All Chapters of Taming The Arrogant Billionaire: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
80 Chapters
I Want Him Back
Around 8pm, Brixlee left the office when she got Xavier’s text. He was already waiting when she got to the parking lot."Hey, Brix"He said smiling broadly."You're early" she implied entering the car."I couldn't get the whole plans off my head" Xavier replied grinning . “I hope you’re ready for our first date?”“Sure, let’s just get it over with” Brixlee replied halfheartedly as the car zoomed off.…They arrived at the fanciest restaurant Brixlee had ever been to. Like a gentlemen, Xavier pulled the chair for her and then sat opposite her.The next few minutes passed by them scanning the menu cards “what is your favorite cuisine” he asked her.Brixlee was taken aback by the sudden question, Xavier already knew what her favorite cruise was, infact he knew everything about her so why was he asking her again.“Dude! You literally know everything about me!” Brixlee said smiling.Xavier frowned. “Don’t ruin this for me, please. Let’s just pretend we’re meeting for the first time” he excl
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Aquarium Date
Nathan was shocked, what was Allison doing here? He clenched his fists as memories of her betrayal flooded his system.Before he could say anything, Allison staggered in. She reeked of alcohol."Hey, Nathan!"She said almost loudly jumping on his bed."What are you doing in LA?"Nathan asked calmly, disgusted at the sight of her and the fact that she could face him after the way she cheated on him.Allison smiled at him then smirked "I...I'm here to a…apologize to… you Nathan.” She stammered. “I was wrong! I was a bitch for cheating on you" she added taking off her jacket."Did you drink??"Nathan asked her as he stood at a respectable distance from her."No, silly… I didn't"She replied with a smile.Nathan sighed, resting on the shelf by the door.Allison started taking off her accessories,her necklace, Nathan had to stop her when she was about to take her blouse off."What are you doing, Allison??" Nathan snapped holding her hand down."I don't know."She replied smiling mischievously.
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Allison’s Devilish Move
Brixlee felt a lump come to her throat as Xavier said those words, she slowly disengaged the hug, avoiding his gaze.Those words reminded her of Nathan, he had said the exact same words to her and she also loved him back. She felt guilty, guilty that she was leading Xavier on, she shouldn’t have hugged him back, she should’ve made it clear that she wasn’t interested but by hugging him back, she gave him hope, hope that Brixlee was going to be his soon.As they drove back home in silence, Brixlee thought about what had happened. Why did she hug Xavier back? She shouldn’t have and she felt guilty, like she was cheating. Her thoughts drifted off to Nathan. What would he even think of her if he found out that the woman he said he loved was already lusting after his sworn enemy?Her heart skipped as soon as her phone beeped. It was a text from Nathan.It read; “WHAT ARE YOU UP TO?”She sighed and sank deeper into her seat, closing her eyes and soon all her worries dulled into oblivion.…T
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She Is Carrying My Baby
Next Morning…The gentle morning sun gradually pulled Brixlee out of her slumber, coaxing her awake. She let out a wide yawn, feeling the slight ache in her bones as she stretched lazily. It was a serene Sunday morning, and a sense of contentment enveloped her.Before diving into anything else, she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. The cool water cascading over her body awakened her senses, washing away any remnants of sleepiness. After her shower, she picked out a comfortable outfit, enjoying the simple pleasure of choosing clothes that made her feel at ease.With her phone in hand, she settled herself on the edge of the bed, ready to take on the day's messages. As she unlocked the screen, her eyes landed on two notifications, one from Nathan and the other from her beloved grandpa. A smile gently tugged at the corners of her lips, anticipation rising as she decided to read her grandpa’s message first.It read; “HEY BRIX, I NEED YOU TO COOVER RIGHT NOW!!!! IT'S URGENT!”Her
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The Perfect Proposal
Brixlee sat on the couch in her living room, staring blankly at the TV screen. Her mind was numb, and her heart felt like it had been shattered into a million pieces. She couldn't believe it - that Nathan didn’t want her anymore because Allison was carrying his baby?Brixlee felt a sudden ache in her chest. Her eyes welled up with tears as she stared down at her feet. Her lower lips trembled as she struggled to blink back the tears before they dripped down her cheeks. She clenched her fists, quickly drawing in breaths, hoping the feeling would pass.She slowly rubbed her chest, trying to ease the ache in her heart and gulped in air once again. It was so hard for her to breathe. She tried to clear her throat but the twisted lump remained drawing her voice together. She sniffed trying to blink back the tears. She sighed heavily,letting her hand drop. It felt like she was struggling to swallow a still-breathing heart.She got on her feet, lowering her head in her palm as she fought back t
