All Chapters of Seduced Into the Boss's Service : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31: Broken Hearts 2
Annette took a deep breath, as she prepared herself to face Hudson. She was going to approach him about returning to New York. Feeling confident enough to approach him, she raised her hands and knocked tentatively on Hudson's door.Her mind raced with thoughts of her sister and the pressing need to find a solution to the bullying issue fast because she didn't want her sister to feel worse than she already did.So, the other night Annette came up with the idea of using Cassie's bullying issue as the reason why she needed to get back home, because the last time they talked, it seemed like he had a soft spot for kids.When she didn't get a response the first time, she knocked on his door again, wondering if he was still asleep and she should come back.However, as she was about to leave, the door creaked open, and It wasn't Hudson who greeted her but Susan, (the woman from the previous day whom Hudson had been flirting with).Annette strengthened her shoulders, raised her chin, and said,
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Chapter 32: Seeking comfort
Samuel stepped out of his friend's room, glancing down the hallway just in time to catch sight of Annette who was taking a stroll around, in order to clear her head. Her shoulders hung in dejection and her arms swung on her sides as she walked. He knew something was wrong. It definitely was Hudson again. His concern instantly sparked, and he followed after her, calling softly. "Annette, wait!" He called, catching up to her as she paused in the hallway, her shoulders trembling as tears fell down her eyes. "Why are you crying? What can I do to stop this from happening every time?"Sniffling, Annette struggled to compose herself, so that she could give him an answer. "Hudson just keeps treating me like I'm useless. I have been quiet for too long. It's time I returned to my sister." She managed to say between sobs.Concern reflecting on his face, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down and tell me why you need to leave so urgently?""Because my sister needs me. She was just r
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Chapter 33: Freedom
"Samuel, why did you do it?" Annette's asked out of the blue."Do what?" Samuel asked back in puzzlement."Kiss me?" She asked as her cheeks turned red."Because, I've been wanting to do that ever since I set my eyes on you. But I held my self back, because I thought you were with McKenney." Samuel explained."We're not together." Annette answered. Within her, she knew she was falling in love with Hudson, but she was going to get the happiness she deserved elsewhere. That's why she was subtly giving Samuel the go ahead. "Perfect. That means I have a chance at winning your heart." Samuel said giving her a wink. That prompted Annette to giggle."Yes! Or aren't you gonna accept me?" He asked, making a face at her."You're special, Samuel. Every woman would want forever with you." She said, suddenly looking serious. After the words left her mouth, she stared back at Samuel, as a soft smile tugged at the sides of her lips."One day, I'm gonna ask you to be that woman." He answered, his ga
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Chapter 34: His loss
Hudson stood in his room, his brows furrowed, as he wondered where Annette was, it was Monday morning, and she hadn't come to prepare him for the day ahead. Yes, he hasn't bothered to go check up on her all weekend after their little disagreement, because he didn't owe her anything and he was in the company of Susan. "Where the hell is she?" He questioned as he got tired of waiting and went to go see her, he was ready to scold her and tell her that their personal matters shouldn't affect her work when he saw a cleaner leaving Annette's room.He paused in the hallway, confused. The cleaner raised her head in time to see him standing there with a look of confusion."Where's the occupant of this room?" Hudson enquired, as he walked towards her, anger evident in his tone."Oh, you must be Mr McKenney, I was told to give you this letter from Miss Annette," The cleaner said, handing over a piece of paper to him. He regarded it for a moment before receiving it. It fell open in his hands.
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Chapter 35: Finally home
Annette's footsteps made soft sounds in the quiet evening as she walked up to their front door, feeling really excited. She wanted to surprise her sister, Cassie, and her best friend, Jane, with something special. So she hadn't told them she was coming back today."I can't wait to see the look on Jane and Cassie's faces when they see what I've bought for them!" Annette said to herself as she unlocked the door, she tiptoed into their apartment, careful not to make a sound. Annette set her bag down and stealthily made her way to the kitchen, which opened into the living room.With a small smile on her face, she set about arranging the surprise on the dining table because it was already almost 6 and they would already be almost home. Annette had stopped by their favorite Italian restaurant on the way home, ensuring she brought back a feast consisting of Jane's preferred cheesy lasagna, Cassie's beloved pesto pasta, and an assortment of delectable desserts for them to enjoy after dinner.
