All Chapters of A Step Closer to Love : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
210 Chapters
Unit XLI
Chole had helped Arabella get the right snacks for everyone and set the table. They were still arranging the room when everyone started filing in. "There you are cutie," Aaron said his tooth shining through. "Stop it you playboy," Mia said pushing Aaron in as he was blocking the door frame. "Playboy? Why would you say that and give Arabella the wrong impression of me?" Aaron yelled. "Because you are a playboy. You even flirt with the authors too" Mia answered. Aaron rushed towards Arabella who stood still as she watched the interaction. It was a sight to behold. "Arabella do not mind whatever she says she is just jealous that I didn't ask her out," Aaron said winking at her. "Stop it you playboy," Olivia said as she entered carrying a bunch of documents"Is she also jealous because you didn't ask her out?" Mia snickered at Aaron. "I have no idea why the two of you are against my love life" Aaron groaned and went back to take her seat. "Your love life" Olivia scoffed sorting t
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Ryder sighed in a frustrated tone before pulling his phone out of his pocket. He dialed the numbers of Kieran and Aurora in a voice call and put it on loudspeakers. "You jerks" he screamed as soon as the line got connected. "Why are you calling me that?" Aurora said in a whiny tone. "Is it until I have to come get you from your offices? Or should I use a carriage to bring you to the meeting room?" Ryder asked. "On my way already," Kieran said before cutting off his own side of the line. "That rude jerk" Ryder commented lowly. "I am not coming," Aurora said before cutting her side of the line too. "Why did I ever agree to do business with these nutcases?" Ryder remarked loudly. The door opened and Kieran walked in striding slowly to sit down. "Don't sit Don't sit" Ryder said as Kieran tried to sit down. "What?" Kieran asked checking the chair behind him maybe something might have stained the chair. "Go get Aurora," He said when Kieran stood up straight. "Me?" Kieran asked p
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"Why must you do this every time?" Kieran said his voice low and steady. Even though Aurora could sense his anger she still thought he was hot at that moment. "What are you accusing me of?" she asked feigning ignorance. She had him where she needed him to be all she needed to do was to make her request and it would surely be answered. "Aren't you aware of the meeting?" Kieran asked trying to stay as calm as possible. "I am" Aurora responded standing up. "Then why do I have to come get you? Ryder called you too. Then why do I have to come from the meeting room to get you?" Kieran asked his anger showing through. For the first time ever Aurora was afraid of the way Kieran was talking. "You did not have to come get me" Aurora responded. "Then why am I here?" Kieran asked slamming his hand to the table. "Oh geez calm down," Aurora said when she saw his actions. "I just had to talk to you. I know that you won't see me when I ask you to and this is the only way I can get to talk t
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"Me?" Arabella asked in shock. Was it possible that she would be given such an important task during her first few days of work? "Yes you and me" Chole answered overjoyed. "That being said can we all get here early and get everything you might want to pitch to her ready beforehand," Ryder said standing up. "Arabella and Chole, I am sure you would do a good job" Ryder added. "I would do my best," Arabella said standing up too. It felt surreal to her that she would be meeting Michelle Michigan just a few days after she landed in Crescent Bay. If she knew she had such great luck she would have played the lottery and won a load truck of money. "We are all counting on you," Kieran said standing up too. "Meeting dismissed. We can all leave for the day so we can get everything we need before tomorrow" Ryder said walking out. "Yes, Michelle Michigan," Aaron said standing too. "I do hope you aren't planning to make a move on her?" Mia asked standing to face him. "What do you mean? She
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Unit XLV
Kieran entered Aurora's office where she was tidying up to leave for the day. "Can we talk now?" Kieran said taking his seat on one of the couches in her office. "Here? I was thinking we could catch lunch and talk there" Aurora said. Kieran frowned. Was she trying to force him to have lunch with her? He had no choice but to hear her out. She has done so many things in the past. She has called him out when she was drunk and even made a huge scene too. "Do you have a place in mind?" Kieran asked giving up. "Oh yes, I did not bring my car so we can take yours," Aurora said going out the door and pulling him too. Arabella was standing at the curb of the office building when Kieran drove past her with Aurora in the front seat. Arabella thanked her stars that she did not listen to Kieran. If she had waited for him then she would have to be in the car with the two of them. "Let's go," Chole said linking her hands with Arabella's hand. "Oh okay," Arabella said removing her gaze from t
