Semua Bab Alpha Aera: Bab 71 - Bab 80
106 Bab
His Refusal
[Ayla’s POV]"You and who?" Aera’s voice is cold, and his expression is dark as the words leave his lips. "I don’t think I heard you correctly."Rolling my eyes, I try to ignore the irritation I feel due to his possessiveness. I was an adult and could do whatever I wanted with whoever I wanted. However, I knew that if the roles were reversed and it was Aera and Corinna, I’d probably feel the same.Did that mean that I had already fallen? Shit, I was in trouble."We are the only ones that can go freely in the dreamworld," I explain, hoping that he would understand better. "Because of that, it has to be us.""Why can’t the bastard take care of those creatures himself?" Aera demands. "He’s an alpha and should be able to...""They’re much stronger than that," I explain, remembering being thrown by one like I was a damn ragdoll. "It’ll take more than just him, and I’m his only other option.""You?" Aera repeats, his eyebrows raising. "Did you forget that your abilities are locked away?""M
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The Three Meet
[Aera's POV]"Ah, Aera, faster!"Ayla's pleasure-filled moans echo around us, mixing beautifully with the sounds of her juices sloshing around my fingers as I move them in and out of her core, building her up and then stopping until she comes down and then building her up again.If she was going to be alone with that prick Barren in the dream plain, then I was going to make sure that her mind, body, and fucking soul remembered me so that Barren had no chance of sneaking in."Oh goddess," Ayla moans, collapsing on her stomach and spreading her legs wider to give me better access. "I'm going to cum."At her words, I pull my fingers out and watch as liquid explodes from her pussy, soaking the sheet beneath her. Fuck, I would never get tired of that sight. I'd never been with a woman who came with so much force.Gasping, Ayla stays in position as I climb up behind her and grab her hips, sinking my fingers deep into her skin and then pulling so that my dick pushes into her still-twitching
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Alpha Vs Alpha
[Ayla's POV]I watch with wide eyes as Aera throws Barren out the window and then dives out behind him while I and the rest of the patrons of the fucking shop we are in watch.Shit, what was this man thinking doing something like that in public? Didn't he realize that he could be easily recognized given his position? I needed to stop them before things went too far!Cursing, I jump up from my seat and hurry outside to find Aera pinning Barren to the ground while his fist connects with his face. As he lifts his arm to prepare for another blow, Barren lets out a laugh of amusement. Was he actually enjoying this?"Aera!" I hiss, reaching out and grabbing his shoulder. "Stop! You're causing a scene!""This isn't a scene," he points out. "I'll show you what an actual scene is!"As he speaks, his fist connects with Barren's face again, and a yelp of shock escapes me."Stop it now!" I push, attempting to get between them so I could use my body as a shield. "This isn't the way you solve probl
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Going Under
[Aera's POV]I sit beside Ayla, waiting for Barren to return with the medic that was supposed to be taking care of Ayla while she was under to help deal with the problem in the dream plain.The minute we arrived at Elementalis, he led us to the small medical room we were in and disappeared. I was sure he suffered a major blow by learning that Ayla and I were going to be parents soon, and it served him right. He should have never dreamed of touching what was mine from the very beginning.Letting a smile spread across my face, I look over to Ayla and take in her face, which she is fighting to keep calm.I was sure that she was uncomfortable given the fact that an unfamiliar doctor would be taking care of her, and she worried that her secrets would be revealed, but I would be damned if I allowed that to happen. In the end, this was the best choice since neither of our families had connections with Elementalis.Although I would have preferred that Hanson be the one to take care of her, I
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The Loss Of A Loved One
[Ayla’s POV]I open my eyes to find that I’m sitting in Barren’s control room while he taps away at a keyboard while staring intently at what looks like a map on the large screen in front of him."What is this?" I ask, moving forward so I can get a better look. "And what are those little dots?"For the most part, the screen in front of me reminded me of a world map from one of Chandler’s RPG games, but I didn’t quite understand how this could exist here in the dreamscape."It’s a map of the dream plain," Barren explains. "Those dots that you see are people within a hundred-mile radius of us that are currently on the plain. Those," he continues, pointing to large blobs that seem to pulse with energy. "Are the somnium beasts that I have managed to track?"Nodding, I take in the five creatures that are within range of us. So Barren wasn’t twiddling his fingers all this time. He was tracking the beasts alone."Since we know where they are, should we get moving?" I ask, not wanting to wast
