All Chapters of Crescent Moon Alphas: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
42 Chapters
Chapter 21
AriaThey roll across the forest floor in a blur of motion, claws and teeth flashing in the dappled sunlight. Blood spatters the leaves, the coppery scent of it thick and cloying in the air.I know I should do something, should throw myself between them and put an end to this madness before one of them winds up dead. But I can't seem to make myself move, can't seem to do anything but watch in mute horror as the two males I love most in this world try to tear each other apart.It's Callum who falters first, his weakened body no match for Elijah's savage strength. He stumbles, his flank laid open by a vicious swipe of claws, and Elijah presses his advantage with a snarl of triumph.And then his jaws are closing around Callum's throat, and the world seems to freeze in a single, crystalline moment of perfect, terrible clarity.I know in that instant that I am about to watch the father of my child die. That I am about to lose him forever, just when I had finally begun to hope that we might
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Chapter 22
AriaI'm frozen, my heart pounding in my chest as I stare at Elijah's battered face. His eyes are hazy, clouded with pain and confusion, and I can see the questions burning in their depths."Aria," he croaks, his voice rough and broken. "What... what happened?"I swallow hard, my mind racing as I try to find the words. How can I possibly explain the horror of what just transpired? The madness in Callum's eyes, the cruel twist of his lips as he threatened to take everything from me?But even as I open my mouth to speak, a sudden realization hits me like a bolt of lightning. Elijah doesn't remember. The fight, the betrayal, the sickening crunch of bone and flesh... it's all lost to him, swallowed up by the haze of pain and exhaustion.And in that moment, I make a decision. A split-second choice that will change everything, that will set me on a path from which there may be no return.I take a deep breath, my voice trembling with feigned fear and distress as I begin to weave my tale."It
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Chapter 23
Aria I sit by Elijah's bedside, watching the slow rise and fall of his chest. He looks so peaceful, so vulnerable, despite the bruises and bandages that mar his skin. A testament to the battles he's fought, the sacrifices he's made. For me. For our pack. For the future we've dreamed of building together. I should be happy. Should be thrilled by his proposal, by the promise of a life spent by his side. But all I feel is a sickening sense of dread, a fear of the secrets that threaten to tear my world apart. Because how can I say yes? How can I pledge myself to him, knowing what I've done? Knowing the lies I've told, the betrayals I've committed? As if sensing my turmoil, Elijah stirs, his eyes fluttering open. They're hazy with pain and exhaustion, but they brighten when they find mine. "Aria," he murmurs, his voice rough and ragged. "You're here." I force a smile to my face, taking his hand in mine. His skin is warm, his fingers strong and callused. The hands of a warrior, a prot
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Chapter 24
AriaI'm halfway to the door when I hear it. A soft, mocking laugh that sends a chill down my spine, freezing me in my tracks.I turn slowly, my heart pounding in my chest. And there she is. Soren, standing in the shadows, her arms crossed and her eyes glinting with a calculating light."Going somewhere, Aria?" she asks, her voice dripping with false sweetness.I swallow hard, trying to force down the panic that rises in my throat. "Soren," I say, my voice trembling despite my best efforts to keep it steady. "What are you doing here?"She steps forward, her lips curving in a cruel smile. "I could ask you the same thing," she says, her tone light and mocking. "Did you really think you could just run away? Did you think no one would notice, that no one would care?"I feel a flicker of anger beneath the fear, a spark of defiance that refuses to be snuffed out. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say, lifting my chin. "I'm not running away. I'm just... I have to..."But Soren cuts
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Chapter 25
Elijah I sit at my desk, my mind lost in thoughts of Aria and the future I so desperately want to build with her. It's been days since I proposed, days since I laid my heart at her feet and asked her to be mine forever. But she hasn't given me an answer. Hasn't said the words I long to hear, the words that would make all my dreams come true. I know she's been through a lot. Know that the events of the past few weeks have taken their toll on her, body and soul. But I also know that what we have is real, that the love that burns between us is strong enough to weather any storm. At least, I hope it is. I shake my head, trying to dispel the doubts that creep in like shadows. I can't let myself dwell on the negative, can't let myself imagine a future without Aria by my side. So I send for her, my heart racing with anticipation as I wait for her to arrive. I need to see her, need to look into her eyes and know that she feels the same way I do. A knock at the door startles me from my t
