All Chapters of Twin Billionaires: Sex is Just a Word: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
Chapter 11: Deceptive Desires
Makin James found himself pondering whether Maya's motivations were driven by love or purely physical desires 'sex'. In his pursuit to establish a connection with her, he opted to take the first step, employing a familiar tactic. Throughout his experiences, James had successfully captivated numerous women, only to leave them heartbroken and move on to someone new. Makin James, currently single, made a firm decision within himself that he would no longer play with the emotions of women. However, it remained uncertain whether he was truly committed to this resolution as he had yet to encounter any potential romantic interests. With Tony's departure, James returned to the shooting world, patiently waiting for Maya. Just as he arrived, Maya had finished her shooting session for the day. Slowly approaching her boss, she wore a smile on her face. "Is he gone?" Maya inquired, referring to Tony. "Yes, he's gone. You appear quite tired. Would you perhaps like to take a moment to rest?" her
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Chapter 12: The Portrait
Lily arrived shortly after Maya had finished showering, her hands full with a delightful surprise. "I brought barbeque fish!" Lily exclaimed with excitement, showcasing her delicious offering. Maya's face lit up at the mention of barbeque fish. "Hey, you always know when I'm craving it, don't you?" Maya asked, eagerly accepting the barbeque fish from Lily's hands. "We both have a weakness for barbeque fish, that's why I picked some up on my way here," Lily explained, heading towards the kitchen to grab a plate and two bottles of beer. As they settled in, Maya noticed the darkening sky outside. "It looks like it's going to rain soon, don't you think?" Lily inquired. "Well, I don't know. The weather didn't seem stormy on my way home, nor did it resemble one that would pour tonight," Maya replied. "But let's forget about the weather because I have more interesting things to tell you," she added, her smile stretching across her adorable face. "Well, I'm all ears, girl. Let those naugh
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Chapter 13: Let's be friends
Lily stood there, her curiosity growing by the second. She watched as Maya's taxi drove away, wondering what her friend had in store. There was an air of excitement and anticipation that hung in the atmosphere. Maya arrived at work with a joyful heart, eagerly looking forward to seeing the CEO. As she entered the company, she spotted Miss Jenna arriving with two cups of coffee in her hands. "Here comes the Devil," Miss Jenna referred to Maya. Maya was puzzled, wondering what Miss Jenna meant by calling her the Devil. "Good morning, Miss Jenna," Maya greeted, offering to help carry the coffees. Miss Jenna handed the coffees to Maya, saying, "You should take these to the CEO's office. He asked about you this morning." Maya's smile grew uncontrollably. She wasn't surprised that Mr. James wanted to see her so early. However, Maya decided to act surprised and asked, "What? Again? I didn't come late to work, so why am I being summoned?" Miss Jenna replied, "Well, I can't say for sure,
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Chapter 14: Dinner
"What do you mean?" Aryan asked Maya, his mind racing to understand her words. "I mean I can't go to dinner with you. Remember when I mentioned that my day wasn't planned yet? Well, it is now. I'm truly sorry," Maya explained. Aryan felt a pang of disappointment; he had meticulously planned the evening, even making reservations at his favorite restaurant. "I understand. Just let me know when you're ready to make it up to me," Aryan said, mustering a smile despite his disappointment. Maya continued to apologize, expressing her regret. Aryan let out a sigh. "Like I said, let's focus on getting you under those bright lights. It's Saturday, remember?" he redirected Maya's attention to the task at hand. Maya followed Aryan's lead, and the photo shoot began. To her surprise, it didn't take long for her session to wrap up, not even two hours. "Wait, that's it? For the day?" Maya asked Aryan, who had just shouted, "It's a wrap!" moments ago. "Yes, that's it. And today is..." Aryan pause
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Chapter 15: The Code Word
As they waited for Mr. James to finish up his work, Maya turned to Elena and whispered, "You know, Elena, I brought you along for another reason too. I thought having a beautiful and charming colleague like you by my side would make Mr. James more inclined to agree." Elena's eyes widened in realization, and she couldn't help but chuckle. "So, I was your secret weapon to charm the CEO, huh?" Maya grinned mischievously. "Well, let's just say you added an extra touch of charm to the whole situation. But hey, don't worry, I promise I won't steal your crush away from you." Elena laughed, feeling relieved. "Thanks, Maya. I appreciate the honesty. Let's see how this little adventure unfolds then!" As Lily made her way back home after the coffee, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. She kept glancing at her phone, eagerly waiting for the text from Maya. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, and her mind was filled with endless possibilities of what Maya's mischievous p
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Chapter 16: The Sandwich
Mr. James' question hit Maya like a sledgehammer, causing her to stutter as she tried to come up with an excuse. "Oh, yeah. This is Lily. What are you doing here? I thought you were busy at work?" Maya redirected the question towards Lily, hoping to shift the focus away from herself. Lily didn't have a convincing lie to tell, as she had simply followed Maya's instructions. Now Maya was putting the spotlight on her. "Well... I guess work wasn't as busy as I expected. I actually finished up a few moments ago and decided to hang out here. That's what I was about to do," Lily explained, gesturing towards her meal. "Well... we'll see. I hope we're included in that meal?" Maya playfully asked, attempting to steer the conversation away from the topic of a thief. "So... Lily, right? Why were you hiding and not coming out when we called?" Mr. James inquired. Lily froze, realizing she was running out of excuses. Maya, noticing Lily's predicament, jumped in to assist. "Who wouldn't hide? I
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Chapter 17: A Job Offer From Tony? 
