All Chapters of His unwanted luna : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
chapter 91
Rex POV."I think they are after us !"Richardo said and within a twinkle of an eyes ,he made a U turned deep into the Forest as he also bring his phone out to make some called .Tendra began to panicked profusely inside the car , she was in a deeper shock and shee seems to be having some attack perhaps because she was having faint memory of what had happened,when she was younger.She was drowning in that sad memory and tears was beginning to flow from her eyes as Richardo drive off."We should get through to Sheba soon ,they might hold her hostage in other to get back at us "she finally speak wiping the tears of her face as she stares at me .With the way she was glued to my face ,she hadn't forgiven me yet and deep down I knew I hurt her I wanted to know who this boss is and why he was after them,I never knew I was exposing her to more dangerous activities.I didn't know what have happened if Richardo didn't get to her on time ,she could have died in that spot..she could have riske
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chapter 92
Tendra PovAfter all the threat,I finally let them decide on what to do and wether they decide to take me or not.I would be going,even without their notice.I would find away to meet with Anastasia,I find it out what R.A.J mean along time ago.But bringing myself to Tell them about it ,was the problem especially when the most trusted person in Rex life is the master lead of R.A.J.I had noticed and suspect her for a long time now, especially the first day I set my eyes on her at the pack.The way she stared at me that Day,when everyone was busy her eyes were mainly on me.Then ,I already started having faint memory of my past.She was the one on the spot that day ,she ordered that little boy to kill my parents.After the little boy Left,she claims the little Boy was my father first son and worst is . She's the step mum to the boys.That boy was my dad son,I mean My dad and mum.Although they only find out after ,He pulled the trigger at them I had wanted to meet with her and asked her w
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chapter 93
Rex pov.We've been patiently waiting for the doctor to come with the news of Tendra being okay and good ever since she was whisked into the ward.Three hours have gone by, and yet the doctor hasn't come with the news of what happened to her and why she abruptly dropped out on the floor in the middle of our chat. It might have been the anxiety or stress of whatever is going around her at the moment. But still,we wanted to hear from the doctor to know how she's fairing, if she is okay or fine, and at most if possibly everything is okay with her. I couldn't stop pacing in and out; the notion of her getting into any type of trouble pissed the hell out of me."Doctor, how is the she?"I asked once the doctor showed up, and he gazed oddly at me.His eyes were largely fixated on me, and then Alex and Richardson raced towards him as well.Their hands are in the air as they stare at him, and he stares back at us, staring suspiciously at us.We are sort of strangers in need of aid."I'm sor
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chapter 94
Tendra stood very close to the bed as she began to paced around,a pure fear gripped her heart so hard ,that it began to pump like her life dependent on it.She was pacing continuously,and she didn't know what to do.The thought of Grandma Raggers adding something to her drink,spite her off a d yet she was unable to do anytime to stop it .She pace constantly,Not please with grandma Ragger offer to serve her drink.for a moment,she regrets ever coming in here without a tracker and so ,she was Left in her thoughts as she began to wonder if Sheba had made it successfully.If perhaps,sheet with Rex and the others,she had hope by now Rex could have find the letter she wrote,but the. Again she waves it off ,when she realized she didn't put in her location details.She had hurriedly skipped that part due to lack of time management and now she's left all alone in a dangerous zone .She might not be able to make it out alive but what could she fo about it .She didn't plan for it either ,she had ju
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chapter 95
Rex stood in shocked as he continued to stares at Sheba as she speak,he couldn't believe whatever it is ,that she was saying.He has wanted to wished and pray that all were faked and they never truly happen.He went mute,when the truth about the woman who jad played the role of a mother figured to him since his mother had abandoned him along time came to light.He couldn't believe it.He had doubted her and never ,did he thought for once Grandma Raggers could be this wicked.For a moment,he wished all he heard was a lie and Sheba isn't telling the truth.Especially now that it down on him,that he was the very person who had Exposed Tendra to all the troubles she's currently in.If only he had givens her the chance to speak up.If only he didn't shut her up ,when she noticed something fishy.If only he had allow her speak when she told him about, Grandma Raggers face being familiar.If only,he had given her the opportunity to express herself instead of assuming she's seeing things and , inst
