All Chapters of Love Me Fiercely: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
Chapter 61
Yana's PoVI haven't seen my feet since the last three weeks, so that should give you an inkling as to how much my stomach has grown.My feet are swollen too, so I have resorted to sandals or crocs for work. As I pack my stuff up to leave the office, Kyra calls me. "Hey boo!" I answer excitedly.She giggles, "Hey mama, how's my favorite nephew today? How are you?" Kyra rattles off with enthusiasm.I smile as I grab my bag and exit the office. " You only have one nephew and he needs to chill. I can't sit for five minutes before he presses on my bladder!" I exclaim, evoking laughter from Kyra."You will not spread rumors on my baby!I will not have it, and you better not let Zach hear you!" She warns.I hiss loudly, "What y'all need to do is leave me alone. Anyway, what time are we heading out?" I ask, referring to the dinner date Kyra planned for us a week ago.She squeals excitedly, "Ok, so lemme tell you the plan." She smacks her lips, "Head home, I left a dress for you and some cute
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Chapter 62
Zach's PoV Avery is such a godsend, especially in times like these! Since the accident a few hours ago, Yana refused to leave the house, so Avery organized our dinner date at home instead. Its funny how Kyra , Alex and I initially drafted a plan to trick Yana but fate had other plans. She's currently showering so Avery and I are rushing to set everything up before she comes downstairs. "Do you think she'll like it?" I ask in a nervous tone. Avery chuckles, "Of course she will, it's coming from you Zach!" I send her a sheepish grin, "You sound very sure, cuz the Yana I've been dealing with is bipolar as hell!" Avery lights the votive candles then ushers me upstairs. "I'll finish up here, go get your girl!" I look around once more, pleased with the aesthetics of the area. There's a teepee style structure on the back deck with fairy lights across it. The small table is set for two, with a cylindrical centre piece with a single white rose and faux pearls in each. A small table hous
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Chapter 63
Yana's PoVThree weeks laterIt feels so good being back home, and by home, I mean with Zach since Alex and Laura practically kicked me out. Sapphire is on her way to see me now, and I'm pretty sure she's gonna chop my head off. I barely communicated with her the entire time I was gone, so I'm bracing myself.Ten minutes later, the doorbell rings a few times so I waddle across the room to answer it. As I open the door, Sapphire's jaw drops when she sees me."Bitch, you're pregnant and didn't tell me!" She shrieks and touches my belly.I drag her inside and quickly close the door, as she's very loud. "Lower your voice please!" I semi yell and yank her towards the living room.She yanks her arm away, staying rooted to her spot, "You don't get to do this, Yana!" Sapphire folds her arms, "Why didn't you tell me?" She asks with a hurtful look.Guilt consumes me instantly. Sighing, I take a seat and give her an apologetic look. "Things got complicated with Zach, so I left the first chance
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Chapter 64
Zach's PoVToday is solemn and I can't bring myself to view Diana's body in the casket at the front of the church. Kyle, Connor and I arrived ten minutes ago, just to ensure everything goes smoothly. It was only right that I cover all expenses, despite what Natasha did.I notified her family then sorted their travel arrangements and accommodations. As we're standing outside, her sister Alicia approaches us. "I just want to thank you once more for everything you've done for my family and I."I give her a small smile, "It's the least I could do. Diana was a beautiful soul with a pure heart."She breaks down immediately, "I can't believe my sister is goooonneee!" Alicia clutches the lapels of my jacket at she crumbles.Grabbing her hands, I lead her to a closeby chair and try to calm her down. "This is the most difficult time for you, cry if you must, grieve your sister."Alicia wails even louder, and I have no idea what to do. I awkwardly pat her back in a comforting manner while K
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Chapter 65
Zach's PoVMy mind is still reeling from the commotion at the church! Natasha had the gaul to show up after what she did. Then, to make matters worst, her behavior was simply unbecoming!The hearse just arrived in the cemetery, and like a bad omen, the clouds darkened above us. Kyle eyes me for a few seconds, "Sure you don't want to look at her?" He pats my shoulder, " You need closure and you need to get it off your chest."Sighing, I don my sunglasses and walk ahead of him and Connor. He's absolutely right, guilt has been sucking me dry because if Diana hadn't taken the bullet, I'd be dead!Then on the flip side, I'm not guilty, because I wouldn't have known about my son and Yana would have been left with the guilt of not telling me either.I step forward to assist Norman and Dane along with two men unknown to me, to take the coffin to the graveside. As we place it over the grave, a wave of guilt crashes into me, breaking my facade!Crying silently, I gaze at Diana's peaceful face a
