All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
105 Chapters
Tyler couldn't imagine what his face would have looked like when he received the text from Alannah, telling her that Manuel and his brother Andy had reached out to her. Sure, he had asked her to reach him when she needed anything that Alicia and Tristan couldn't help with but he didn't imagine that it would come so soon.He had been with Sophie, reading together since had been trying to take her mind to everything that was bothering her. Although Sophie hadn't outrightly told him that what had happened at the hospital still bothered her, he knew it did. He knew it bothered her as much as it bothered him.How could her father be so cruel? How could any father stand there and watch their daughter get assaulted by a man they wanted her to get married to. It didn't make any sense to Tyler and it would never make any sense to him. It bothered him more than he let on and he was so determined to get to the root of everything.He wanted to know what was hidden in the shadows that would promp
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Tyler tried too late not to act surprised at the sight of his half-brothers. He hadn't seen them in a long time, at least, he hadn't seen Manuel in a long time since he almost ran their fathers company through bankruptcy. Andy, he had seen over the past few months in passing when he had given him the opportunity to gloat as long as he wanted.Tyler looked away from Manuel, whose lips were upturned in a lousy smirk that was meant to send a message. When he looked at Gabriel, the latter sent him a short nod that was unnoticed by the duo hovering over him.“Well,” Gabriel cleared his throat since he had been the one to tell them to meet up at the bar. “Have your seat, boys.” He grinned in their direction while Tyler snickered at the condescending word.Shooting Gabriel a glare, Manuel stalked over to the empty seats to occupy them while his brother did the same. They settled down together at the same space and for a few minutes, a strained silence of glares and mild cusses was their case
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Tyler had gotten enough time in the past to think about what meeting her would be like. He had sat down months ago, wailing in pain while he thought about the whole situation he had dragged himself into. Nobody had pulled him to her but his stupid heart and Tyler had known that he had no one to blame for it.Tyler had been fine with never seeing her again. Never ever seeing her again but here she was, a grim smile on her face while she stared at him. She wasn't exactly ecstatic to see him so he wondered why she was truly here and how she had found him.He didn't need anyone to tell him that his half-brothers har pulled this off and his jaw jutted out at the realization. It was sickening that they would do this to him again. Yes, Tyler had known he would see her one day but he had never ever thought that it would be now. Not before Sophie and certainly not now.She hadn't changed since the last time he had seen her, which was right after she had dropped the big bomb of betrayal on him
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She grabbed her nail polish and ran it over her toe nails again and again for the umpteenth time that afternoon. It felt like ages since they came back from Joyce's wedding. Sophie had not tried going to any public event since then even though she had been invited to a ton of them.She had refused to post anything on her social media too, setting her accounts to private after so long of doing everything for the public. Her life was simple now. She didn't see herself going back to the lifestyle she once had before all of these.The Sophie she knew before would have attended tons of parties and night clubs just to be seen in the public again. But now, it didn't seem like a good idea. Especially not when everyone had a thing or two to say about her life choices in regards to what had gone wrong in her father's company.She was over it, at least she tried to be over it.Picking up her tab that was beside her with her dried finger, she checked the time and gasped dramatically. Willow had c
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Pushing the baggy top over her head, Adelaide's hands trembled for a moment. She ran her hair through her hair, trying to shake off whatever dirt it must have caught. She needed to look clean. She needed to be beautiful and she was desperate to get her hands on some things. A lot of things.Her fingers reached under her baggy T-shirt to stroke the bruises she had newly acquired under it. By now, the spot had turned purple and it still hurt as much as it did when she had first gone through the experience.Walking toward the mirror on the wall, she grabbed a brush and managed to brush through her thick mane of a hair, aware that her guest would be arriving any moment from then. When she finished brushing her hair, she pulled it into a high ponytail and fixed her chapped lips.She grabbed a pair of shades to wear over her face, mostly to conceal the bruise under her eye which she had worn make up to cover. Her target knew her well and he wouldn't take a second look to know that somethin
