All Chapters of Omega Thief And Her Alpha Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
83 Chapters
Clearing The Air
{ Theodore }Nukea is annoyed.I manage to get her to follow me to my car and get in, but she turns to the window and stays that way for the entire time, refusing to turn to look at me even when I try to make conversation. To be honest, her clear annoyance is making me feel like a caged up animal. I want to tell her I'm sorry and try to make it better somehow, but... I don't have to apologize for having a girlfriend. We are nothing. And I don't think we can ever be anything. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to make her feel better, so I stop at the first atm I find on the way to school. "Can I have my wallet now?" I ask her, she nods and pulls it out of her purse, then goes back to looking out the window. I hate how anxious I feel to make her stop being so mad, but if there's one thing I know it's that money fixes most things. So, I don't even ask how much was that dress because it’s not even about the dress.I get out of the car and unlock my cards before taking out as much
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Makes Sense
{ Nukea }I must have slipped into the twilight zone without realizing it or something because there is no other explanation as to why Theodore Heiden, Mister Next Alpha, billionaire super handsome dude just handed me five thousand dollars, let me keep his mom's ring and is driving me around the pack like I'm his boss... AND I'm still annoyed at him.But I need to snap the fuck out of it before he decides to stop being so nice and take this amazing amount of money away from me. It's not like I have any right to feel this way anyway, I just can't help it."Do you want me to go get them? Knox will love that," Theodore tells me, sheepishly. I give myself permission to turn to him now. He's actually so cute, it's making me angrier, "Yeah?""Sure," I say and give him directions to Beau's classroom. "Don't steal my car or I'll steal your brothers," he playfully threatens before getting out of the car, making me let out a surprised laugh. That was funny. Everything about him is a surprise
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Getting Deep
Once we finish eating, the boys run to the playground and we're left alone again. "The boys are cute," Theo mentions, looking at them as they leave, "You're like their mom, right?""I guess you could say that. I've been taking care of them completely since Beau was two and Knox was like seven," I reply, he's listening to me like he's actually listening to me, which is something you'd expect, but the only person who really listens to me is Violet, "I consider myself only their big sister because I'm fun. I let them sleep in late, I let them have all the desserts they want, sometimes I let them skip school and we play all the time. But I'm the only person who takes care of them, so yeah.""That's nice. You've done a good job, you should be proud," he says and I have to look down and swallow because a lump suddenly forms in my throat and my eyes get watery for a second. I've never had someone say something like that to me before, "Would you like to have your own kids one day?""No way,"
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Earned It
{ Theodore }My phone has been blowing up like crazy for about an hour now, but I've been completely ignoring it. I know I have a shitload of stuff to do, but I can't make myself care at the moment. I can also see how most of the people around the restaurant have been watching us and gossiping but I don't care either. I'm enjoying this moment. I can't remember the last time I ate candy or ice cream, but I'm doing it right now because, why not? The kids love it, Nukea loves it and I don't even know why I haven't had something sweet in so long. Once we're all full and almost unable to move thanks to the massive amounts of food we consumed, we decide it's time to go and I drive Nu and the boys home. "Can you give me a second to talk?" I ask Nukea once the kids say goodbye and get out of the car. She nods and waits for me to talk, "So... last night I heard your dad call Logan Gonzales your 'fiancé'. It's not like I trust his word, but I wanted to ask if there's any truth to that.""No
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Order Of Importance
Isabella lets me hear how disappointed she is with me for about another half hour, but once she's satisfied she tells me it's time to go to the appointment. This is the first time I'll be going with her to something of this sort and although I've been confused and worried about the future, my pup's life is still the most important thing to me right now. I let my assistant know I'll be going out again and I almost feel bad about the tired look she gives me, but she decided to work for me, so that’s what she gets. When we get to the doctor's office, she and Isabella talk for a while. Isabella tells her that she's been under stress lately and hasn't been able to eat as she should. That makes me feel like I've been punched in the gut and guilt takes over me. I know it’s because of me and how I totally pulled away in the worst possible moment. Once their chat is over, Isabella lies down on the small gurney and lifts up her blouse to show off her still flat stomach. "We're in the beginn
