All Chapters of The Alpha’s Mate is his Slave.: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
130 Chapters
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN.That morning, After Baldwin showed Tegan the secret vault and told her everything she needed to know about how to go about stealing the Staff of Supremacy, she wanted to call her father and tell him over the phone, but after a second thought, she changed her mind.She had waited five years for that moment.That was her mission in that pack.To find out the instrument that made Alpha Kai so powerful. Where it was being kept and how they could steal it and she had done just that.She had actually accomplished the mission her father sent her on and the only thing stopping her from returning back to her pack was the fact that Alpha Kai was going to get suspicious. She was going to stay in the pack till the day her father would come over and steal the Staff, then she'll go back with him.But before then, she had to go over and tell the good news and with Baldwin's help, she was able to leave the Mystic Woodland Catsle without any guards like Alpha Kai had i
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE.Tegan's issue was a still that greatly fascinated Alpha Kai. She had come into his pack, deceived him, made a fool of him and was on the road accomplishing her main purposes of coming to his castle and if not for his mate, he would probably still be in the dark.He couldn't even be angry.Her guts fascinated him. Intrigued him. Shocked him.She was indeed her father's daughter.After Baldwin left his office, he left as well. He came back home and stayed in his living room, waiting for Tegan to return from her father's pack. He knew she was going to lie about her whereabouts and that's exactly what he wanted to see; her, lying with a straight face.He wanted to see the face she had been putting on for the past five years as she effortlessly deceived him.He checked the time on his watch and it read four pm. He had been waiting for one hour and he wasn't getting impatient. He had all the time to wait."Alpha Kai." One of his guys on stand-by called. He l
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN.SATURDAY NIGHT."Alpha Ace!"Alpha Kai called the moment he saw Alpha Ace walk into the living room with Baldwin leading the way."Alpha Kai.""What's going on?" He asked, shocked. He was expecting to see Alpha."I heard someone is trying to take what does not belong to him. I'm here to help you fight him off. It's my duty to protect the Supreme throne from being ascended by the wrong person." Ace explained and Kai casted Baldwin a confused look.Baldwin simply smiled."He has been in on this plan for some time."What?" Alpha Kai asked aghast."There's no time to explain. Tegan is already calling. Her father should and his men should be here already. Alpha Ace, do you have your men ready?""Yes. They are stationed on every corner here. We are ready for them." Alpha Kai was still looking at them, confused.Alpha Ace knew about their plan.Alpha Ace had come to fight with himAlpha Ace was on his side."You guys have a lot of explanation to do once all
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M CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN.The entire place was in chaos. Soldiers now in their human forms were dragging dead bodies out of the castle. Alpha Kai and Baldwin quarrelling.Alpha Ace was completely lost."Baldwin!" He called at the top of his voice as he hastily rushed after him. Baldwin stopped walking and waited for him to catch up."What's going on?" Asked Alpha Ace, panting. His entire body was drenched with perspiration from all the fighting they had done that night. "Why did I see the staff with Alpha Mason? ""Alpha Ace." Baldwin called lifelessly. His eyes were red and his face was as pale as that of a ghost. He looked lifeless!"Tegan said something about you betraying Alpha Kai and I waited for you to defend yourself and tell us it was a lie but you said nothing. Alpha Kai looks like he's about to lose his mind. I don't know if we've won or lost this war.""We've not lost the war. We are still perfectly on track!""Is that so? Then why did Alpha Kai ask you to leave?
