All Chapters of Unbroken Bonds : The Triplets Mother's Return.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
87 Chapters
The girl magnet.
Chapter 31It had been a few days since Lucas had arrived at the hospital, and already he had the attention of many girls , he had a magnetic effect on them. As I parked my car in front of the hospital, I couldn't help but notice Lucas chatting with my colleague, Jenny, and several nurses around him. They were laughing and flirting with him , completely engrossed in his charismatic presence."Logan, you always know how to make us laugh!" Jenny exclaimed with a smile.Lily nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's such a charmer!"Sarah said with eyes full of love," and those dimples they are to die for." Lucas blushed, his dimples becoming more prominent. "Aw, you ladies are too kind," he responded, his grin infectious. "Just trying to brighten up everyone's day.""Remember that time when Logan dressed up as a clown for the children's ward?" Sarah reminisced, a twinkle in her eyes.Jenny chuckled. "Oh, how could I forget? The smiles on those kids' faces were priceless!"Lucas joined in their
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Chapter 32:Two days later,As I opened the door to my office, my eyes widened in surprise as I spotted Lucas leisurely sitting inside, his legs crossed and casually sprawled across the table. "Yaaah!" I let out a small yelp of surprise, not expecting to find him there. A mischievous smile tugged at his lips as he noticed my startled reaction."Well, well, well," Lucas said, his voice dripping with amusement. "Did I scare you, love?"Ignoring his taunting remark, I composed myself, furrowing my brows and adopting a stern tone. "Lucas, what on earth are you doing here? I don't have time for your games. Leave now."But Lucas seemed unfazed by my command, slowly standing up from his comfortable position. He sauntered towards me, closing the distance with an arrogant swagger. A smirk played on his handsome face, raising my irritation even more."Now, now," he drawled, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "What's the rush, darling? I just wanted to have a little chat."I crossed my arms and
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Chapitre 33:I groggily opened my eyes and was greeted by the sight of a stark white room. The air was thick with the smell of antiseptic, I was in a fucking hospital . As I attempted to sit up, a sharp pain shot through my head, making my thoughts feel hazy and my vision blur.As I took a moment to collect my thoughts, my gaze swept across the room and landed on Damien, my loving fiancé. His head was bowed, deep in thought, but when he lifted his eyes and saw me, a radiant smile of relief illuminated his face."Oh, thank God you're awake," Damien whispered, rushing towards me. His voice was filled with a mix of anxiety and elation.Confusion flooded my mind, leaving me disoriented as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. I glanced over at Damien, panic beginning to well up inside me, and asked, "Damien, why am I lying on this bed? I thought I was supposed to be the doctor." "Don't worry," he said soothingly. We need to make sure you're okay. Just lie still and stay calm.""But I
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what the hell is this photo?
Chapter 34:I was bewildered and couldn't believe it. How could someone be so mean to do such a thing to me. Landon broke the silence, his voice laced with concern, "Mommy, does that mean someone tried to hurt you?"Lana's face contorted with worry, her petite hand gripping mine tightly. "Don't worry, Mommy. We won't let anyone hurt you," she reassured me with determination beyond her tender age.Trying to stay composed for their sake, I managed a weak smile. "Thank you, my brave little superheroes. Mommy's safe because she has you."Damien's eyes burned with anger, mixed with a protective instinct. "We'll get to the bottom of this," he vowed, his tone leaving no room for doubt.Damien turned to the mechanics and expressed his gratitude for their help. Lucas, who had listened intently but remained quiet, finally spoke up. His voice held a hint of concern as he suggested, "Perhaps we should inform the police about what happened. It might be the safest course of action." His brow fur
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With a pounding heart, I picked up the photo, my eyes darting around the empty office, searching for any signs of who could have left it there but there was no soul. The silence was deafening, amplifying the fear that coursed through me. Something inside me told me to turn the picture and as I turned it over, my fears intensified as I read the chilling message scrawled on the back: "You'll not get out of it next time, idiot."A sense of terror washed over me, and I immediately reached for my phone, dialing Lucas's number with shaking hands. "Lucas, you need to come to my office right away," I pleaded urgently, my voice quivering with fear.As Lucas sauntered into the room, a smug grin played across his face. "Well, well, where did you manage to find my number, darling?" he quipped, his tone dripping with arrogance.My nerves were frayed, and I snapped at him, my voice laced with anxiety. "This is not the time for jokes, Lucas," I stammered, showing him the photo. "Look at this! Someo
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With my heart pounding rapidly in my chest, I hastily fumbled for my phone, attempting to call Damien for solace and guidance. However, my trembling fingers only found despair as each call was met with the cold monotony of his voicemail. Panic began to consume me, and I pressed on the gas pedal while keeping the phone clutched tightly to my ear, hoping against hope for Damien to answer. To my dismay, the car behind me followed suit, accelerating effortlessly as it continued its unrelenting pursuit.Frustration mingled with my anxiety as I dialed Damien's number once again. My pleas for him to pick up became desperate as I silently muttered to myself, "Pick up, please...pick up, please." But the ominous silence on the other end of the line persisted. Strengthening my resolve, I pushed the pedal harder, urging my car to its limits, all the while never breaking eye contact with my pursuer in the rearview mirror.In the midst of my frantic attempts to reach Damien, the sudden blare of a p
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Their hot night.