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A Betrayal
[Aera's POV]I pull up a chair beside Ayla and begin to get comfortable while Olga watches me. Her eyes all but scream that she thinks I don't trust her, and she would be right. I didn't trust her, nor did I trust Barren. If anything so much as came across as weird to me, I was going to grab Ayla and take her out of here immediately."Is your family aware of your relationship with this woman?" She asks quietly, catching me off guard."Why is that any of your business?" I hiss.Why would she ask something so strange, and why would she even know about my family?"Do you not recognize me?" She asks, giving me a look of hurt. "When I took such good care of your brother after his accident."Frowning, I take in the woman in front of me, but I still can't seem to recall her face.Was this some sort of act that she was putting on to try to dig a bit deeper? Or was she actually telling the truth?"No matter," she continues, a slow smile beginning to spread across her face. "We will know what t
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Show Them A Monster
[Ayla's POV]My mind whirls as Hubert's words slam into me like a ton of bricks. They echo around the empty void that is my mind as I try to process whether they're true or not. Despite one part of me wanting to believe they weren't, another believed they were, and in the end, I couldn't stop their cadence from slowly beginning to drive me mad.Aera was doing what he was told the whole time. This was all his father's plan to get back at not only me but my family for what happened to his son and pack in the past."You're lying," I whisper as the darkness begins to flare, threatening to take over due to the sudden unpleasant emotions that were building up in me. "He wouldn't.""Am I?" Hubert counters. "The proof is in front of you. You saw it with your own two eyes. Whether you want to believe it or not is up to you.""Did I really?" I counter. "Is a simple video truly seeing what really happened?"Sure, I saw a video of Aera singing my sins like a canary, but with technology these days
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What Is The Truth
[Aera's POV]"What did you just say?"I stare at Benny, waiting, as he looks from me to Corinna and then back."I just got word," he continues, seeming genuinely uncomfortable. "Your father is dead."At his words, I feel my heart drop, and many different scenes begin to play in my head, but instead of letting them consume me, I jump up and begin to throw on clothes."I'll go with you," Corinna offers."No," I snap. "You stay here. Better yet, get dressed and get the hell out! You better not be here when I return, understand?""Aera," she gasps, her eyes growing wide with hurt. "Why are you treating me like this? Especially after the wonderful night we spent together."Wonderful night? I didn't remember a damn thing about this night she spoke of. If something did happen, it was without my consent."You want to try that again?" I growl, eyeing Corinna. "If something happened, you took advantage of me, and that is considered rape. Do you truly want to claim you did that? It will land you
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Trapped In Her Head
[Ayla’s POV]I stare down at the raging river below me as my feet dangle in the air. How many times have I thrown myself into that damned river to try to wake up, only to find myself back in this place? Again and again, it continued to happen, making it more and more clear that I wouldn't be able to wake up—not this time.Was this the end? Had the thing I dreaded finally happened, and that was why I couldn’t get back?As this thought hits me, I throw myself forward once more and close my eyes while the wind whips my hair around, but just like the other times, the minute my body connects with the rocks, I feel solid earth beneath me.Sighing, I lean back as a large shadow covers me and a familiar energy presses against my skin."You’re back?" I ask, lifting my gaze to meet Barren’s. "How goes it in the real world?"From what I knew, Barren had also been arrested when I was and was currently sitting in a prison cell awaiting a trial due to the murders he and I were both accused of.As f
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Ask Him For Help
[Ayla's POV]Fire envelopes me, attempting to lick at my skin but not doing any damage. However, even if the fire wasn't a real threat, the large beast towering over Alphonze was."No, you don't!" I hiss, lifting my arm, so a flame thrower appears. "Don't you fucking touch him!"A scream of rage escapes me as fire explodes from my outstretched hand and wraps around the beast's throat like a whip, so I can yank him back and hold him in place while Barren deals the finishing blow to his chest.Once it stops moving, I rush forward and kneel in front of Alphonze so that I can try to calm him."Hey," I murmur, reaching out and grabbing his hands. "You're alright."I wait as Alphonze's gaze flicks from me to the flames and then back. Deep within it, I can see the fear that is burying him alive and realize that it is similar to my own fear of the darkness I harbored."Alphonze," I announce more firmly, grabbing his cheeks and making him look at me. "Focus on me."As long as he could see the
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