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN.After his discussion with Baldwin, Alpha Ace set out to meet Alpha Kai. The servants told him Alpha Kai was in the living room in his chambers, drinking wildly and he was on his way there to meet him.He felt sorry for Alpha Kai. He was under the notion that his Beta had betrayed him which was not true.Alpha Ace himself knew that he would not take things lightly if he were to one day find out that his Beta, who was his most trusted official, had betrayed him. That was something he knew he would never come to terms with.When he arrived at the living room, as expected, he met Alpha Kai seated by his wine bar, drinking tequila directly from its bottle. Calmly, carefully, he walked over and took the next seat by his side."My father told me it was bad manners to drink directly from the wine bottle." He cautioned."With all his good manners, he still ended up six feet. So, leave me alone." Aloha Kai fired back. Ace chuckled and shook his head. He knew Kai
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN.Alpha Kai didn't know why, but he felt a bit relieved after his conversation with Alpha Ace.He had not confirmed yet, but it felt good to hear from someone else that Baldwin had not betrayed. Even though a huge part of him kept telling him that Baldwin's loyalty had swayed, he was still holding onto Alpha Ace's words and hoping that they were true because he didn't know how he was going to handle Baldwin's betrayal.It would shatter him into pieces."Alpha Ace." The guards in the dungeon called with their heads bowed down the moment he showed up."Where's she?" He asked, referring to Tegan.He wanted to see her. Talk to her. Make her understand that she had not fooled him as much as she thought she had."This way, Alpha." The guard led the way to a cell, which from outside, he could see sitting on her butt at a corner with her knees curled up to her chest and her hands wrapped around them. Her head was on her knees and she was sobbing. The moment she
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN.It was Baldwin's turn to go and have a talk with Tegan and he was on his way to the dungeon.From the onset, he had known Tegan was going to double-cross him. And he also knew after everything was over if Alpha Mason won, he was going to have him killed. He knew all these things but decided to play along because he needed to get information from her."Take me to Tegan's cell." He told one of the guards who calmly nodded his head and began landing the way. When they finally got there, he met Tegan in the same position Alpha Kai had met her and she was crying. Baldwin asked the guard to excuse them when she rose to her feet after seeing him."You look amazing," Baldwin remarked and chuckled. Tegan wiped her tears and shot him with a piercing glare."Why are you here? Traitor!" Baldwin threw his head back and cracked up hard at Tegan's words."We betrayed each other, so we are both traitors.""You promised to help me. You told me you were on my side bu
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN.Alpha Kai was on his way to the Diamond Stone Pack to see his mate, Reign. When she left the castle, he knew she left for her father's pack, that's why he was going there to see her. He didn't know she was at Alpha Ace's pack instead.His heart was heavy.His mind was crowded with so many disturbing thoughts that were gnawing at his heartstrings.He had messed up.He had done badly not only against his mate but her parents. He accused her parents of a crime they did not commit and turned her into his personal servant and sex slave.Memories of all the terrible treatments he had given Reign were playing in his mind like a CD.He was heartbroken and scared because he didn't know if Reign was ever going to forgive him once she found out that her parents had been innocent of the crime he had accused them of."Baldwin and I advised you to investigate the issue, but you were too stubborn and blinded by rage to listen to anyone. Now look where that has got y
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN.The drive to the Warrior Howl pack was almost a flight. Alpha Kai insisted on driving himself because he knew his driver would never drive at the speed he wanted. The moment he stepped out of the car into Alpha Ace's castle premises, his heart began racing because he could already smell Reign's presence. He had wronged her in every way. When he forcefully took her from her parents, she told him her parents were innocent, but as stubborn as he was, he refused to listen to her. She even suggested he investigate the issue, but he was too blinded by rage to consider her request and now, he regretted ever ignoring her pleas. He was ashamed of himself.He even hated himself for everything he had done to Reign.All the soldiers on the premises bowed down to him as he looked around. Soon, Alpha Ace came walking out of the main castle building, smiling."Baldwin called. He said you were coming over." He said and stood in front of the Alpha who looked very im
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CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY."Beta Baldwin, the Alpha, and Luna of the Diamond Stone Pack are here. They demand to know the whereabouts of their daughter, Reign.""Shit!" Baldwin cursed and blocked the mind link.That was unexpected. Reign's parents coming over to the pack to ask for her was an act that had never crossed his mind. He bolted out of his office at the speed of light to go and address the situation before it escalated.When he arrived at the castle premises, he was not surprised to see the guards having a hard time holding the old people from getting into Alpha Kai's chambers."Alpha Angelis!" He called respectfully as he approached them. He even bowed when they turned to look at him. At the moment, he wasn't looking at them like an Alpha and Luna who had come to cause trouble, but as parents who wanted to the whereabouts of their daughter."Beta Baldwin." Reign's father called in fury as he approached him. The guards tried to hold him down, but Baldwin gave a sign wit
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