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Chapter 66
Yana's PoVI'm hearing voices but I can't respond and I'm struggling to open my eyes. It's as if I'm trapped in my own body but I am determined to break free. Hearing Zach's distraught voice begging me to wake up, is the last bit of encouragement that I need. Willing myself to open my eyes, they finally start fluttering and my breathing becomes ragged because of my frustration. My son starts moving, kicking and turning and this comforts me somewhat: HE IS SAFE!A few moments later, I finally open my eyes and groan at the pain I feel because of light sensitivity. "Shit! I feel like a truck hit me!" I groan and massage my temple.Zach hovers over me immediately, "Babe, thank God!" He kisses me all over my face and his tears drip unto my cheek. I caress his head and simply break down in tears. "I'm sorry, I should've been more careful." I whisper, causing Zach to pull away from me."What do you mean?" He asks with a frown. I avert my gaze and turn my head towards the window.Laura ent
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Chapter 67
Zach's PoVYana's pregnancy scare literally changed my whole perspective on life. I've decided to finally propose and stop allowing the ring to collect dust in my safe!Laura and Kyle are helping me plan the entire thing since she's being released from the hospital later today. I'm so nervous, my body has been shaking all morning and I'm constantly sweating bullets! Plus my subconscious being cynical is not really helping either, 'What if she says no?' 'What if she refuses to live with you full time?'Entering my office, I toss my bag unto the couch and stare outside. Drena my secretary rushes in, "Sir, you have a meeting in five minutes." She states, skipping through a pile of papers.I look at her oddly, "What meeting? Didn't you say my schedule is clear today?" I snap, unintentionally ofcourse. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.She gulps, "I made a mistake, sir, but the document is ready with the changes you made."Sighing deeply, I take the document and scan it qui
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Chapter 68
Zach's PoVThe moment we entered the house, Yana went straight to her room to sleep. I make a mental note to address that, since she hasn't officially moved in yet and most of her stuff is still at her house.Knocking Kyra's door, I open it to check what she's doing. "Hey Dad, what's up?" She asks, still focusing on whatever she is writing.I enter the room and try to peer over her shoulder but she covers it from my view. "You're not supposed to see that! It's private!" She states incredulously.Holding my hands up, I step back and plop down unto her bed. "My bad baby girl. How was school?" I ask.She beams at me, "It's awesome! No more bullies!"I lay back on the bed with a satisfied grin. "Good, cuz I didn't wonna have to kill anybody!"Easing up on my elbows, I peer at Kyra who has a permanent smile on her face. "What's got you in such a good mood?"She blushes, "I'm excited about the proposal! We're gonna be such a wonderful family!"My heart leaps as pure unadulterated joy shine
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Chapter 69
Yana's PoVKyra helps me down the stairs and leads me to the backyard. I gasp as I realize its beautifully decorated and the table is set for eight. Why did I get the impression from Zach that it was just the two of us having dinner?As soon as I step from the patio, he approaches me with a bouquet of mixed color roses and smiles. "This is for the lady of the hour. You know I love you right?" He asks.I take them and peck his lips, "And I love you too baby." I retort with a huge smile. Kyra walks ahead of us, with an obvious skip in her step, which is odd but I ignore it. As we reach the gazebo, I'm shocked as Kyle and Laura enter from the side and hand me two small cards. I open Kyle's own, 'Welcome home sis! I love you and King more than Zach!', it says with a smiley face. Placing my bouquet down, I open Laura's card, 'My Only Sis, I love you more than life itself and you deserve everything good that life has to offer!' My eyes brim with tears as I hug them tightly, "Awwee, you gu
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Chapter 70
Zach's PoVEuphoric! That's exactly how I've been feeling for the last few hours since Yana agreed to be my wife! As I sit on the pool deck, I admire how she's glowing and basking in happiness as she talks with Laura, Kyra and Sapphire.Those three have been bickering non-stop about details of the wedding. Kyle plops down beside me and slaps my back hard, "You did it bro! You're a full grown man now!"I chuckle, "You better start calling me Mr. Lindsay son!" Kyle guffaws for a few seconds then slaps the back of my head."Mr. Lindsay, my ass! Boy, I raised you since you were in diapers!" Kyle scoffs and leans back in his seat.Taking a sip of my Remy Martin, I take a look at everything happening around me. "Man, everything still feels surreal." I comment.Kyle grins, "Bro, I wonna be like you when I grow up!"I hiss my teeth and make space as Connor comes over and squeezes himself between us. "Damn, you guys left a brotha hanging alone!" He grumbles.Kyle and I laugh, causing him to fr
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