All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
105 Chapters
Sophie's POVHolding up the black dress, Sophie eyed it with a deep grimace before throwing it over the heap of clothes she had created. She took out another magenta dress and immediately decided against it.She wasn't going to wear that.Sophie was never the type to cry over dresses she was going to wear to a party or an event but she had completely forgotten about Gina's parent's anniversary. If she hadn't gotten the call from Gina hours earlier and a text from Tyler a few minutes ago, she wouldn't have stopped what she was doing on her laptop to dress up.Her hand tightened on the knots of her towel as she eyed the stacks still in the wardrobe. She had no idea how many more she had to go through. She didn't usually feel too drained like that but she had quit her job on impulse and was now regretting it.What was she thinking?She groaned before her eyes caught a glimpse of the teal-green dress in the closet. She reached for it and took it out, admiring the deep sweetheart neckline
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Sophie's POVWhen Sophie walked into the party, she wasn't sure what scene it was that she was expecting but the neon bright lights and dazzling dresses filled up the void of her expectations. She stopped short, a bit breathless from the moment before that to glance around the place.There were a lot of people she knew around. A bunch of LA housewives who did nothing but spend their husbands' money and throw mind-blowing parties. Most of which Sophie was invited to.It was one of the reasons why Sophie had chosen to attend the party. Excluding the fact that she got to play the role and guard the public's eyes in gossip, she knew or had met Gina's parents more than twice at parties like that and she was more than thrilled to finally be attending theirs.A familiar cologne wafted into her nostrils as she felt an enormous presence behind her. Sophie's skin crawled with desire and she sucked in a deep breath when Tyler laid hands on her bare open back.“Breathless?” His mouth was directl
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Tyler's POVTyler stared at Sophie to ensure that she wasn't watching before he gently strolled in the other direction, leading his insane guest away. Tyler didn't know exactly what Andy was willing to talk about but he was about ready to be done with it before it even started. To him, men like Andy should never be given the chance to speak in public.“I thought it was you I saw at the restaurant that day, ” Andy shoved his hands into his pants, his lips curved into a smirk.“Of course. Who else would have been proper to catch you in the middle of infidelity.” Tyler shot at him, his face a blank mask. “Your wife deserves someone better. I wonder why she sticks around.” He added, maintaining his glare.“Like you?” Andy was frowning deeply. “Someone better like you?” he cocked his head to the side to access him.Tyler smiled then.“You are finally acknowledging that I'm better than you. Nice.” He smirked.Andy's face flushed. “Fuck you, man, ” he spat.“I thought you'd be dead by now
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Sophie's POVSophie felt like her head had been dropped into a small basket that had lots of thread sticking out of it till they were all in a tangled mess around her head.The way the exhaustion seemed to take over her when she walked away made it seem like it had been waiting right on hand to deal with her when she felt that way.First, it was meeting her college boyfriend whom she had not seen in a very long-time. Of all the years she had lived in LA, she had never for once met him by chance or mistake since they broke up.But as fate would have it, she just had to meet him on this awesome night and the chances were that the same lady he had cheated on her with was the same one he was married to.It was a huge blow to her face.The information had sucked up all her energy juice and had left her with nothing. It wasn't that she cared for Jasper, she would never blink an eyelid in his direction for he was a cheat.But she would never have imagined that he would settle with her. And
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Tyler's POVTyler sighed and shoved his hands into the pocket of his gray joggers. His eyes were fixated on the white-haired lady laying on his bed with all her hair sprawled out around her.Tyler hated to think about what he could do with her hair when he was moving inside her and he looked to automatically clear the thoughts away.It was almost noon yet she was still asleep. He was expecting her to still be asleep anyway. She had woken up twice at night to drown herself in alcohol and it might be stupid but he was really upset with her for drinking.He bit down on his lower lip as he watched her chest rise and fall to her steady breaths. Suddenly, she was fighting with the covers and turning on the bed. He watched with silent adoration at the serene look her face was shaped in. She looked so peaceful, so at peace with herself and Tyler felt the memory of her like that would be ingrained in his memory. He was going to do something about it to thin the way it would keep flashing thro
