All Chapters of Rejected Their Broken Luna: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
231 Chapters
Chap-131*Wrong Turn.*
Cynthia Dion: "Cynthia! Calm down," Mr. Holt intervened, positioning himself between us to defuse the situation. She was shaking from our encounter, and Mr. Holt was restraining me and keeping me away from her."What the heck!" I heard Atticus approaching his sister to comfort her, hugging her tightly to his chest. His eyes displayed a level of anger I had never seen before as he glared at me."How dare you even lay a hand on my sister?" The moment he pointed his finger in my face and said that, something inside me snapped."And your sister is free to treat me poorly whenever she pleases? After wishing me misery, she poured the liquid on my face. She can abuse me, but I can't defend myself?" I yelled right back at him. I didn't hold back, feeling a surge of power as I stared directly into his eyes. He appeared taken aback."Enough!" Mr. Holt said, gripping my arm and attempting to calm me down. "She's unwell now and doesn't understand what she's doing.""No, not me. I'm just saying s
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Chap-132-The New LoveBirds.*
Cynthia Dion: My body began to feel light as I headed back to my room. I was simply gliding on my own, expending no energy whatsoever."What on earth is happening to me?" I pondered as I shut the door forcefully behind me and rushed to the bathroom to freshen up and compose myself before I landed in a predicament I couldn't escape from."Ugh!" When I raised my face to scrutinize my reflection in the mirror after splashing water on it, I was taken aback.""My eyes turned crimson-red.A sudden knock on the door jolted me from my vacant gaze, causing me to briefly avert my eyes from my reflection. When I returned my gaze to the mirror, the redness in my eyes had mysteriously disappeared."Cynthia! Don't waste your time," Mr. Holt exclaimed, relentlessly pounding on the restroom door from outside. "There are many preparations to attend to."I emerged from the restroom, shaking my head at him for banging on the door so insistently. "I wasn't having a leisurely time in there."Mr. Holt, ap
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Chap-133*The Deadly Honeymoon.*
Cynthia Dion: "Ehm! Your friend fell asleep in my room. She must be quite tired," Atticus remarked as he loomed in the doorway, his tone sounding more spiteful than conversational."Why don't you spend some time with her, then?" I replied, keeping my focus on the dishes I was washing."Why don’t you want me to eat your pussy tonight?" He whispered," he muttered in a hushed tone. In response to his remark, I clenched my muscles and held my tongue, utterly incredulous."That's what you were begging for, isn't it?" He sneered, the contempt in his voice unmistakable, resonating with every word.I spun around and shot him a withering glare, my eyes brimming with tears.With a forceful motion, he slammed the door shut and advanced toward me as I stammered, "Get out and leave me be. It's revolting that you would presume you can..."I instantly snatched the knife from the knife holder and aimed it at him. I was not going to let him touch me."Give it a shot, and I won't hesitate to retaliate
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Chap-134*Trick And Trip To The Mountains.*
Cynthia Dion: Before he could shift his attention from his phone to me, I realized that minute was a welcome respite. I hastened through my shower, struggling to keep the marked side of my neck turned towards the wall, just in case he happened to glance up.When I finished my shower and turned to check on him, he had vanished.Swiftly, I changed into black pants and a turtleneck sweater. Just as I left the bathroom, he re-entered the room with an empty bag.He began stuffing the bag with random items, none of which seemed suitable for Bali."Why the rush?" I observed from a distance as he filled the bag with utter nonsense. After he had zipped it shut, he instructed the maid to carry it to the car. Surprisingly, he hadn't packed any of my belongings. It left me puzzled--was I not going with him?"You forgot to pack my clothes," I tried to mention, but his grip on my wrist left me speechless. He pulled me along towards the parking lot, where we could spot Maleeka, Atticus, and Mara in
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Chap-135*The Deadly Game Of Pregnancy Test.*
Cynthia Dion: He took us to an undisclosed destination while I occupied the passenger seat. The place we arrived at was an imposing mansion, perched atop a hill.In our line of sight, a majestic waterfall cascaded down. He skillfully parked the car right in front of the mansion and gallantly held the door ajar for me.With a swift glance around, I noticed no warriors or guards posted in the vicinity."Let's roll!" He waited by the door, propping it open and quipping, "We're not here to twiddle our thumbs in the car for hours."Stepping out of the car induced a slight surge of anxiety within me."Where are the protective warriors?" I cautiously inquired, scanning the deserted driveway."Are you questioning my capacity to ensure your safety in case of any peril?" His tone turned a shade graver. With those words, he crouched down to my eye level, evidently attempting to goad me into a more assertive response."No!" Before I could elaborate, he straightened up abruptly, emitting a low gr