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Sophie glanced down at the list in her hand, quickly reading off the items she had written down to purchase. She had almost crossed off the list, she only had a few more things to purchase. She glanced at Tyler as he dumped the fresh peppers he had gotten off the rack into the stroller.“What next?” he asked, glancing up at her. Sophie stared at him for the millionth time that day, watching him wipe away the beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead with the sleeves of his grey T-shirt.His shirt fitted him perfectly. Sophie prided herself on choosing something so good for her man. The grey top hugged his biceps, making it look almost too tight for him but it was just right. As much as she loved the cloth on him, she hated it. She couldn't count the number of ladies that had stopped to ogle at him. Some had even taken the step to flirt with him.Which had annoyed her a great deal.“I want to get some tampons,” she listed off the list, still eyeing him closely.“That, I got you a
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Adelaide moved about her apartment, vacuuming. Even after Manuel had asked her to clean up, she hadn't taken him seriously and when he came back last night, he had been furious. Hit her twice on the face.She hadn't retaliated. Heck, she couldn't even retaliate. All she had done was laugh. A sick sound escaped her because it was all she could do not to do anything stupid. She had sat there, holding her cheeks in disbelief once more like it was the first time it was happening while she laughed like a mad woman. She laughed for a very long time. She laughed till Manuel had taken a step back from her, wondering if it was appropriate for him to call 911. She laughed until she woke her baby up and had her little champion strolling into the living room to check if she was okay.Only then had she cried.Manuel hadn't been able to handle it as she had thought and he had walked out on her, leaving her to her mess. Now, he was going to be here in thirty minutes and she was still taking care of
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"Sophie,” Tyler called as he shoved his hands into the black jeans he was donning. His eyes flickered to the large clock on the wall to check the time and he sighed when he saw that they were going to be late. Very late.“Sophie, come on.” He called again before walking down to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of wine. He needed all the wine he could get for tonight. As much as he needed to survive the dinner they were going to.Alicia and Mantha had gone ahead to call the shots once more, planning a family dinner he was anything but interested in. He wasn't looking forward to it. He didn't want to go but he couldn't exactly back out. He was left with no other choice.From the inside, Sophie tended to her makeup. When Tyler had told her about the dinner Gabriel and Alicia had invited them to, she had been a bit surprised. But she was excited to meet the cheerful woman again. She wrapped her hair into a chignon after the nude makeup she did on her face. Tyler had stopped trying to c
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It was the weekend and Tyler was out with Gabriel. Gabe had dropped by at the house earlier to talk to Tyler and her boyfriend had ended up following him out on her insistence. Sophie was moving about the house trying to finish doing the dishes when her phone started ringing.She bolted out of the kitchen to check who was calling. She made no plans with anybody for that weekend except for Kristen who had insisted on dropping by from the salon in a few minutes so they could go check out the place she had decided to purchase for her art gallery. But when she picked up her phone, it wasn't Kristen's name flashing on the ID. It was Mira's. With her brows furrowing, Sophie answered the call and placed it on speaker to talk to her father's wife.“Hi, Sophie!” The woman's voice was chirpy, better than she had ever heard it. Sophie swallowed, trying not to scratch her itchy hair. She needed to find time to go to the salon one of these days.“Hi,” she mumbled back, her voice low and quite uns
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Tyler simmered when his phone lit up with a text from Adelaide demanding that he send her the money she had requested and make arrangements for her to move in with him.He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe her audacity to think he would ever allow it. Adelaide had taken almost everything he had. She had stripped him of his honor, dignity, and heart and she thought he would allow her back in?It was appalling for him.He hadn't been shocked when she revealed the recording given to her by his half-brothers. They had been the ones to navigate her presence into his life for the first time. So,of course, he was aware that her coming back now was their doing.He wasn't blind either. Tyler had seen the bruises on her. The purple stretches and marks highlighted her skin, peeking beneath whatever she chose to wear. He had seen them all and he hadn't cared. Why should he?It just seemed to disturb him a lot how someone who wouldn't allow a blemish on her skin could go about entertaining
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