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"Come on it makes sense that we end up together. Why not just do it earlier?" Aurora asked. She did not know what came over her but asking Kieran to marry her when he had said no to all her lettering seemed logical to her. "How does it make sense that we end up together? What is the reason for your conclusion?" Kieran asked his eyebrows going up in curiosity.No matter how he thought about it there was no reason for them to be together. Maybe hearing her logic would make him see some sense in what she was saying and not call her crazy. "We have known each other for the longest time. Our friends expect us to be together and I have liked you for the longest time too. I know that you would eventually cave in and we would be together. So why wait?" Aurora asked. Her self-confidence was skyrocketed. She felt confident. Her reasons were reasons why young people get together. She has been friends with Kieran for fourteen years and had liked him that long too. Everyone rooted for them and
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The name Kimberly was enough to get Kieran back to his seat. Why would Aurora go as far as mentioning her name? "Why would you mention her name?" Kieran asked with gritted teeth. "Because it seemed the reason you have refused to go on with me is because you are still waiting for her," Aurora said. Kimberly, Aurora, Ryder, and Kieran had been a famous group in school. Kieran and Kimberly started a relationship. They were later termed the campus couple and got separated very painfully. The incident had left Kieran with a huge scar and he never wanted to let anyone in again. He knew that he would eventually have to get married because his mom would not leave him alone if he doesn't but he wanted to push it as far back as he could. He had been pretty hurt badly by Kim. They planned a life and future together. Everything about their relationship was perfect until Kim dropped the let us break up line on him. "Don't you ever think you can blackmail me into marrying you" Kieran whispered
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"You are being extremely weird," Kieran said looking back at her. "Bullying her too is a different kind of low. I would not sit back and watch you bully her into quitting her job as you did for Mary" he added. Aurora felt her blood boil. Who did he think he was? Turned her down multiple times after he had been there for him and then now has the guts to defend another woman in his presence. "All I ever did was show you my love" Aurora responds. She can feel her heartbreak and her chest constricts as she watched him turn back and walk out. She sits back and screams out loud startling the other customers in the restaurant. She puts her hand through her hair angrily and bangs her fist against the table. She hears whispers of the other customers calling her a psycho. She has been loud enough that anyone could tell what conversation she had with Kieran. The waiter cautiously walks toward her and stands before her. He rubs his hand over his outfit nervously before mastering the courage
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Now it is Arabella's turn to stare at Kieran. She has expressed herself to him even though she did not want to and then he went ahead to make her even more pissed. "Why would you do that?" she asked her voice dangerously low. "Well I did not mean to offend her," Kieran said. "But you did and now I have to suffer for it," Arabella said. "What was I supposed to do? She suddenly asked me to marry her" "And I was used as a scapegoat for your escape from marriage?" Arabella asked. She felt betrayed by this man. She may not be close to him or know him that well but his actions just showed how unreliable he might be. She was not even interested in him and she would be getting bullied for the rest of her stay at that office. 'Should I go and work somewhere else?' Arabella thought. Her subconscious mind that loved books shouted in response 'And miss the chance of meeting and working with Michelle Michigan?'"How could you be so careless?" Arabella screamed. The sound of her voice shocke
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"Hello Mom," Arabella said over the phone. She had decided before now that she would put up with whatever Aurora threw her way. Now that she was angry at Kieran she was sure all the pent up aggression would be coming her way. She would blame her even if she was not at all. The bullying would get worse and might even get physical. Aurora looked much more heavier and healthier than her so there was the probability that if they got into combat she would lose. "Why does your voice sound like that?" Ava asked as soon as she heard her daughter's voice. Ava had been in her children's space continuously for fourteen years. She could tell by her voice that something was wrong. "My voice? Nothing. Maybe it's the stress?" Arabella said asking. "Are you asking me?" Ava asked her back. "No Mom, I am not asking I am telling it just sounded like a question" she quickly defended. "So what is wrong with you? Don't say anything as usual but just tell me the whole truth" Ava asked. "Why would y
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