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chapter 96
"you did all that , you sold us all out to her !"Anastasia exclaimed with surprise as she stares at Grandma Raggers who look surprised,and out of point.She couldn't couldn't believe she knew wll these and she was even more shocked cause,she never for once thought their secret could be this out on the air and not only was it out on the air The person she thought never for once knew anything,know more than she can imagine and that alone freaked her out.Tendra ,On her part was beginning to enjoy the whole drama they were putting on.Seeing them grief with the fear of the unknown got her more glued to the scene .Even ,when is risking her life for all these.She couldn't be more than happy to see them fuss up over everything they were doing.She had wanted to spice things up , while she hope Rex and Alex could get here on Time.She sighs ,when they seems to be having an argument when she made to turn away ,a gun had been pointed to her head and she freaked at the spot.She turned to see Ana
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chapter 97
Rex arrived at the meeting and he was followed by Alex ,who stormed in custodianly by his side .They both were fuckin not in a good mood at the meeting but they tried as much as possible not to let anything happening currently to destroy their mood at the moment.Mr Avlon soon stoop in with alphas of every other pack.They all whisper to each other Alex ,went ahead to sit in an alpha chair at the meeting when he was supposed to be Rex beta.But rather ,he didn't acted like a beta but an alpha.Everyone Including Mr Avlon stares at him and also his boldness.Anastasia made her present known as she announced the opportunity ceremony of the meeting,which had been held on behalf of the Rex pack .They had wanted to discuss their fall back in stock and also , why he had choosen a lone slave over authority.In this meeting,thye had come to the conclusion of taking him out of the throne and then having access to half of the throne as planned by Mr Avlon and the boss ,but little do they know tha
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chapter 98
CHAPTER 98. "you should have chosen another less painful method of death"Grandma raggers had said over the phone.watching her inflicted so much pain on Tendra cause Rex heart to shattered ,He with one Swift rushed the phone from Jack and he walked off followed by Alex ,who stares at Jack for sometimes before he followed suit to meets Rex."We need to get to her as fast as possible"Alex retorted .He put a call through to Sheba immediately."We are at the pack,I mean the Madonna pack currently and the tracking device had stop at the meeting lot "Sheba responded to the phone called ,as they both stared at each other awfully."Then ,she must be fuckin close.How come we can't hear her scream,she would kill her without no hesitation we need to act fast "Alex lamented."Jack , you don't need to think this deep another innocent soul might lost her life ,where the fuck can we get through to her "Rex asked , staring at Jack who was in total dismays."Please Jack, you are the only one who can s
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chapter 99
CHAPTER 99At the undergound world ,Tendra loud scream echos in the room as the hot mentals find it way slowly in to her skin for the very upteeth time .She scream when Grandma Raggers pierced the hot electrified mentals on her skinned and she couldn’t help but which she ne ver for once made this decision without a second thought at what Grandma Raggers is capable of doing she had doubted her capabilities ,she had doubted her very solemly act of wickedness ,in all she underestimated her .“You could have be free from this ,if only you learn to mind your business .The only reason I let you go that night was because I thought may be you will be of help to me during my plan to get the full pack with the golden planter of power,I’ve alway wanted power even before your mother came into the picture “She paused and then slowly,she bursted outwith laughter as she could see the look of fright and pain in the eyes of Tendra ,she then sighs and turned to walked away from her a mile away she cam
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chapter 100
“YOUR MOTHER ?”Jack asked as Anastasia bursted out in laughing while everyone still stares at them in awe ,most especially Jack ,whose face had become so pale at the moment .as he was lost staring at the woman who had raise him all his life .He stilll couldn’t believe that all his life this woman had been feeding him with lies and yet to top it all the woman who happen to be his mate all along is the daughter to the woman who had been decieving him since he was a child qnd the fac t that ,she even lead him to killing his parents at aender age hurt the living hell out pof him.“grandma raggers tell me it not true?he asked in a awe and the next thing was the gun that was pointed at Grandma ragges by Anastasia.“And you mum,I told you never to mess with him didn’t I?I told you to give up on revenge mum!I warned you against getting got and getting hurt”Anastasia scream ar her mother ,grandma raggers as she burst out with laugher while she slowly stood to her feets and then flings the gun
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