All Chapters of Creatures of THE Night: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
120 Chapters
Chapter 11 : Tested Boundaries
I stuck like glue to Zaine's side as he led me down to the ground floor and back to where the atrium was on the other side of the mansion. The property was beautiful, I had to say. It was all very tastefully decorated with fine art and carefully picked furniture that matched the theme of deco-art impeccably. It was easy to tell where Zaine got his inspiration from. "Did you grow up here?" I asked, ducking under his arm when he held the door to the atrium open for me."Yes. Why?"Stepping into it, I was immediately hit with hot and humid air. All around us were large plants that reached close to the glass ceiling. The entire place was curved into a sphere, lit up by the beautiful sunset that casted a reddish glow over the bright green plants. I ran my hands over some of the leafs, taking in their waxy surfaces with interest. "Rianne."Turning to him, I saw him hovering close to me. He had a pensive expression on his face that seemed as out of place
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Chapter 12 : Changing Fates
Kaius' words rang through my head the entire ride back to my motel room. Questions tingled on the end of my tongue, my impulse control dying to force my mouth open and fire off at Zaine as soon as we'd gotten into the car.But I held off. He seemed so… distant, now that we were alone together once again. The way he behaved with his family was much different than how he was alone with me and I couldn't help but wonder which version of him was the real one. It was stupid of me to assume I knew anything about him other than what I'd retained from his file and what I'd learned of him so far being in direct contact with him for barely two days. On the surface, it appeared as if Zaine's personality was cocky and more on the playful side, while with his family, it changed into a more serious and elusive nature.More sex demon-ish maybe? I wouldn't be surprised if his family brought out the beastly sides of him more so than who he encountered on the streets as a predator wander
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Chapter 13 : Entanglement
Staring at the ceiling, my body still tinged from the aftermath. Sweat beaded down my skin and onto the mattress under me, Zaine's arm having been thrown over my waist while he'd tucked his body into mine. His breath was light against my neck, his face still buried there from when he'd come. I came back into myself slowly."I didn't know…"I turned my head slightly, brushing my ear up against the tangled mess of his hair. "What?"Zaine's eyelashes tickled my neck as he blinked slowly. His fingers moved along my hip, tracing random patterns there that had my body working itself up again. I quickly slapped my hand over his, halting him from ramping me up so soon after he'd just fucked my brains out."Didn't know what, Zaine?"He hummed at me. "About you. I didn't know."Now I was really confused. I grazed my hand through his hair, gently working it back from his face and smiling when the gesture made him practically purr in response. It's annoyin
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Chapter 14 : Questions
Parking my car in front of the morgue, I got out and stretched my sore body. It was sometime around noon, reminding me of my empty stomach and how I'd barely consumed any food over the past two days.I'd been so focused on surviving the tsunami waves of Zaine—and by extension his brother— I'd forgotten about all other bodily functions. Before I headed back to the motel, I'd stop at the gas station and grabbed me and Zaine something to eat. He probably didn't need to eat regular food, but it was worth a shot at being polite. If anything, we'd both get a kick out of it and laugh. Pushing the double doors open, I stepped into the cool lobby and looked around. It was empty at the front desk with no other life signs seeming to be anywhere. It was kind of ironic in a sense but made for an annoying process to try and figure out what the fuck I was supposed to do.After giving up on waiting for five minutes, I headed around the desk and pushed open the door to the back ro
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Chapter 15 : Places To Be
Getting back to the motel, I grabbed my files and spread them out on the desk. We'd need to maximize our time once Kaius got here. With the murders escalating in number and in intensity, we needed to act as quickly as possible.I wasn't about to let another woman get snatched off the street only to be met by an untimely death all because we were too busy taking our sweet time.Putting my hands on my hips, I glanced up in the mirror over the desk. Zaine was seated on the end of the bed, the mattress bowing under him. He had taken his shirt off and tossed it somewhere while the top button of his pants had come undone and flared apart in order to show the deep-v right below his stomach.I matched his heated gaze and forced myself to turn around to look at him."Come here." He held out a hand.Compelled, I followed the order. He pulled me down into his lap, an arm coming around my waist to secure me against him. I tucked my upper half against his warm chest,
