All Chapters of Faith and the three fates.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
87 Chapters
Chapter 31
I toss and turn all night unable to relax or rest maybe it was a bad idea to just run from my problems instead of confronting and working through them I really isn’t like me to run from a challenge I usually rise up to the occasion. I have never spent the night away from the pack alone werewolves are not solitary creatures. It’s 2:30 in the morning so maybe I could try to take a shower it might help me to relax a little enough to get a solid hours sleep. Feeling relaxed I exit the bathroom to try my luck at sleep when I see a black figure in the dark sitting on the edge of the lounge. When it starts to walk towards me my heart rate quickens until chase comes into sight. “Couldn’t sleep too huh” “Far out chase you sure know how to get a ladies heart pumping” He throws his head back and laughs a little too hard. He motions for the bed for me to sit. I yawn and start to feel the comfort of sleep chase pulls the blanket back for me and I climb under. He lays on top of the blanket and w
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Chapter 32
While I’m sobbing on my bed I’m hit with the sudden realisation. This is not me this is not who I am I’m not one to cry and run no I am the girl who fights fiercely crying on my bed isn’t helping me or my people. What I need to do is get my miserable butt out of bed and continue my training to fight for what I feel is right. Tonight I will attend family dinner with the visiting faction members and the ranked members of our pack and coven then tomorrow I will go see Sophia seek the answers I need to hear wether that be what I want to hear or not then I am going to throw myself into my training to protect those who can’t protect themselves against injustice a war is approaching the last thing I should be doing is laying in bed feeling miserable. I make my way to the guest quarters I can tell who is in what room according to their personal energy it’s something I have never done before or I have never noticed before Marisha and Alvin are in the second room I come across so I knock on th
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Chapter 33
I guess I’m trying to atone myself because I was pretty much the last person to leave the dinning hall my mother thankfully didn’t mention my time away and I’m thankful for that I don’t want to constantly apologise or feel like I need to explain my reasonings. She tells me Sophia is waiting to meet me she explains her current state almost as a heads up on what I will be confronted with I tell my mother I had planned to see her tomorrow morning. I head back up stairs then Destin mindlinks me “come to marishas room we’ve set up a board game night in here can you bring up some snacks?”I turn on my heels to make my way back down stairs for the kitchen. I find a few reusable bags in the pantry and start to fill one bag up with cool drinks and bottled waters the other with chips, dip and some bags of lollies. I don’t hear anyone enter the kitchen until someone has hands on both my hips as I stand hunched over in the pantry looking for my favourite lollie stash behind the tinned foods. The
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Chapter 34
I wake up in Colton’s arms five minutes before my alarms due to go off. I lay there just watching Colton sleep under he opens one eye and closes it again. “Can’t keep your eyes off me eh even when I’m sleeping” I push his chest and get up to put some training clothes on Colton also jumps up and throws on the clothes he worn last night before giving me a kiss and leaving to get ready for pack warrior training. To my surprise the other kingdoms are also participating in warrior training this session is being run by the vampires they have different techniques that we as a pack will be learning today. It’s brutal but also exciting to be training a different regime. We break off into pairs consisting of one wolf and one vampire we are to learn how to defend off a vampire in both human and wolf form and of course I have been paired with Karla. It makes perfect sense to pair one heiress with another perfect match right? But seriously of all the people Karla does not seem too happy about th
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Chapter 35
When I get back to my room Destin is laying on my bed flicking through Netflicks. He sits up when he sees me and pats the bed beside him for me to sit. “Wanna watch some N*****x with me any suggestions because right now i can’t find anything but serial killer or crime movie they need to expand their genre” “Like for real N*****x and chill orr N*****x and chilllll” “You dirty little perv I actually wanted to watch tv but I mean if the offers on the table we could chilllll” Destin gives me an eyebrow wiggle while I push him on the chest playfully. I choose the safe option and pick a comedy. I lay in destins arms with my head on his chest and fall asleep while there. I wake up to a dip in the bed on the other side of me the scent is Colton’s I’m still half asleep when I feel him pull me into his arms. He kisses my cheek and brushes the hair out my face I can feel his eyes are watching me as he gently whispers in my ear sending shivers all over. “I know you are awake princess I just