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Chapter 36: Hero Complex
"Cassie? Cassie…." Annette called out as she knocked on Cassie's room door and stepped back as she waited for Cassie to answer, but she got no answer. As she was about to knock on the door again, Cassie poked her face through the door, smiling. "Good morning Annette, what's up? I swear I was awake," Cassie said, rubbing her tired eyes as she yawned loudly and stretched. "Good morning, kiddo, and don't lie to me, I practically raised you," Annette said, but Cassie stuck her tongue out at Annette. "Whatever," Annette said, "what do I owe the unexpected visit this morning?""Jane mentioned that there will be another PTA meeting at your school today. Are the bullies' parents going to be there? " Annette enquired, still standing by the door. Cassie sighed, "Yeah, they're likely to be there. But don't worry, I can handle them, you really don't have to come, I'm sure you're tired and need to rest. You just came back from Greece Annette frowned, concern evident in her eyes. "You are not
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Chapter 37: Getting Justice
Even with the way he looked all threatening, Annette cocked her head to the side, and regarded him. "At least we're not in Greece, so you can spare me all that cockiness, Mr McKenney. I told you I had to come home to help my sister. But if you are looking for more explanations than that, I can write a book on it, for you your majesty." She made a mock bow, flashing a smile at him."Annette, I think you should take this somewhere private. People are staring," Jane whispered to Annette as. Hudson stared at her, suddenly more interested in her personality. He was intrigued at how she could put on a different level of confidence and stubbornness, now that they were back to New York."Meet me at my office. Or you're gonna regret this." He said, looking at her meaningfully.Annette thought that over, remembering that the contract between them was still valid, so she was still bound to him. She glared at him, and then glanced at Jane, "Give me a moment." Jane nodded back in response as
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Chapter 38: On It
"That sounds like the principal," Jane said as her gaze moved to Cassie. She saw the look of fear in Cassie's eyes, but Jane took her hands in hers and pulled her into a hug. "There's nothing to be afraid of, they can't hurt you and if they don't do anything about the bullying" Jane stopped her gaze moving to Annette was staring at the door like she wanted to murder it, "Will you be willing to change school?"Then Annette's gaze met hers, and now they were both staring at Cassie as she looked deep in thought, "Honestly I don't mind, my only friend here is the art teacher." Cassie answered as she stared up at both Annette and Jane "Okay, kiddo, that will be the last resort then if they don't listen to our demands," Annette said as Jane pulled away from Cassie "Let's just get this over with, because I want to give that lady a piece of my mind" Jane said as she unlocked the door and the three of them walked out of the girls toilet to find the guard from earlier and the principal who l
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Chapter 39: Hudson Intervenes
"I assure you we will do anything to make sure everything gets sorted out," the principal said, causing Amanda and Jane to scoff at her statement. "Please, drop the act you've been saying that since we told you the first time, so stop lying, Mrs, and really do something about it," Jane said as she glared at the principal. "Mr Annette causing a scene will not change anything, so let's move to my office," The principal said "No, you're saying they are causing a scene," Hudson said, "Mind my language, but you really don't give a shit about Cassie." "Mr?" The principal asked "Mr Hudson McKenney" Hudson as the principals face went pale. "You mean…" The principal asked"Yes I'm that Hudson McKenney, I'm shocked that you didn't recognise me right away." Hudson said as a smug smile formed on his face, "You see, these, are closed friends of mine and you've really pissed then off, automatically, that disqualifies this school." "How can we solve this? Mr McKenney," The principal said, he
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Chapter 40: Cassie's Payback Time
"Let's move this to my office while the other parents arrive." the principal said as she turned to the crowd frowning at them, "You all should get back to class!" With that said, the crowd dispersed, leaving the hall quiet once again. "Okay then, we will move this to your office, but don't think for one minute that this is going to go away. Now that they have me in their corner I will make sure to drag this issue as long as I can until Cassie here gets the justice she deserves. Except you want me to do what has been on my mind. You'll regret it so much." Hudson explained as an unease expression formed on the principal's face. "I understand, Mr. McKenney, and we will surely get to the bottom of this," The principal said as she guided the group to her office.Once inside the principal's office, the atmosphere remained tense as the principal motioned for everyone to take a seat. They all did as their gazes fell on the older lady who looked like she was about to pee herself."I apprecia
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