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Chap-136*It's Over. *
Cynthia Dion: He shot me an infuriated glare as if my very thoughts had offended him. He kept on scowling, and I could see his jaw clenching."You're being disrespectful," I retorted through the gritted teeth and locked eyes with him squarely."What about the humiliation you've put me through?" He retorted with a thunderous roar that made me flinch and even instinctively shut my eyes."Eh? What about the embarrassment I endured when the doctor congratulated me on these test results?" My heart nearly stopped when he pulled the tests out of the bag and declared, "Your mate is pregnant.""Ahhh!" I gasped audibly, covering my mouth as I stared at the documents in his hands. I couldn't fathom why he had insisted on the blood tests in the first place.His furious gaze seemed to convey, "I was informed about your pregnancy on the day that doctor visited, so I wanted to be certain," his words escaping in ragged breaths."Surprised, huh?" He set the papers aside and seized my arm, pulling me
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Chap-137*Life Or A Lie?*
Cynthia Dion: I wailed in agony as I laid there, praying it would all be over, but he wasn’t quite ready to go."You were going to ruin everything for me, you know. Do you realize how long I’ve been waiting and how hard I’ve worked to get to this point?" He sighed and said, "And you were going to ruin it all," while pointing at me."I don’t even think you will be of any service to me anymore," he grumbled under his breath, "now lie there and suffer," and then laughed when he saw me in this state. I couldn’t understand why he was so upset with me.If it was the cheating alone, I would have understood, but he had been cold and brutal to me since the day we got married.He looked at the blood between my legs and said, "I will now lose my authority over you. Hm!" He paced agitatedly and said, "I need to play the major card immediately."It wasn't the knife in my stomach, but the beatings had already caused me enough damage."Even if you get out of here, I need to find a way to make sure
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Chap-138*The Two Enemies.*
Cynthia Dion: That's when I began to recall everything that transpired in the mansion. I was duped by Mr. Holt, and he made it abundantly clear that expecting sympathy from him was a lost cause. He had no grounds to be irate with me over a partnership that, to his knowledge, was solely aimed at safeguarding my own interests. He blew it out of proportion, behaving as though I had cheated on him. He persistently harassed me and manipulated me into taking this relationship seriously.The sole reason I endured his mistreatment in silence was because my sister, Flora, should not have to endure the same ordeal as I did.I shook my head in disbelief, unwilling to accept that the night I uncovered my wolf was also the night I lost my child. The doctor firmly grasped my arm and pulled me back, preventing me from leaping out of bed in my quest for a breath of fresh air."Hey!" Once she had me settled back in bed, she tenderly ran her hand through my hair and urged, "Please try to stay composed
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Chap-139*A Helping Hand.*
Cynthia Dion: "Oh! Is that the truth?" Maleeka struggled to stifle her smirk, keeping it hidden beneath a facade of sorrow. She bit her inner cheek, feigning sorrow, but her subtle nods betrayed her true thoughts. The idea that she had wished for that outcome made my stomach churn."Let her have some peace for now," the doctor advised. "I need to unwind." She allowed them to leave me in solitude momentarily, and as they departed, I parted my lips and released a weary sigh.I lay fully awake, my breath steady, acutely aware of my surroundings. My mind teemed with concerns: the looming possibility of never being able to conceive again, the heart-wrenching loss of my child, and the anticipation of my wolf finally stirring.My wolf!I attempted to feign enthusiasm for her awakening, yet my voice quivered as I lamented, "You took an eternity to rouse."I harbored no anger toward her for her consistent absence when I needed her presence the most. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but feel a ti
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Chap-140*My New Owner*
Cynthia Dion: He was not only taken aback but infuriated that she had dared to pose this question. I observed him inhale deeply before attempting to maintain a façade of composure."She took a tumble down the stairs," Mara explained. I could see she was trying to butter him up and signal her loyalty."And did the stairs also decide to give her a few kicks, breaking her ribs? Perhaps the stairwell decided to get in on the action and stab her too?" Doctor Vivienne appeared to be fiery and self-assured. Her words turned my rapid breathing into a sense of regret.Why hadn't I always been more like her?Was it because I didn't have a backbone back then, or because I had to bite my tongue since everything I said would land me in a showdown with my sister? Whatever it was, I felt insignificant compared to her."Hm! Miss ----, you'll have to take up all these inquiries with my lawyer," Mr. Holt took a step closer, and when she didn't budge, he knelt down and found her name in the file. "Vivi
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