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Chapter 36
Once elf training has finished I make my way over to the hospital making sure to stop at the ground floor vending machine to stock up on some snacks for Sophia she really seemed to enjoy them. As usual both our mothers are beside her bed I greet the both of them with a big hug and kiss then I do the same for Sophia. I tell them all about my day and how a met dryad pretty cool stuff if you ask me it’s not everyday a werewolf meets a tree spirit the mothers leave to take a break while Sophia and I spend some time together. “What do you want to do today?” “I haven’t seen the sunshine in a while I would like to feel the sun rays on my skin I was seldom let out of the cells in all honesty I have only been outside a handful of times” “Well todays your lucky day they have a beautiful garden here in the pack hospital” I press the red nurse button and it doesn’t take long for the red haired nurse to come bouncing into the room she’s young so she must be a training nurse but she seems very
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Chapter 37
I can feel the fire slowly dwindling down in Jacqueline Sophia seems to have that calming effect on her I guess seeing someone familiar in an unfamiliar place would help. Sophia takes Jacqueline by the hand and tips the lounge up and takes a seat I pull the recliner up the right way and take a seat to the side of them. Jacqueline leans into Sophia as Sophia gently brushes her hair out her face. I take this time to mindlink my mother to let her know everyone is fine but the girls may need some space for now that Delilah is on her way over. Delilah walks in through the door and looks around the room until she finds us all seated on the lounges she gracefully walks over and the power emitting her keeps growing by the day she takes a seat on the arm of my recliner. Jacqueline bows her head at Delilah’s presence. “High priestess I am Jacqueline of the disgraced obsidian coven” “Yes Jacqueline I’m aware of who you are and where you have come from please lift your head no need to bow to m
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Chapter 38
I clutch the side of the wall the pain I’m feeling is beyond intense a nurse sees me state and rushes off she comes back with a wheel chair. The nurse slips her self beside me and puts one arm of my arms around her shoulder and lifts me into the wheel chair. I hurts all over my body feels like it’s on fire she runs with the wheel chair into a vacant room and runs back out moments later she bursts into the room with two doctors in tow they lift me out of the wheelchair and onto the bed. They start to draw my blood and check my temperature and putting an iv drip in. One of the doctors asked what happened and I explained the how I was walking and out of nowhere an intense pain hit me in the chest and stomach and the feeling of being on fire. They look at the monitor and walk away in hushed whispers and came back. “Faith have you found your mate? With your symptoms and your vitals all stable it there’s only a handful of possibilities here we are running your bloods and looking for anyth
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Chapter 39
Colton and I arm midway through our third round of steamy sex I close my eyes and start to moan when I see the familiar eyes I haven’t seen in a while chases angry red eyes are staring at me I can feel them looking right into the depth of my very soul. Then I hear the snarl of his wolf and I instantly panic. “Stop get out of my head” I scream out loud with out realising I done so. Colton instantly stops pumping me and looks at me worriedly. “Princess is everything alright” “Yes no I don’t know” “Want to talk about it?” I walk over to the lounge and wrap a blanket around myself while Colton covers his now floppy dick with a pillow. “It’s just I don’t know how to explain it but I don’t know have you ever noticed Chase’s eyes?” “ARE . YOU . SERIOUS. While we were having sex you were thinking about that abomination. Here I was thinking we had a connection and during our most intimate moments you’re thinking of HIM” “No well not exactly no. Have you ever noticed his eyes are red we
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Chapter 40
We went hard in warrior training today my body aches but I persevere then head off to the elf and fae elders training today the female fae elder is teaching. The fae elder tells us the fairies are also land custodians while the elves protect the trees and plants etc it is the fairy’s job to protect the animals. One part of being an animal guardian is the ability to communicate or understand animals it may not be spoken words between you and the animals. Being animal guardians includes the water animals so that being said we possess water energy. She turns her palm over and a water sprout dances in her palm. So todays exercise we will be going to the stream to see if you can connect with the water or it’s inhabitants you will be water gazing to start with. Sitting here staring at the stream unsure on what I’m suppose to be looking for or at we have all been here looking at the water for a hour now and nothing. I’m looking into water mindlessly when something catches my eye a frog I see
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