All Chapters of The She Wolf's Heart: Chapter 41 - Chapter 48
48 Chapters
"Why would you think like that? Why would you just call off our relationship? Did it ever occur to you that I should have a say in this? She didn't say anything. She stared at me, her pupils bristling with unsheded tears. Just as the first began to drop down her cheek, she turned away. Was she feeling ashamed of herself? Why? "You won't understand, Maya. I think you should stay away from me. I am dangerous. I am a beast. I could kill you." She yelled and began to walk away. I began walking towards her and her step quickened. I was falling behind within seconds which means she was using her speed. This wasn't what I wanted her to feel. This wasn't what I expected from her after the incident. Thoughts of what she might to do herself clouded my mind forcing me to say the exact thing I hate saying to people. "Are you ashamed of me? Is that it?"I watched her stop abruptly. She covered the distance between us in seconds and stared me in the eyes. She had this stunned look in her fac
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My aunt's voice cut through our little make-out. I practically held myself from openly whining about it. We withdrew our lips but our hands were still making contact with our body parts. None of us had disconnected our gaze. I still looked at Maya like she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was, in a way. "Both of you need to get a room, Aunty B's voice came up again. "Meanwhile, Anya did you not bring spare clothes today?""I…" Maya beat me to a response. "You could help us arrange those quickly since you are good at slipping in between worlds and places." Maya quipped without disconnecting her gaze from me. "I should totally do that." Aunty B left her gaze on Maya with a smirk on her face. "You should," Maya's gaze finally left mine and fell on Aunty B. She disconnected her hand as well and stood in front of me. I was so scared of doing this after what had happened roughly an hour ago, but had to. I quickly peered at Aunt B's face. It wasn't filled with laissez
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Today isn't my day. I have no desire to be where I am currently even though it is a Monday. Everything around me is irritating me. Merely hearing voices around riles me up. As if it isn't bad enough, suddenly my co-teachers want to say hi which I am not in the mood for. On top of all these, I have this unease, fear of something bad happening today. What’s up with you, dude? You don’t look happy today, why? Anya’s voice pulled me out of my head.I threw a glance her way and saw concern on her face.“Nothing, just not in the mood for being an adult today,” I responded, transferring my gaze to the window and my eyes fell on students playing. I sighed and held back the comment of Maya coming in to ask me the same question. Dear Universe, let today be one of those Mondays that she is too busy to go for a break, I wish. I had barely sighed when my eyes fell on the tall glass of wine called Maya as she made her way to Anya’s class. it is not all prayers that the universe answers after a
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Before anyone tells me that my days any where are numbered, I usually feel it. That was the same feeling I had as I walked into Mr. Surajo office and a scent waffed into my nose. I walked passed his secretary tapping into the strong girl part of me as I proceeded into his office and stood tall against Vincent who sat on plastic seat opposite the principal. I fought endlessly to subdue the urge to glance at him but I caved in. The disdain in his eyes almost floored me, but I had to keep my shield as high as possible as I focused my attention on the principal. "You sent for me?" I asked him as I turned fully towards him. "I did." His gaze was on everything and everyone else apart from me. Was he worried about firing me or about what he will find out if he questions me?The silence that descended on us was like a heavy blanket trying to squeeze life out of me, but I had to remain calm and clearheaded for the shots to come. I fixed my eyes on him while my mind travelled back and fo
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"Why did you uncloak here with the kids…"The question died on my lips as I glanced around. Every pupil had their eyes fixed not on anything in particular. Their hands, body, stopped, as in frozen."What's wrong with the…"My questions died on my lips again as I looked at her. Birdie May happens to have one of the strangest powers. Did she just freeze my class? Did she pause time? "Yes, I paused time," her voice vibrated in my head. Yeah I forgot about that power, too. "I paused time within this environment. You have that power too. Any pure blood can do that with some training. No lamb should be able to break the barrier unless they have both legs into old religion." She explained casually like one explaining why cereal is for breakfast. I stared at her in a mixture of wonder and astonishment. Silence fell upon us as she fixed her gaze on me. As we gazed at each other, I found out that I couldn't read her mind, she was blocking me out on purpose. "I will be leaving town today.
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It is as if my legs couldn't carry me any longer. It felt as if I had been standing up for over an hour. My students were working on a science project that they had chosen in our previous lesson. I had come to the board to illustrate something when I turned towards the door because noise was coming from the corridor. Anya stood by my door staring at me. She was elegant. She never slouch, but now she was. Why is she looking at me that way? Is she scared of me or scared of what she's about to say? "Hey," I voiced out. "Hey yourself." She responded with a weak smile and walked in. I returned her smile with a nervous one. Watching her take her steps one after the other made me realise that she was being cautious. It didn't take me up to a minute to site the backpack she had on. It was puffy and looked heavy. About two steps away from me, she whispered, "I'm going home." I connected the dots and my gaze softened to sympathy. I wanted to take her hands into mine and pull her into a hu
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Everything is as it should be. I know this because I am standing in front of Maya's class after the bell for school over rang. Her students, just like mine, have joined the ocean of bodies swimming towards the gate, others walking to the car park to join their parents and older siblings. The rest headed towards where the school bus is parked. Maya isn't in her class. She may have gone out to get something. All I have to do is wait. And so I wait. I sit down on one of the chairs in front of her table and automatically bring out my phone to while away the boredom threatening to descend on me in the absence of anyone to talk to and anything to do. I open my chat to text the good doctor as Anya likes to refer to him. Gius, that's his name, isn't a call person, texting is his style. He would spend an entire twenty-four hours thumbing the screen of his phone if he had a cleared-out schedule. Myself on the other hand never minded. As luck may have it, he is online, and so, we text. He wan
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We walk into Maya's class and there she is seated, staring into an empty space. I try to read her mind, but can't. It feels like an endless void, the kind I felt the day I connected to Mr Rodriguez. Just dark! Perhaps, it was the distance between us, so I close the gap as fast as I can. Getting close to her, I squat down by her feet to directly look into her eyes, but her gaze is far away. It feels as if she is in a different world altogether. She doesn't say a word to either myself or Caleb, let alone acknowledge our presence. Out of desperation to make contact with her, I glance at the table and I take one of her hands into mine. Her usually soft and warm palm feels cold. Outside, the sun seems to be in a competition with humans to ascertain who is hotter. “So, why is her palm this cold?” I whisper to myself. If a pin had dropped on the floor, it will be like a bomb, that's how quiet the classroom is and it's unnerving. “What's up with her? Can you feel her?” Caleb’s voice rise
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