends called him and I haven't seen him since" "Damn I'm sorry Baz" she rubs my back "No, it's fine let's go." Silver and I leave after she tells everyone goodbye, when we get to my house she slows down "think they'll be mad you're an hour late?" "I don't think so my mom already sent a long paragraph about the importance of curfew" "Seriously?" She laughs "Yeah" I take out my phone showing her, "I'll see you Monday?" Silver nods "thanks for coming with me" "Sure drive safe ok?" We hug "I love you Baz," she says as we're letting go "Love you too" I get out of the car walking to my gate. As I'm digging in my pockets for my keys I hear "hey" behind me "Holy shit!" I jump quickly turning around "Damien?" It's dark but I see him very clearly "Sorry didn't mean to scare you"
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Falling For Damien Allen: Chapter 4
Waking up before Damien the next day I gently get out of bed, walking out of my room I shut the door behind me and head for the kitchen. When I walk in I see my mom blowing into her mug of coffee "morning" I greet opening the fridge, not hearing her reply I turn and look at her "I said good morning." "I heard you" she drinks her coffee. "How much would it have killed you to reply to one of my many texts last night?""You sound like a jealous girlfriend" I grab some orange juice shutting the fridge "Ewan I'm trying to be serious, how do you expect to be trusted when you're doing things like this?" "Mom I missed one hour stop acting like I betrayed you" "Betrayal of trust is still betrayal Ewan." Sighing "fine then sorry" she walks away not acknowledging my apology, "did you hear me I said I'm sorry" "I heard you" I see her back heading for the living room. Pouring some creamer in a cup I add coffee and stir, afterward, I walk back to my room to find Damien still in deep sleep. S
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Falling For Damien Allen: Chapter 5
Spending most of my morning making googly eyes at Damien when he wasn't looking, my mom's words replay in my head a lot. Watching Damien interact with his friends I realize how much he rags on them, and they wrestle a lot. One thing I don't get is how Damien and Eddie are even friends Damien is such a dick to him, but we all know Eddie deserves it so the others don't say anything. As I'm eating during lunch my phone rings and I see his name pop up in a text, opening it I read 'done watching me?' Looking up I search the lunchroom until I find him staring with a soft smile.'I don't know what you're talking about' after I send it I watch waiting for him to open it, seeing him try not to chuckle at his phone he begins typing."So I have good news, bad news, and worse news" Silver sits in front of me causing my attention to shift from Damien to her, "Which one do you want first?" Getting distracted by the text Damien sent I say to her, "combine them" As I'm typing she says "turns out N
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Falling For Damien Allen: Chapter 6
Spending most of my morning making googly eyes at Damien when he wasn't looking, my mom's words replay in my head a lot. Watching Damien interact with his friends I realize how much he rags on them, and they wrestle a lot. One thing I don't get is how Damien and Eddie are even friends Damien is such a dick to him, but we all know Eddie deserves it so the others don't say anything. As I'm eating during lunch my phone rings and I see his name pop up in a text, opening it I read 'done watching me?' Looking up I search the lunchroom until I find him staring with a soft smile.'I don't know what you're talking about' after I send it I watch waiting for him to open it, seeing him try not to chuckle at his phone he begins typing."So I have good news, bad news, and worse news" Silver sits in front of me causing my attention to shift from Damien to her, "Which one do you want first?" Getting distracted by the text Damien sent I say to her, "combine them" As I'm typing she says "turns out N
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Falling For Damien Allen: Chapter 7
"Good morning" my mom walks into the kitchen all cheery the next morning, while I feel like I want to die."Why are high school boys so stupid?" "Present company excluded?" She asks as she pours herself some coffee "No me very much included, I'm the biggest idiot of them all." "What's going on honey?" "The guy I told you about doesn't like me back, not how I like him at least and turns out he's been ha-" I stop myself before I say having sex to my mother, I correct "hanging out with another girl. I was a freaking joke and he'll never want to be with me or even come out for that matter." "Wow that's a lot to unpack" she comes closer touching my face, "and you look so tired, did you get any sleep at all?" "No sleep is for people who deserve it, I deserve to stay up all night thinking about a stupid guy who sees me as nothing more than just a hang." "A hang?" She asks confused and I'm reminded I'm speaking to my mom about things she would never understand.Sighing "forget it." "E
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Falling For Damien Allen: Chapter 8
"Natalie told you this?" Silver asks as she sits on my bed Nodding "what am I supposed to do with that?" She shrugs "do you know if he's talking to someone else? Maybe it's another girl" "No I don't know but he could've been talking about you Baz" groaning I turn my desk chair away, "seriously he could actually like you.""Damien Allen does not like me like that trust me, he's said it a thousand times" "People say things they don't mean all the time if he denies it to you he could just be scared.""Or he's actually just a curious straight boy and I'm wasting my time" I could've gone out and found myself an actual relationship, but no I settled for Damien who I'm pretty sure will drop me the minute he's done getting what he wanted. Silver goes home after having dinner with me and my parents, I sit in my room that night watching shows on my laptop in bed. My phone starts to vibrate next to me and I see Damien's name on the screen, picking it up "hi" "Hey I'm outside" his voice repl
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