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Cover Up
The rest of the night I continue to flirt with Nate even though I quickly realize Violet was right. I've known Nate for so long that he feels like family, even though he's so physically graceful all of a sudden. I don’t think I could ever see him as anything other than Sickly Nate. I tell both of them everything that has happened since I decided to steal Theo’s wallet and maybe I spend too much time talking about how perfect he is because they both roll their eyes a few times."I'm being serious! He even let me keep his mother's ring," I tell them and raise my hand to show them. Violet gasps in complete surprise and leaps at me almost tackling me to see it, "Only because my finger is too fat, but still. I wouldn't give any stranger anything that belonged to my dead mother.""Luna Lidia's ring, holy fuck," Violet murmurs as she looks at it, "It looks simpler than I expected, isn't Alpha Robert like a bazillionaire? This looks cheap.""Yep, I don't know what the story is there," I shr
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Turn Around
Isabella is still not very happy even with my promise to buy her a new watch, so I do the only thing I can think of to distract her. I take two steps until I'm glued to her and grab her face in my hands to lift her to me and kiss her. Fortunately, it works and within seconds I feel her body relax. Just a week ago kissing my girlfriend was one of my favorite things to do. But today it's more like a chore. Everything I do is manual, even when I touch her lips with my tongue and move my hands down to her ass. And even though it's completely awful, I can't help but think how different this is from the kiss I had with Nukea. I barely remember it and it wasn't that long, but fuck if it isn't running around in my head every waking moment of the day ever since it happened.Isabella doesn't deserve a man who is thinking about someone else while kissing her. I undo the kiss when she starts to touch my chest. I know she wants something more, but I don't think I'm ready to do anything else w
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** TW: sexual assault **{ Nukea }"Come here," my dad says as soon as he enters the house. He's not drunk, but I know he's under the influence of something because his eyes are dilated and he’s fidgeting a lot, "You've been being a pain in the ass, but Logan still wants you somehow.""Dad, I don't...""Shut your mouth, I'm not giving you permission to speak," he interrupts me, "This isn't your decision anymore. Logan wants you so he'll have you, that’s best for everyone. He's tired of waiting for you to be obedient, now he’ll be more aggressive in his pursuit. He gave me a preview of what it will be like for me when you guys are married. And he wants a preview too, he wants a taste of what you'll be like as a wife.""What the fuck do you mean by that?" I ask, my whole body going ice cold. My dad rolls his eyes."Logan wants to see how you'll be like as a wife, you know what I mean. You're an omega, so do what you have to do to make him happy. You want to see what things will be like
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Theo's wolf holds me and strokes my hair until I calm down. Once I do, he wipes away my tears and leaves light kisses all over my cheeks and forehead. I can't do anything but take it and love it. He's so tender and sweet, he wipes away kiss by kiss the fucked up memory of that guy. "I'm okay now," I tell him in a whisper, "I was just a little scared, but you made it better. Thanks for coming to my rescue.""You rescued yourself, but I'll always be there for you, Nukea, always. It's not a lie or an exaggeration. And it's never going to change," he promises, looking deep into my eyes so I feel the honesty of his words. I nod, because I fully believe him, "The kids?""They're in their room, they're okay too," I tell him. He nods and closes his eyes for a couple of seconds. As soon as he opens them again and stops touching my face, I know it's just Theo again, "Hi, buddy. Thanks for coming.""Of course I would," he says like it’s a given and takes a couple of steps away from me to appro
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Newfound Courage
I thought leaving my only home, the house where I have lived my whole life, would be difficult… but it really isn't. After what happened today, I just want to get away and never see this place or my father again. I’m done. I don't even pack all my clothes, I just take the essentials, same with my brothers' things. Once everything is ready, Theo puts the bags in his car and we leave. I can see him breathe a sigh of relief as soon as we drive away from the house and he turns to look at me as if to make sure I'm still here. "Is someone going to tell me what's going on?" Beau asks, breaking the silence in the car. "We're going to live with Theo," Knox tells him."Just for a day or two, not forever," I correct him, "After that, we'll have our own place. Just the three of us.""Really?!” Beau asks, his sweet face breaking into an excited smile. When I nod, he lets out a high-pitched sound of happiness that he can't help and I have to turn my face away, feeling a surge of guilt all too
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