All Chapters of His Mate: The Demon King : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
84 Chapters
Chapter twenty
“Careful,” Steven said, rushing over to take the bucket of water from Aliyah. “You shouldn’t do things like this.”Aliyah rolled her eyes, “I am not a weakling, Steven.”“I know and I never said you are. In fact, you are the strongest female I know, I guess whether you are the alpha or not, being an alpha bloodline makes you one.”“Hmm,” Aliyah scoffed, “coming from a boy he had mocked me for being a girl.”Steven sighed, not chuckling to the joke as he would have. “Aliyah, you have been here for nearly two weeks now, when will you see that I have changed and not the brat I was when we first met?”“Oh, you knew you were a brat?” She teased.“Aliyah,” Steven whispered and she laughed. He caught on to her humor a little and put down the bucket of water he was carrying. “I would have ordered the omegas to connect a tap in the house but you know…” he sighed and ran his fingers through his black hair. “I really hope this all end soon.”“Yeah,” Aliyah exhaled loudly. “I really want to see A
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Chapter twenty one
“Are you okay?” Dennis said to the woman who kept pacing around the room. “Listen, I know you are worked up about your visit to the witches coven tonight but think about the bright side, if you succeed, you will be able to find a solution to this whole problem.”Genevieve ignored the man and finally sat down on her favorite sofa, her mind was running in circles but she doesn’t know exactly what to do. The door opened and Martha walked in. “Genevieve, dear, what is it?”Dennis sighed and explained to the woman when Genevieve said nothing after a while. “The High Chiefs and the High Howlers are visiting the witches’ coven tonight.”“Oh, but it’s something that have already been agreed upon since two weeks ago. Why are you worried?”“You don’t understand, mother, something doesn’t feel right. Why is the High Howlers suggesting we meet other witches to tell us what was going but they readily agreed to that other Melissa who told them to kill Edward?”“When will you stop throwing blames, y
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Chapter twenty two
“From here on out, we should be careful. It’s no joke that the witches despite us, but we must show them that we come in peace and that we bare no ill will. We must buy their trust if we want them to listen to us so I say we refrain from engaging in any battle with them,” Damien said as they all gathered at the foot of the Westwood Mountain.“So if I am to understand clearly, Alpha Damien, you are saying that if any witch comes throwing a deadly spell on us, we should just smile and welcome it?” Genevieve mocked.No one replied to her as they have to come to understand that that was how she was and will be from now on. They all agreed to what Damien said and set off to climbing the mountain. Malachi pulled on Genevieve’s hand when she was about passing him, bringing her to a stop. He sighed when he saw the woman’s icy glare. “Genevieve, I understand that you don’t think this is a good idea but this is the only plan we have got. Give us a new plan and I will call back our chiefs and we
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Chapter twenty three
Edward sat in front of the doors as he made himself remember all the times he spent with Aliyah, even the times he still believed he hated her. His mission was to make her his innermost desire so that when he opened one of those doors, it would lead him back to her, back to them and so that he can protect them as he should, as he should have.Selene had told him about the thing with Irene but he knew he can’t hate her, Irene would never hurt Aliyah if she was in her right mind and that means he had to go back sooner to wake her up before she was used to really hurt Aliyah, building guilt upon her when she finally regains her senses.However, if he was telling himself the truth, that was not the only reason he wanted to go back so much now. Selene don’t often tell him everything that was happening in the world but somehow she managed to tell him that Steven was getting really close to Aliyah now. He doesn’t want to believe that Aliyah would forget him so soon but he also won’t blame he
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Chapter twenty four
“The attacks are getting more and more. I fear that we might be right, the woman knows where we are through Irene, and she must be working with the demon king. At the rate of this attacks, I fear that we will have to leave Black Wind pack,” Sean said to Rasmus and Steven.“But where can you go? This is the only safe place for you now and you know it,” Steven said and Rasmus sighed.“True, but we are endangering the lives of your packmates,” Rasmus said. “How many people were turned rogues last night? Twenty.”“Yes but we are capturing them, when all this is over, we will be able to heal them,” Steven said.Sean and Rasmus shared a look and they turned back to Steven. “The thing is, we are afraid of what would happen if that woman chose to use to Irene again. Yes she hasn’t in a week now but Irene has also not woken up which means she still has her. Irene is a strong witch Steven, if that woman makes her use her powers, I’m afraid of what would happen to Black wind pack.”“We will cros