The next morning, I found myself sleeping a little too much and was woken up by the gentle touch of Damien. As I opened my eyes, a wave of disbelief washed over me. I couldn't fathom having slept in so late. I usually woke up at 6 in the morning, like clockwork, but when I glanced at the clock, it was already past 9 o'clock. "Damn," I muttered, still attempting to gather my senses.Damien, with his warm and caring smile, noticed my confusion and chuckled softly. "Good morning, love. Did you have a good night's sleep?" he asked, gently brushing a strand of hair away from my face.I shook my head, still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I had overslept. "I can't believe I slept so late. My body must be making up for all the hours I missed last night," I mumbled groggily.Just as I was beginning to comprehend the situation, Damien's words hit me with a surprising revelation. "By the way, I already took the children to school," he said casually, as if it were an everyday occurre
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mischievous idea
38 Taking a deep breath, I barged into his office without knocking, not even bothering to greet him.Lucas looked up from his work, surprised to see me bursting in unannounced. Before he could utter a word, I unleashed a tirade of furious words. My voice carried the weight of betrayal and hurt as I questioned him about his callous disregard for my feelings."Are you happy with yourself, Lucas? Toying with me like some vulgar, cheap plaything? Did you think it was fun to use and discard me?" I demanded, my voice shaking with anger.Confusion flickered across Lucas' face as he tried to comprehend the gravity of my accusations. "What are you talking about Lil?" he asked, a hint of mischief creeping into his expression.Realizing that Grace had spilled the details of their "wild night", an insidious smirk spread across Lucas' face. With a devilish glint in his eyes, he brazenly admitted to his actions. "Ah, so Grace couldn't resist sharing the juicy details, huh? Well, she was merely an
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spy mission
39With a sense of urgency, I hurriedly entered the house and called out to gather my children. Damien, turned to look at me with wide eyes, sensing that something was amiss. Lana, Landon, and Liam, our triplets, gathered around me, their innocent faces shining with curiosity."What's going on?" Damien asked, his voice filled with concern.I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. "The kids really want to go out, and I thought, why not take them to the amusement park?" I said, a hint of excitement in my voice.A chorus of excited squeals erupted from the triplets as they jumped up and down, their little bodies filled with joy. Damien's face hardened, and he categorically refused. "Absolutely not," he said firmly, his voice betraying his worry. "You know the risks we're facing. They tried to kill you once, Lili. We can't take such chances."Tears welled up in Lana's eyes as she looked up at Damien, her voice trembling with emotion. "Please, sweet Daddy, we really want to
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caught red-handed.
As I scanned the crowd with my sharp eyes hidden beneath my dark glasses, searching for Grace and Lucas, a wave of frustration washed over me. After what felt like an eternity, among the sea of people, I finally caught sight of them. "Yeah, found!" I exclaimed under my breath, quickly grabbing my triplet children - Lana, Landon, and Liam - and heading towards Grace and Lucas.We reached the entrance to the roller coasters, and a line had already formed. As we stood in line, I couldn't shake off the anger that simmered within me when I saw Grace and Lucas together. Trying to maintain my composure, I took a deep breath and focused on calming my children.The line stretched ahead with about eight people between us and Grace and Lucas. My children, full of energy and excitement, couldn't keep their voices down. I could feel the eyes of those standing nearby on us, drawn in by their rambunctious behavior. Tension started to grow within me, and I had to fight the urge to slap them. Instead,
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