"Who's at the door?!" Maya called out, her voice echoing from the bathroom where she had been taking a bath. Lily hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She hadn't met Mr. Tony before, but she knew he wasn't the same person who had left just moments ago. "I'm not entirely sure, but I think it might be the other billionaire twin!" Lily replied, her voice filled with uncertainty. Upon hearing this, Maya's heart raced with disbelief. "What?! How did he manage to find me here?" Maya thought to herself, swiftly exiting the bathroom in a state of shock. She hastily grabbed the first dress she could find and made her way towards Lily. "If it's really him, I'm definitely calling the police!" Maya declared, her mind filled with apprehension. Maya joined Lily in front of the video doorbell, staring at the screen in disbelief. "How did he even discover my home address?" Maya wondered aloud, her fingers hovering over her phone as she prepared to dial the authorities. However, Lily intervened be
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Chapter 18: A Night at the Mansion
The next day, as the sun began to set, Maya anxiously waited outside her apartment for Mr. James to pick her up. She couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The thought of visiting his billionaire mansion for dinner was both thrilling and intimidating. Finally, a sleek black car pulled up in front of Maya, and Mr. James stepped out, dressed in a sharp suit. Maya's breath caught in her throat as she took in his impeccable appearance. "Good evening, Maya," Mr. James greeted her with a warm smile. "You look stunning tonight." Maya blushed and returned the compliment. "Thank you, Mr. James. You look quite dashing yourself." As they made their way towards the car, Maya couldn't help but admire the luxurious vehicle. "Wow, this car is something else! It's like a mobile palace on wheels." Mr. James chuckled. "Yes, it's quite extravagant, isn't it? But wait until you see the real palace." Maya's eyes widened with anticipation. "You mean your mansion? I can't even imag
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Chapter 19: Unraveling Aunt Loretta's Mischief
The next day, Monday, Maya arrived at work with a spring in her step. As she entered the modeling hall, she was sighted by Elena. "Hey! Elena Davis, good morning!" She exclaimed with a grin. "Good morning, Maya. How was your weekend?" she asked, starting the conversation with a friendly tone. "It was fine. You know, I had dinner with the boss yesterday," Maya vented, expressing her mixed feelings. Elena squealed with joy, her eyes filled with genuine happiness for Maya. "Girl, that's amazing news, Maya!" As they continued chatting, Aryan joined them with a warm smile. "Good morning, ladies. I heard some exciting news. Maya, congratulations on the promotion/marketing job offer. I heard the boss' brother offered it to you. I guess we will both be working double shifts now." He jested. Maya beamed with gratitude. "Thank you, Aryan. But how did you know about the job offer?" She asked, curious about the source of the information. "Oh... well, Tony's P.A., John, is a close friend of
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Chapter 20: Dinner Invitation
James grinned mischievously. "You guys have already met? Well, that certainly makes things easier. Allow me to introduce you properly then. Maya, this is Aunt Loretta. Aunt Loretta, meet Maya, one of our finest models as you already know her to be. But apart from that, she's also my friend." "Friends, huh? not bad!" Aunt Loretta exclaimed smiling. Maya's jaw dropped in disbelief. Her mind raced to process the connection between the charming woman she had been conversing with and James' Aunt Loretta. How could she have missed this? The pieces of the puzzle started to fit together, and Maya couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise, excitement, and curiosity. As Maya and Aunt Loretta locked eyes, there was an unspoken understanding between them. Maya sensed a warmth and genuine affection emanating from Aunt Loretta, despite the negative description the twins had shared with her. It was as if the stories Maya had heard did not align with the woman standing before her. "Well, since
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