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Chapter twenty five
“Oh God, no, not now,” Aliyah whispered, feeling her stomach. She closed her eyes and stared up at the ceiling, she had just been wondering when it would be but she definitely doesn’t want it to be tonight, not with a fight with deranged Nebuzars going on. She blew out air through her mouth to calm herself down before leaving the room to the bathroom to get a towel to clean herself up and the floor as well. Walking back to her bedroom with the clean towel, she heard a noise coming from the room that Irene was locked in since the day she attacked her with only Rasmus going in to check on her.She paused, wanting to know if it was really from the room but after what felt like ten seconds, no noise came again. She approached the door and placed her ear on it but it was as quiet as the graveyard. Sighing, she shrugged and went back to her room to dry up the floor. Sean’s voice rang in her mind soon after as she went on her knees to clean up the floor. ‘Aliyah, the deranged Nebuzars are at
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Chapter twenty six
“Irene,” Aliyah called softly when she saw the woman standing in front of the door. Her eyes were ashen black and her lips were pale. Her skin was pale as well and black lines stretched out on her body like black veins. Her hands were bony and her nails were black and pointed. Aliyah could feel the fear rising in her chest as she remembered that that was exactly how she looked when she attacked her that other day. She glanced around, neither Sean nor Rasmus nor even Steven would come for her rescue today and they also won’t hear her scream from the unrest of the pack. She knew that escaping Irene now is all up to her and she just hopes the woman would wake up before she does any real harm to her or she to her.“Irene, this isn’t you, wake up, please,” she pleaded but the woman just kept staring at her. She let her gaze roam around, searching for a weapon to use or anything that would aid her in fighting. However, instead of seeing something to use, she was rather hit by her first cont
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Chapter twenty seven
Steven felt fear rise up to his throat and he intend to run to the woman but then a rogue landed in front of him and snarled. He tried his best to take it out as fast as he could but when he finally did, both Elder John and the witch was gone. He scanned around, his heart thumping loud in his chest as he started running around, searching for them. He must know what have happened and where exactly Aliyah was because his gut is telling him that she is no longer in the cottage and he must know where she is.‘Steven, what are you doing running around like a lost puppy, get back in fight,’ Ethan’s voice rolled in his mind and he sounded wounded. He turned to find his father but he couldn’t but he saw his brother being attacked by two rogues and three nightwalkers. ‘Gerald,’ he screamed in his mind and sprinted to him, jumping and landing on a nightwalker, biting down on his throat. He released his alpha powers and the force threw away the rogues while he landed on another nightwalker, firs
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Chapter twenty eight
Not only Damien but everyone who happened to see that face being reflected by the moonlight thought the night was playing a joke on them but they watch the man fly in that unbelievable speed and land another blow on that beast.“Sean, I am not going crazy right?” Rasmus asked as he watched the man fighting with the Nebuzar but Sean was also questioning his own sanity to answer him. It was like time came to a stop with only the Dark Prince and the Nebuzars moving. Those who saw him die couldn’t believe their eyes and it was hard especially on Rasmus for he had buried the man himself. And if he did that, then how can he be there? Fighting that monster and landing blows that neither the High Howlers or High chiefs could.The Nebuzar growled and attacked Edward, slamming the man against the very watchtower it had thrown Damien and the man broke off the tower but right before it could crush any innocent wolf, he grabbed it and threw it at the Nebuzar. The wall broke in pieces on hitting th
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Chapter twenty nine
“Hello princess,” A woman chuckled as Aliyah suddenly appeared in front of her. “I have been looking forward to seeing you again.”Aliyah glanced around, she was in a dim-lit massive room with long drapes covering the windows. About eight to ten chandeliers hung on the ceiling and following it, she saw a big red throne sitting at the edge of the room and a man was sitting on it. His golden hair fell in locks down his shoulders and his dark brown eyes were on her, a small smile playing on his lips. The walls of the room looked gloomy and cold. Aliyah didn’t need to be told that she was in a throne room, an old throne room.She quickly got up from the floor, momentarily forgetting about the pain she was in as she finally realized where she was. She remembered the witch that had kidnapped her back then standing beside the man she now knows was the demon king. It was the first time she was seeing his face and for some reason, he reminded her of someone. If she didn’t know better, she woul
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