All Chapters of After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
251 Chapters
#241 "Forever And Always."
Alexander hastened to open the door. In front of him sat Sophia in a gorgeous white dress. He smiled thinking how fitting the color was. Then he saw her serious expression."Alex, we need to talk before I go inside," Sophia's voice carried a note of urgency.Nodding, Alexander closed the door behind him, enveloping them in a moment of privacy amidst the anticipation of the evening."Why is it so quiet?" Sophia's curiosity broke through the tranquil atmosphere. "Isn't it a party?""Say, what do you want to talk about, love?" Alexander deflected, attempting to keep the surprise."This secret," Sophia stated firmly. "I hate it, Alexander. I wasn't even thinking of coming tonight.""It's good that it's over now," Alexander sighed, his heart pounding in his chest."What's over? I still don't know anything," Sophia replied, her frustration growing."Close your eyes and follow me," Alexander said gently, knowing this was the moment."Again?" Sophia chuckled, despite herself."For the last ti
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#242 "I Lived to See You Finally Together and Engaged."
At her engagement party, Sophia radiated joy, her smile lighting up the room. Every detail was meticulously arranged, reflecting the love and excitement of the occasion, and Alexander couldn't resist being drawn to her."You know, I've been eagerly waiting for this moment," Alexander whispered, his lips grazing the tender skin of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.Sophia chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I remember when I saw that interview with you in London, talking about making me your wife again. I think I woke up the whole neighborhood with my screams of excitement."Alexander's laughter mingled with hers, the sound echoing through the room. "I couldn't have asked for a better reaction, love."As they savored the moment together, Alexander's expression turned thoughtful. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you."Sophia tilted her head, her curiosity piqued. "What is it?""It's wonderful to see our friends and my mom here, but I realized I haven't
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#243 "Meeting Your Mother Feels Like A Big Deal."
As the plane soared through the sky towards Minnesota, Alexander couldn't shake off his nerves. He fidgeted in his seat, constantly adjusting his tie and checking his phone. Sophia couldn't help but find his behavior amusing. "Relax, Alex," she chuckled, nudging him gently. "You're acting like you're about to face a firing squad." Alexander let out a nervous laugh. "I can't help it. Meeting your mother feels like a big deal." Sophia smiled reassuringly. "Hey, she's going to love you. Just be yourself." "Yeah, but what if she doesn't?" Alexander's worry was palpable. "Silly," Sophia said, squeezing his hand. "Trust me, my mother has a knack for putting people at ease. Besides, I have a feeling she's going to have a lot of fun messing with you." Alexander looked at her with wide eyes. "Wait, what do you mean by that?" Sophia laughed. "Oh, don't worry. It's nothing bad. She just likes to test people to see how they handle themselves." "Well, I hope I pass the test," Alexander sai
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#244 "So Sudden, So Senseless."
Sophia, Alexander, and Linda spent the day exploring the local sights and enjoying a leisurely lunch at a charming sidewalk café in downtown Minnesota. The sun was warm, and the streets were bustling with activity, creating a lively backdrop for their outing. Linda, who hadn't seen her daughter in some time, was particularly taken with Alexander. She noticed the way he treated Sophia with respect and affection, and she couldn't help but be charmed by his genuine interest in the stories she shared about her childhood town.As they walked through the local market, Linda and Alexander laughed over a stall selling outrageously huge hats, and he even persuaded her to pose for a photo wearing one. Linda found herself warming up to him more with each passing moment, appreciating his easygoing nature and the obvious love he had for her daughter.In the evening, after a dinner filled with lively conversation and reminiscing, Sophia sensed it was the right time to have a more serious conversat
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#245 “Today is About You."
In the weeks leading up to their wedding, Sophia’s schedule was a whirlwind of activity. Every day was a balancing act between the joyous tasks of wedding planning and the somber preparations for the legal case surrounding her father’s untimely death. Sophia moved tirelessly from reviewing floral arrangements to sifting through legal documents, her mind often seeming miles away even when her body was present.Alexander watched all of this with a growing concern for Sophia’s well-being. He saw how her shoulders tensed up more with each passing day and how her smiles came less frequently. Determined to lighten her burden, Alexander took it upon himself to be her pillar during this tumultuous time. He brought her favorite lunches during her breaks, sat through meetings about table settings and cake designs, and listened attentively as she debated over color schemes for the reception.Yet, as the wedding day approached, Alexander noticed an unmistakable shadow of preoccupation in Sophia’
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#246 "You Deserve to Have That ‘This is the One’ Moment.”
