All Chapters of Loving a Selfish Lycan: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
125 Chapters
Long Journey
Everyone scrambled to wrap tents and roughly threw supplies into the vehicles. Panic was taking over our pack and I didn't blame them. We estimated 350 wolves died in the first wave Marcus sent. We would be demolished if he came with those troops, plus a horde of Vampires."I need everyone's attention!" I shouted with a loud whistle between my fingers. We didn't have time to waste so I needed to make this quick. "We have two options. Go to Alpha Viktor in the south or travel another week to meet Prince Bolton at the land he is defending of the Fairy Queen's. You all know my past. I won't ever run to Viktor for help. These two busses have been prepped with everything that is needed for safe passage. Food, shelter, and weapons. If you want to go to Viktor then you have these vehicles for your use. The rest is prepared to set out to Bolton for help. Choose and choose quickly. We don't know how close Marcus is to us."Murmurs erupted through the hundreds of wolves that stood around me. I
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They Found Us
Everyone rose with weapons ready. A large wolf laid dead above us and the growls began vibrating in the air. Not just growls, no, something more primal, more demonic."Give me my son!" Blake demanded, throwing a baby sac over his shoulder."No! They have bodyguards and will stay close to my side." I threw a sac around my shoulder and lifted my daughter inside."Give me Charlie! Now!" He growled at me with canines out. Shit! I can't overpower him."He will protect his Alpha with his life." Draconian said taking Charlie from the bassinet. The truck swerved suddenly, throwing us all to the side. I grabbed Matt just in time and placed him snug in the sac with his sister. I looked sadly to Blake as he jumped from the truck. He had Charlie! I knew he would protect him. My fear was he wouldn't return with him. "I'll watch him, but we need to fight. Vampires can only die from a beheading. Their hearts are encaged in three inch thick bones. Only a Lycan can penetrate it." Draconian held a kni
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We headed back out in three circle formations and fanned out through the hordes of enemies. We found twenty two people, five near death, but I was able to heal them enough to bring them back to the cave. Once everyone was back inside the enemy mostly gathered outside the entrance. They knew if they charged through we would pick them off one by one. They also knew we couldn't live in here forever.I made it to each wolf that needed my healing touch and saved all but three. Their wounds were too extensive and I felt my power waning. I didn't know what fueled it, but I know it was draining on my soul.I sat back with my family and picked up my crying daughter and sons. I feed them each as I leaned half passed out against a rock. For the time being at least they won't starve."You pushed yourself too far, Sasha." My mother came to me with a cold cloth to my head."That feels good." I moaned. I felt like my body was overheating. Using my wolf or healing powers lit my inside with an infern
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Safe Arms
"Sasha is awake!" My brother called out and people began walking towards me. I felt my pack close to me, but I didn't know if we were safe."You gave us a scare for awhile. You've been asleep for two days." My mom knelt by my side and brushed my hair off my face."My babies?" I cried in fear."They are safe, Sasha.""Where are we?""About day from the stronghold we have on the fairy lands. We are safe. Everyone is safe. I promise, Sasha.""How? The fire?" I whispered my questions as I looked around again. My mother's words did lift a tight squeezing in my chest, but I wanted my children."We were rescued..." my mom began saying when I saw him. He stood almost seven feet tall in a black tshirt with his black uniform pants and black boots. His massive arms held my daughter as he gently played with her. I heard her little giggle and tears welled in my eyes. "Bolton!" I said as I jumped from the blankets and ran to him as fast as I could. He rescued us."Hey, Sasha. My little Angel got so
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Vampire Hunger
We traveled less than the twenty fours hours and finally made it to the stronghold."You're joking right?" I asked looking over a large open area on top of a mountain. The ground was laid with thick ice and fresh snow. Hundred of dilapidated buildings barely stood before us. Most looked to be in too rough of shape to walk into and the few that seemed to be ok were made into shops."This is our make shift town for the moment. Your people can start building it up more tomorrow though. We have a vast forest below to get wood from, and I picked up cement on the way back from rescuing your sorry ass from a cave surrounded by our enemy. It won't be like home, but it will be enough for now." He was obviously annoyed I scoffed at the little village."Thank you!" I smiled, truly happy to be here with him. He looked at me speechless a moment. My body fidgeted some at how deep his stare was for me. He was the same Bolton, but he didn't look at me like an annoying child anymore. There was somethi
