All Chapters of Creatures of THE Night: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
120 Chapters
Bound to the Demon Chapter 1 : Beginnings
Brightvale University was one of the most prestigious places a witch could get their education. Witches from all over the world compete to get placed here after graduating from their local academies where they continue their higher education and become some of the best magical users the world has to offer. But right now, it's the bane of my existence. Since passing my numerous entrance exams and scraping together enough funds in order to pay for my classes, I was finally, finally going to become the witch I always wanted to be. One who worked alongside high ranking officials within the embassy or were a part of the Queen's Court.Something better than being stuck in my small hometown and being forced to become a kitchen witch. Though lately, that's looking like more and more of a reality."Aw, cheer up, Narine." I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. "You'll get 'em next time."Wincing, I look over to where our proctor is, hunched over the long table in the front
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Chapter 2 : Mistakes
I hide on the other side of the coffee table, peeking at the figure sitting on top of the altar cloth. It looks strange… almost like it's hunched over in an awkward position. Holding my breath, I watch as it unfolds itself and stands slowly. Long limbs stretched and brought back into place—like the creature is being reformed before my very eyes. There's only a single candle left lit on the cloth and it flickers violently when the creature moves away from it. Oh gods… what the hell did I just do?Something comes rumbling from it, dark and dangerous sounding. Almost like a growl."What are you doing?"I freeze at the voice. It—he?— bends and picks up the candle that's still lit. Bringing it closer to me, the coffee table creaks when he leans into it. He holds the candle over me, looking down at where I'm squished.I stare up into a beautiful set of eyes filled with chaos and a fire burning behind them. Furious and apathetic all rolled into one.
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Chapter 3 : Send Help
I run to Eva's dorm with only the book and my house keys clutched in my hands. Freaking out internally, I hope like hell she's there tonight. It's a Friday night, which means she's either staying in and binge watching whatever current medical drama is on, or she's out somewhere partying like it's her last night alive. I internally groan at myself. I didn't even bring my phone with me before I left, so freaked out Soleus was actually going to smite me like he promised, I didn't think to take anything else with me other than my shoes.If Eva is actually out somewhere on campus, it's going to be next to impossible to find her. Parties are a dime a dozen and trying to get into one of them without some kind of invite is laughable at best. I'm not ugly by any means, but compared to Eva, I get easily passed over. Which is fine, my relationship status isn't my concern at the moment. All I really want out of life right now is to pass university and actually get into the f
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Chapter 4 : Consequences
Eva lets out a long sigh when she's done looking over the spell and the altar cloth I have still stretched out across my living room floor."I'm going to be honest with you, Nari. I really have no idea how to help you."Behind us, Sol grumbles on the couch.We both ignore him."We can't use the same spell to send him back?"She shakes her head and holds up the book, pointing to the spell I read when doing the ritual. "It says here that you're calling on him. Kind of like a one-way telephone.""Oh…"She turns towards the couch. "Can you find another open portal? She brought you here but surely if you step through another portal to Hell, it'll take you back there."Sol leans away from the back of the couch and rests his elbows on his knees. He leans his weight forward while his lips turn down into a cruel looking sneer."Typically, yes. That would be my first go-to. However, your friend here has decided to tether me to this house."My eye
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Chapter 5 : Reprieve
I try to quickly cover myself, his words only half registering."C-Clause?""Mmm." There's a gust of cold wind blowing into the shower when he slides the door open. "Yes, the little stand-off we've been having."My mind is too busy swimming with sex hormones to even try and comprehend or make sense of what he's saying to me. "What?"He laughs darkly while stepping into the shower. My eyes immediately latch on to the way his clothes soak through with water, framing each muscle I knew he's been hiding under all of that dark fabric. My mouth drops open a little, not being able to help myself by taking him all in.Damn, are all demons sexy? Is that some kind of caveat for becoming one?"Like what you see?"His voice breaks me out of whatever trance I'm under. "Out."Even as I say it, I don't even believe me. Sure, is it embarrassing that he's caught me fingering myself? Yes, of course. But the outline of his cock is currently rewiring my brain