As Sophia and Evelyn stepped into the boutique, the soft chime of a bell announced their arrival. The interior was spacious and airy, bathed in natural light that streamed through large windows, setting the various wedding dresses aglow like artifacts in a museum. Velvet sofas and plush chairs dotted the space, inviting relaxation and conversation.Sophia, with a tentative excitement beginning to flicker in her eyes, drifted towards the racks of gowns. Her fingers delicately traced the textures of fine lace, silky satin, and sparkling embellishments, each fabric telling its own story of potential bridal bliss.Evelyn watched with a supportive smile, allowing Sophia the space to explore her initial impressions. Before long, a saleswoman with an impeccably tailored suit and a warm, professional smile approached them.“Good morning, ladies! I'm Marianne, and I’ll be assisting you today. Do you have any particular styles in mind?” she inquired, her tone both friendly and efficient.Sophia
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#247 "Now, I Would Like to Call My First Witness."
The evening was calm, with a gentle warmth suffusing the apartment as Sophia and Alexander sat down for dinner. The soft clink of cutlery and the savory aroma of the meal created a comforting atmosphere. Sophia, who had been caught up in a whirlwind of emotions and tasks over the past weeks, seemed to carry a lighter air about her."I found the dress, Alex," she said, a smile spreading across her face as she passed him the salad. "It’s more than just beautiful—it made me feel like a bride."Alexander looked up from his plate, his eyes shining with happiness and a touch of relief. "I can't wait to call you my wife," he replied earnestly. "It’s going to be a beautiful day."Sophia nodded, her smile lingering as she thought about the dress and the upcoming wedding. Then her expression sobered slightly as she shifted the conversation toward a more somber topic. "I've finalized everything with the case too," she continued, her voice steady but carrying a weight. "I want to get it over wit
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#248 "Guilty On All Counts."
The courtroom was dense with anticipation as the trial drew to its conclusion. After days of testimonies, cross-examinations, and relentless presentations of evidence, it was finally time for Sophia to make her closing argument. The weight of the moment settled on her shoulders as she stood, papers in hand, facing the jury who held the outcome in their hands."Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," Sophia began, her voice strong and clear, echoing slightly in the hushed room. "Over the past few days, you have been presented with overwhelming evidence that not only places the defendants at the scene of the crime but also directly implicates them in the conspiracy to murder my father."She paced slowly in front of the jury, making eye contact with each member as she spoke. "We have shown you phone records that map a network of calls between the defendants in the days leading up to my father's death. You have seen financial documents that detail unusual payments made by the defendants to kno
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#249 "One Thing Has Remained Constant – My Love For You."
Sophia and Alexander bustled around the spacious living room of their cozy home, the air thick with a mix of excitement and nervous energy. Wedding magazines lay scattered across the coffee table, adorned with sticky notes and hastily scrawled reminders."Did you call the florist to confirm the bouquet?" Sophia asked, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency as she glanced at Alexander, who was hunched over his laptop, furiously typing away."Yeah, they said everything's set," Alexander replied, his brow furrowed in concentration as he clicked through various tabs on the screen. "But I still need to finalize the playlist for the reception."Sophia nodded, her mind already racing ahead to the next item on their seemingly endless to-do list. "And what about the seating chart? Did you hear back from Aunt Martha about her dietary restrictions?"Alexander shook his head, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he typed out an email to their caterer. "Not yet, but I'll follow up with her a
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#250 "Today Is The Day You Become Mrs. Stone!"
The morning of the wedding dawned with a soft glow of anticipation as Evelyn, Sophia's devoted maid of honor, tiptoed into her room. With a mischievous grin, she approached Sophia's bed and gently shook her awake."Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty!" Evelyn chirped, her voice filled with excitement.Sophia groaned and buried her face in her pillow, momentarily forgetting the significance of the day ahead. "Can't I sleep for just five more minutes?"Evelyn chuckled and shook her head, tugging at the covers until Sophia finally relented and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes."Come on, Sophia, today is the day you become Mrs. Stone!" Evelyn exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.Sophia's heart fluttered with nerves and excitement as she took in the magnitude of the moment. Today was the day she had been dreaming of her entire life, and she couldn't believe it was finally here.As Evelyn helped Sophia get ready, the room filled with a buzz of activity as Linda and Caroline, So
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