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Tangled Hearts
Brixlee’s jaws dropped as Xavier knelt before her with hope in his eyes. Slowly, she started to withdraw amidst gasps. What was she supposed to do? She was confused. As her eyes darted admist the tension, she could see her grandpa from afar, smiling at her and it dawned on her that he knew about it all along. Deep down, she knew exactly what he wanted from her. To say yes to a proposal she didn't know of?Brixlee glanced sideways and what she saw shooked her to the core. Nathan was standing at the other end of the bar, staring at her. When did he get there? How did he....? Why did he....? She clenched her fists realizing he was the same man that betrayed her. Why was he here? To witness her reunion with another man or to show he wasn’t moved by any of this? Why wasn’t he with his pregnant girlfriend?As Brixlee’s thoughts ran, she realized she was still standing there, in the middle of the crowd with Xavier still on his kneels, waiting for her response. She drew in breath, trying to p
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Unraveling Secrets
As Nathan watched Xavier and Brixlee getting into Xavier’s car, anger bubbled within him and it was all Allison’s fault. He had never felt so angry in his life. Angrily, Nathan drove up to Allison's house, the anger within him simmering like molten lava.The car halted as Nathan got out. The autumn leaves crunched beneath his feet, echoing his frustration, as he made his way to her front door. Clenching his fists, he banged on the door, the sound reverberating through the quiet neighborhood."Allison! Open the damn door!" He yelled, his voice strained with anger.After a moment, he heard the locks turning and the door slowly creaked open. Allison stood before him, her face pale and nervous, but he wasn't concerned with her emotions. Nathan’s heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest, the betrayal etched into every fiber of his being."What the hell did you think you were doing, Allison?" He spat, his words laced with venom. "Why would you stoop so low as to make up a lie
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In The Depths Of Regret
Xavier's features softened, his anger swiftly transforming into remorse. "No, Brixlee," he whispered, regret etched in his voice. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to react like that. It's just a painful memory, one I haven't fully come to terms with."Brixlee nodded, understanding glimmering in her eyes. She couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Xavier, realizing that beneath his composed exterior lay unresolved emotions. Silently, they both made their way back downstairs, joining his family once more.The atmosphere was lighter now, as if a shadow had been lifted. Brixlee tried to push aside her own unhappiness and immerse herself in the warmth of Xavier's family gathering. She exchanged smiles and pleasantries, but her inner turmoil lingered, a reminder of the difficult path she had chosen.… The office was eerily quite, as if someone had died and Nathan knew exactly what was wrong. Brixlee wasn’t at the office. He knew well enough that she wouldn’t b
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Betrayal And Broken Trusts
Two days later, Brixlee decided to finally go back to the office. That morning before she left home, she had started having a bad feeling about it. Maybe she wasn’t ready to face Nathan yet? Maybe she didn’t have to go back?As she walked into the office, Nathan and Tyler weren’t there yet. She took her seat and inhaled deeply, questioning her inner instincts and as she did, the door slowly creaked open and Nathan appeared. Nathan’s heart raced when he saw Brixlee, it felt too soon. He wasn’t ready to tell her the whole truth about the bet, he wasn’t even sure if Allison hadn’t got to her first.Their eye met and Brixlee could feel her heart sink to her stomach. She could feel her heart race as Nathan walked up to her, stopping right in front of her desk.She managed to find her words, “Good morning, Mr Grey” her voice trembled under the weight of her grief."Brixlee," Nathan began, his voice tinged with a mix of guilt and desperation, "we need to talk."Brixlee nodded solemnly as
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Confrontations And Deceptions
Brixlee walked into the cafe, deep in her thoughts. Samantha, Xavier’s sister had called her that she needed to talk to her. Although she wasn’t sure why Samantha wanted to see her, she saw her waving at her as she spotted her entering the cafe.She took her seat facing Samantha. “Hey, Sammy”Samantha smiled brightly. “Brixlee. I’m so glad you came” she said and smiled again. “Tyler wanted me to talk to you”Brixlee wasn’t sure why Tyler sent Samantha to talk to her but she remained calm anyways. Although, Tyler had been blowing up her phone for a few days after she had quit her job but she never answered his calls. She knew what he wanted to tell her.“He did?” She asked feigning intrest.“Yes. He said you quit your job and he’s not sure why.” Samantha explained further.Memories of Nathan’s betrayal flashed through a mind and once again, she found herself fighting to keep her emotions in check.She slowly forced a smile. “It’s nothing, Samantha. Tell Tyler not to be worried abou
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