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Chapter 6 : Decisions
Lying in bed, I stare up at my ceiling. I can't believe I was half a second away from actually getting on my knees for a demon and sucking his outrageously large cock. And that I let him get so far as to finger me until I nearly passed out from how intense my orgasm was. What is wrong with me? Have I lost my fucking mind?I have to be. All the sleep deprivation and the stress from my review coming up is all coming back to bite me in the ass in the form of a horny, annoying demon named Soleus. My hands run through my wet hair, the tangling ends getting caught in my fingers and forcing me to yank at them until my fingers are free. He'd dressed me before dropping me off in my bed and leaving me alone for the night. Something I hadn't been expecting him to do but didn't mind in the slightest since he could've just dumped me butt naked and still sopping wet without a care.But he'd taken the time to… what? Take care of me?That thought doesn't sit well
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Chapter 7 : Deals With The Devil
Staring at him for a long moment, I tried to properly wrap my head around that statement."...What?""You heard me.""No… no, I don't think I did."Sol pulls his arms up off of his thighs and rests them against the side of the table. He leans over slowly, coming closer to me with a gleam in his eyes that spells all sorts of trouble. The fire in his eyes flickers violently. "I'll teach you how to control yourself, Narine. Your only payment to me for it is your body."I run my tongue along the back of my teeth, not really sure how to take that. "As in…?"He lifts a shoulder coyly. "I'll treat you well. I won't harm you. Just a repeat of what happened in the shower. Maybe more."I hate that my body heats up at the mention of his hands touching me again. Fuck, ever since the shower, I can't stop thinking about him and his mouth all over me. Tasting every inch of my skin while his fingers worked me slowly into another mind blowing orgasm.
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Chapter 8 : Falling with Grace
He pulls me into a heated kiss. I jolt in surprise. His warm tongue traces my lips, parting them with a gentle thrust that has me gasping for air. Wiggling under him, I try to get myself sitting upright so he isn't completely enveloping me with his body. It isn't until I'm actually vertical, laying on the couch cushions that I realize my fight for dominance is futile. Sol traps me with both of his hands, crushing my wrists into the cushions. He uses his knee to part my legs and slide up between my thighs until I'm practically grinding against him. Fuck, I hate that I like this. His complete and total ease over controlling me is surprisingly sexy. I'm at his mercy, his whim, and there's actually nothing I can do about it.Sol pulls his mouth away from mine, leaving me gasping for air. He watches me with hooded eyes, a playful smirk tugging his lips up. "Oh, I can't wait to play with you, Narine."I shiver at those words. Wherever this is leading to, I'm
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Chapter 9 : After Hours
Sol hovers over me and brushes my hair away from my neck before he buries his face there. He breathes me in deeply and kneels behind me in order to stay flush with my hips. I'm grateful he hasn't immediately discarded me like I thought he would, and it makes me feel much better. Sol's arms curl around my body from underneath me, his lips finding the skin where he'd been practically gnawing on and kisses it gently. I sigh softly and completely relax into the couch, my tears finally letting up. Damn… that was fucking incredible. Why haven't I had sex with a demon sooner?Sol tongues the area, lapping at my sweat soaked skin. I think it would gross me out if I was in my right mind, but right now I kind of find it charming in a weird way. He moves his mouth up to curl around the shell of my ear, nipping at the skin lightly. Now that I think about it, it's starting to become clear Sol has some kind of oral fixation. Whenever he's around me, he'd always chewing on some
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Chapter 10 : Troubles Ahead
"Narine Fischer. You're up."My stomach drops. Standing from my seat, I head down to the front of the lecture hall, aware of about 100 pairs of eyes on me. I pass Eva's row, seeing her give me an encouraging smile I wish actually boosted my confidence.Sol's words hammer around inside of my head. The mantra to stay in control of myself forces me to remain as relaxed as possible. As I step up to the long table at the front of the room and face my proctor, he sets a bowl down in front of me. There's nothing in it, but next to it are rows and rows of herbs and different blends which can be put together in order to create something.We aren't given any instruction on what to make or what spell to use in order to pass, but it's obvious not just any simple thing will do. We're supposed to be showing off everything we've learned in our journey to witchhood. I'd been drawing a blank up until now on what spell to perform to impress my proctor, but right now, I know exactly
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