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Sophie's POVSophie sank further into the tub and an exhale of satisfaction escaped her. This was what she wanted. This was all she wanted at that moment. That peace and satisfaction that came with sinking into a tub and allowing the water to work its magic without any hassle.Her eyes shut close as she deeply inhaled the pineapple and strawberry flavor of the bath. It made her feel hungry but she ignored the rumble in her stomach and started to scrub her body.When she finally opened her eyes after what felt like an eternity, it was not because she was tired of the bath but mostly because most of the bubbles in the water were gone and she was going to start feeling cold in a moment. She sat up and reached for her wine glass.Taking a sip, she allowed herself to savor the fruity flavor before putting the glass away. Her phone started to ring and she reached for it.It was Joyce calling.Sophie didn't hesitate before answering the call and she listened as Joyce's voice floated through
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Sophie's POVSophie exhaled when she threw the door open to the face of Tyler. She swallowed nothing before planting her hands on her waist, refusing to look at him.She wasn't exactly mad at him. A lot that she wasn't expecting just seemed to happen on the same day and she wasn't sure how she was supposed to deal with it. A lot that included Tyler.“Can I help you?” she directed her question at him despite the small strain in her voice. Suddenly finding her nails very appealing, she busied herself with cleaning off specks of death that weren't there.Tyler sighed too and shoved his hands into his pockets. He wasn't sure how to deal with this kind of Sophie. In a very short while, he had gotten used to her loud witty self and he wasn't about to welcome the change.Standing to his full height, he tried to step closer but the glare cast at him discouraged him. He was already exhausted from everything that went on in his day. He wasn't about to add to it.“Can we talk?” Tyler asked in a
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Sophie's POVBy the time the elevator opened, Sophie had managed to pull herself together. But it didn't mean that she wasn't in a shaky and terrible mood. She stepped out, not in the least surprised that Tyler was still standing by her door, waiting for her. She didn't want to talk to him. Just because she helped him with Jenna didn't mean that she wanted to have a conversation with him. Walking ahead, she tried to sidestep him and just go into her apartment but he was by the door and he wasn't exactly willing to step aside. Sophie was avoiding any unnecessary body contact and she gestured that he moved with her hands but he was just as adamant as she was. “Let's talk, please.” He pleaded, his voice rough around the edges.“I have nothing to say it you.” She insisted, clutching the gift bag closer.“Soph, please, ” he pleaded again.Sophie wasn't having it either. Letting out a loud huff, she spurned around on her heels and headed toward the basket. Without thinking twice, she dum
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Sophie's POV“You have to come back. Please, tell me you are coming back soon.” Sophie stuffed potato chips into her mouth from the potato bag in her hand to prevent her from laughing out loud. The look on Kristen's face glaring at her from the screen was just too funny.And the fact that Kristen was calling her from the office on a Sunday evening was even more hilarious. She munched on the chips quickly when she saw Kristen giving her the puppy dog look.“Talk to me, Boss. I need you right now.” She whined, pouting her lips.Sophie shook her head with a grin. For some reason, she seemed to be enjoying the whole thing going on.“I'm not sure I will be coming back,” she shrugged, lazily. As Sophie uttered those words, reality hit her that she truly might not be going back to the office even if care wasn't taken. There was no way in hell that she would agree to be Giovanni's wife and her father would hold her to it forever.She looked away from the screen, the ache in her heart hittin
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Tyler's POVTyler was angry.This was the second time she was finding those flowers and each time had been no different. The first time, Sophie had screamed so loudly that he couldn't be concerned. But this second one, her face had paled and she lost her voice before the shock of the incident made her loose consciousness.He had called the guards, interrogated them to the last minute but all they gave him were excuses. They weren't divulging anything useful and the whole Idea was pissing him off. It was making him so upset and mad.“Tyler, you have to calm down. You can't let one mistake drive you into making a bigger one.” Gabby was trying to reason with him to no avail.“I don't want to calm down, Gab. This is the second time. They keep giving excuses. I'm not paying them to have them feed me excuses. This is total bullshit!” He was so angry, one could see it in his fisted palms.Gabby sighed and leaned against the wall to watch his friend. This was not the first time he would see
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