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Chapter 26
Elijah The phone feels heavy in my hand as I wait for Leah to answer, my heart pounding in my chest. I don't know what I'm hoping to hear from her, don't know if there's anything she can say that will ease the ache in my soul. But I have to try. Have to do something, anything, to understand why Aria turned me away. "Elijah?" Leah's voice comes through the line, cautious and concerned. "Is everything alright?" I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "No," I admit, my voice rough with emotion. "No, it's not. Leah, I need to ask you something. About Aria." There's a pause, a moment of heavy silence. And then Leah sighs, her tone laced with sympathy. "Elijah, I'm sorry, but I don't have any knowledge of Aria's decision. She hasn't confided in me about this matter." I close my eyes, the disappointment washing over me like a cold wave. I had hoped, foolishly perhaps, that Leah might have some insight into Aria's mind, some clue as to why she rejected me. But it seems I'm on my
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Chapter 27
Callum The pack hall feels too small, too confined, as I pace back and forth like a caged animal. My thoughts are a tangled mess, consumed by images of Aria - the way her body felt pressed against mine, the taste of her lips, the fire in her eyes as she attacked Elijah to save my life. That moment plays over and over in my mind, a testament to her fierce loyalty, her unwavering courage. Even after everything I did to her, every lie and betrayal, she still fought for me with a passion that takes my breath away. And now, with the memory of our stolen moment together seared into my brain, I can't escape the regret that claws at my chest. I never should have deceived her, never should have pushed her away. I thought I was doing what was best for the pack, but the truth is, I was a coward. I was too afraid to face my feelings for her, too afraid of what loving her might mean. I clench my fist, my nails digging into my palm as I try to steady myself. But it's no use. The agitation rolls
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Chapter 28
Aria My heart pounds in my chest as Leah and I are escorted into the pack hall by two stern-faced pack members. The atmosphere is thick with tension, and I can sense a mix of anger, disappointment, and sorrow emanating from Elijah as he stands with the council members and Soren. Leah shoots me a worried glance, her brows furrowed in concern. I try to give her a reassuring smile, but it feels strained on my face. Something is wrong, very wrong, and the knot in my stomach tightens with each step we take. Elijah gestures for us to take a seat, his expression grim and his eyes filled with a pain that makes my heart ache. I've never seen him look so broken, so utterly devastated, and I can't help but wonder what could have caused such a profound change in his demeanor. "What's going on, Elijah?" I ask, my voice trembling slightly as I try to keep my composure. "Why have you called us here?" He takes a deep breath, his gaze sweeping over the council members before settling back on me. "
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Chapter 29
Aria The cold, hard floor presses against my cheek as I slowly drift into consciousness. For a moment, I'm disoriented, my mind struggling to piece together the fragments of my memory. But as the fog of sleep clears, the harsh reality of my situation comes crashing down on me like a tidal wave. I'm in prison. Locked away like a common criminal, awaiting trial for a crime I didn't commit. I blink, trying to adjust to the dim light filtering through the small, barred window. As my eyes focus, I see Leah sitting beside me, her face etched with concern and fear. She looks like she hasn't slept in days, and I feel a pang of guilt knowing that I'm the reason for her suffering. "Aria, we need to talk," she says, her voice gentle but firm as she places a comforting hand on my shoulder. I look away, tears welling up in my eyes as the weight of my guilt threatens to crush me. I know that my actions have not only put my own life in danger but also the lives of my best friend and my unborn ch
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Chapter 30
Aria The moonlit clearing is eerily silent, the only sound the soft whisper of the wind through the trees. The Silverfang pack forms a loose circle around the perimeter, their eyes fixed on the two wolves in the center. Elijah and I face each other, our bodies tense and coiled, ready to spring into action at any moment. The air between us crackles with energy, a palpable tension that sets my nerves on edge. Elijah's black fur seems to absorb the moonlight, making him almost invisible against the shadows. But I can see the glint of his eyes, the flash of his teeth as he snarls at me. You think you can beat me, little girl? his voice echoes in my mind, dripping with disdain. You're nothing but a pup, playing at being an Alpha. I bare my teeth in response, a low growl rumbling in my throat. I am no pup, I snap back, my mental voice sharp and clear. And I will prove it, by defeating you here and now. Elijah laughs, a harsh, grating sound that sets my teeth on edge. We shall see about
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