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Chapter 16 : Unexpectant Turns
Kaius pulled up to the scene in record time with both his brother and me crammed into the back seat of his Camaro. My heart stuttered inside my chest while my phone continued to vibrate in my hand. The alert pinged repeatedly, my ID the only one that had responded to it so far.I was scared to see what we were walking into. What kind of mess the brothers' father had left for us, or if he was still there, slaughtering people. What were they going to do once they were faced with the stark reality of their parent surrounded by bodies?Zaine's arm was tight around my shoulders, squeezing me into his chest as much as he could inside the cramped space. It wouldn't surprise me if his thoughts were thinking along the same lines. How he was going to have to deal with me arresting his father, or worse.Take him out.I shuddered at the thought. I didn't want Zaine hurt—or Kaius, by extension. As soon as the car rolled to a stop, I untangled myself from Zaine's arms and p
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Chapter 17 : Unbalanced Challenges
She snapped her fingers, silencing the shifters behind her. My shoulders stiffened. I didn't want to be left alone with her, especially with those shifters seemingly at her beck and call. Even if it was simply to talk—about what I couldn't even fathom."Absolutely not." Zaine stepped in front of me again, Kaius coming around to herd me over while staying in front of the shifter still on the floor. "What is going on, Mother? Why are you here? Where's Father?""This is a matter between women. Step aside."The way she said it… there was a threat there, buried underneath. Over what, was the real question. Peering around Zaine, I could see she'd moved in from the entrance, stepping over a large pool of blood that had been left by one of the bodies nearest her.She held her arms around herself in a relaxed hold, confidence and ease rolling off of her. There was no concern for what was in front of her at all. As if she'd seen this kind of scene a million times before. And
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Chapter 18 : Conclusions
I was knocked to the ground with such force my back skidded along the club floor, hauling me back a good ten feet until all momentum was lost, and I stopped. My palms stung from where my magic had collected, the density of it giving me a light burn over the surface of my skin.The snapping of jaws and teeth had me propelling my body off the ground, just in time to see the shifters run into the club and attack Kaius. He battered them away expertly, keeping them from advancing any further toward me as they fought his hold. He was strong, a lot more than I'd been expecting.One of the shifters unhinged their jaw, clamping down on Kaius' shoulder to hold him in place. He quickly grabbed the back of the shifter's scruff, ripping him off of his arm before prying the jaw back and cracking it apart.The sound of breaking bone had me wincing and covering my ears. It made my teeth clench, that sound reverberating inside my skull. When I looked up, I dodged to the left; a shi
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Chapter 19 : Time Forward
A few days later…"—So, that's pretty much the majority of it."I settled back into my chair, tempted to cross my leg over my knee in order to gain back some semblance of self-control. My hip screamed in protest when I tried, forcing me to remain with my knees mushed together and my hands hovering over them awkwardly.Jeffery stared at me unblinkingly from the other side of his desk. Around the halfway point into my debrief, he'd grabbed a pen—which I assumed he was going to use to write down everything I'd been spewing at the time—but it remained still capped and clutched between his fingers like some kind of comfort objectIt'd gotten back into town only a few hours ago and was already exhausted from my ride back here, not wanting to bother going home first because I knew once I kicked off my shoes and took my bra off, I wasn't getting up out of bed for another week.Unless it was to greet a certain welcomed guest, then I might reconsider."So you're…
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Chapter 20 : In The End
A few months later…"Are you sure about this?"I turned away from the bathroom mirror, the curling iron still wrapped around a section of my hair. Zaine leaned against the doorway, watching me with a frown on his face. I hated him looking so glum like that, especially with where we were going tonight."It won't be that bad." Trying to reassure him as best as I can.He crossed his arms over his chest, not answering me back. Turning back around, I dropped the curl and let it bounce before spraying it with product to keep it tightly wound. I could feel Zaine tracking my every move, the soft pulses of his desire for me rang through the bathroom. It flattered me in a way that was hard to describe accurately. He'd been respectful of my time today, knowing I'd set aside a certain amount of time for myself to get ready for tonight's dinner and that derailing those plans by seducing me into bed would piss me off as soon as I came to.I'm sure he'd be able to sw
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