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Dark Desires
My pack and I setup our tents over the dirt once covered in snow. We had many fires roaring about and the army brought some fresh animals to roast. Everyone was tired from the long journey and all the hard work to get settled in. I knew the next days to come wouldn't be any easier though. "Are you ready, Luna?" A man I didn't know asked as I sat around the fire with my family and some pack members."Ready for what?""To retire. You have three rooms all prepared for you and your family.""Rooms?""Yes, Prince Bolton rearranged some members to fit our true Luna in the tower.""Tower?" I asked completely lost to what he was saying."My apologizes, Luna. I thought Prince Bolton informed you already. We have one structure to hold our leaders and visitors. There are beds and small kitchens for your use as well as heat. It is guarded more securely than down here too.""I can't just leave my people." I said annoyed. I won't sleep inside with comforts while my pack lays on the cold ground in t
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My babies slept through the night; but I found no comfort to close my eyes. I was exhausted, but fear was my caffeine."You're up already?" Charlotte smiled to me as she rose from her bed on the other side of the room."Yeah! I was a little wired from everything and didn't sleep well. I just slept for two straight days anyway."I walked to the kitchen to see if there was any food. I was starving, but was too afraid to move a muscle in my body.My door suddenly opened and I froze in fear. It was him!"Good morning." Bolton said, looking only at Charlotte. He seemed more himself, but I couldn't unsee all that I did."Good morning, Bolton. Thank you for these rooms. It really wasn't necessary though." Charlotte spoke sweetly; making me roll my eyes at her. "Our Luna and heirs won't sleep in the cold or be left out in the open to an attack. We have to be careful of the warriors here. Not all can be trusted.""No, they can't." I said, turning back to the fridge. I tried thinking of nothing
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War Council
"Sasha." Bolton greeted me with a nod as I entered a large meeting room. The table in the center was carved from a massive rock and wooden chairs painted black sat around it. Everything was made from stone and painted dark in the tower. Little accents and patches of fabric in the rugs had vibrant colors, but it still left the whole place feeling dreary. I guess war wasn't a happy place anyways."Bolton." I nodded to him as Blake and I walked in together. I tightened my thick black jacket close and shivered off the huge draft that came through the open window. Blake put his hand to my back and guided me to sit beside him. I smiled as a thanks, then kicked the chair from under him as he sat. He was an idiot. I moved to the other side of the table, catching Bolton's sigh at my child like behavior. I didn't ask to be here and I won't sit beside Blake like we are joint leaders. He may be born with Alpha blood, and heir to the Leto pack, but I was the leader of my people.Twelve other membe
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Bolton left me at the wood shop but didn't go far. The wood worker didn't have a mallet made so I had to wait while he cut and whittled one for me. I found it intriguing how skillfully he worked with his hands.I did head to the metal smith after, but not for a blade to cut off Blake's dick. I told him about my baton with blades at each end and asked him to make me a new and better one. I also bought a few stars enchanted with fairy dust. When I threw them it would sprinkle dust through the air and make everyone love sick. Might be helpful in battle."You're being a brat." Bolton finally broke the silence as we walked back to the tower."No, I'm not. I'm being a mother and a leader." I held out my basket of fruit in one hand and my silver stars in the other."I mean about Eldora, and with me." Bolton held the elevator door open for me and we stepped in."I know I can convince her. As far as you, I understand. You need a swarm of women to feed from and... other stuff." I pointed a star
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Growing Up
I cried until no tears where left, then picked myself up. I had me and I was stronger than some man. I didn't need Bolton, at least not that way. He was a part of my pack and I needed his strength. The same reasons I needed to keep Blake around.I walked into my room and Charlotte didn't say a word to me. She knew I was crying and I'm sure she figured out whatever happened between Bolton and I wasn't good.I took a long shower then made some smashed fruit for my babies. When they woke I cuddled with them and played with a small wound up toy on the floor. Bolton had got it for them and said it helps them crawl. "Are you ok?" Charlotte finally asked me."I think so. I'm just confused." "Bolton cares for you, Sasha. I know it's confusing.""Confusing isn't a strong enough word to explain Bolton and I.""Do you love him?""What? That's ridiculous. How can anyone love some Vampire thing?""Bolton is a strong man, sexy too.""He is old.""Older men have a certain appeal to them." She winke
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