All Chapters of The Rogues Forbidden Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 41 : The Pond
TW: Mentions of domestic abuse and sexual assaultSeraphina's POVI'd nearly forgotten what William had looked like. Most of my memories had contorted him into the monster he was on the inside. The man who smiled whenever he drew blood. The same one that got a feral gleam in his eye whenever I cried.I never knew what he was thinking, which only caused me to be anxious and terrified every second of the day. William preferred that. Seeing me strung out on exhaustion because I was so scared he'd hurt me again.He always did. Just a matter of when.When I was especially nervous, he would draw it out. Move suddenly to get me to flinch and cry out in shock. Only in private. He wouldn't do it in public. Even though I doubted people would bat an eye. His image was everything.Image was power.And what he did to me was a dirty little secret between him and me. I don't think the elders even knew what happened when he came up to me in the dark. But the monster that grinned and s
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Chapter 42 : Cellblock
Kit's POVEven if I wasn't connected to the pack mind link anymore, I could practically feel how unnerved pack members were at my appearance. They knew there was likely only one reason I was here, and they were right.I was here to challenge my brother. And when my sudden reemergence was linked to their missing Luna Queen, it only made it feel that much more complicated. Wait until they figured out she was my mate. If I had marked her, it would have made my claim much more potent, but I wasn't going to concern myself with it now. I also tried not to worry about Sera facing off against my brother by herself.My stomach turned at the thought of her alone with her abuser.The beast under my skin growled, vibrating through my entire body. It sharpened my focus. Made me see the whole picture.Blood Moon packmates wouldn't be any help to her. They were suffering under Will's influence. It tainted them with hate and violence. The Alpha influence was meant to unify. Strengthen cor
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Chapter 43 : Challenge
Seraphina's POVThe last month felt like torture. I spent my entire nights curled up on a filthy mattress, thinking of Kit's touch. Thinking of holding my daughter again. The anger inside kept me warm. I didn't know where Kit was, but I could feel him.The tether that bound us together only got stronger the more I missed him. I wanted to tug at it, hoping he could feel it when I reached out for him. But the bond wasn't solidified. He hadn't marked me. Every time I reached for the bond, it fell through my fingers. Visible and bodiless as smoke.I just wanted to tell him that I loved him. Show him how badly I missed him.My ring hummed with power as if it was filled to the brim, about to runneth over. I reached for the magic in my blood and the ring trembled. Close.But not enough to shatter the curse. I was still bound by it. The magic seared my flesh, with nowhere for it to go. My heart ached as Annie crossed my mind. How long was her hair now? A month is a long time fo
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Chapter 44 : Blood Moon
Kit's POVThe shackles fell from my wrists onto the ground and I rubbed the raw red lines the wolfsbane left me with. Without them, the wolf instantly roared to life under my skin. My shoulders bunched and tensed, preparing myself for the fight ahead.This past month I spent nights thinking about Sera, missing her. Wishing I could hold her. Reunite her with Annika. Protect my girls.Abe would kick over his rations, telling me I needed my strength more than he did. He was right. I used those rations to fuel myself while I grasped onto the iron bars over my head and pulled myself up.I needed to stay as sharp as I could, even if I was starving.Staring over at Sera, and seeing her chained to that fucking rock pissed me off. I may not be as strong as I would have been before I was put down into that cell, but I was strong enough to win this. Seeing Sera hold her daughter again gave me the strength I needed to end this.Her gaze felt like cool water rushing over me as we looked
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Chapter 45 : Selene
Seraphina's POVI don't know how long I sat on that stage, my white dress stained with blood, holding Kit's body. My head throbbed from how hard I had been sobbing. I couldn't hear anything outside of the pounding of my heart. My breathing was loud in my ears.I didn't feel it when Xander stepped up onto the stage behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. No flinching. No reaction at all. My throat was choked with grief. Insurmountable pain I didn't know if I'd survive. I could feel my heart crack in my chest down the middle. William had cheated. It was obvious to me and obvious to the elders who were panicked and whispering to one another. It seemed like without an Alpha, the mind link had also shattered. There was no Alpha to anchor it.I hunched over his body, my tears running out. I prayed to the moon, to the earth, to the devils and the angels to bring Kit back. Whoever would listen. To take this pain away. To feel like a part of me wasn't splintered.My magic thru
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Chapter 46 : Need
Kit's POVOne moment I had pulled a silver knife out of my side, overcome with the worse pain I'd ever felt in my life. Followed by darkness. Then, I awoke in Sera's arms. Her face mottled with tears. Eyes bloodshot. I didn't want her to cry over me.According to Xander, I was dead. I could hear it in the mind link. The chatter. The desperation. The uncertainty.The pack didn't know me. They hadn't seen me in over a decade and now I was just plopped into the role of their leader? Yeah. Like that'll go over well.Without Will's influence, they felt relieved, like a fresh gulp of air after being surrounded by smog. But, it was also overwhelming. After having a boot on your throat for so long, you miss it when it's gone.That's what this was.They missed the boot.Didn't know what life was like without it.Fuck, I had my work cut out for me. I gazed up at the moon, wondering what her plan was in all this. Frankly, it didn't matter right now. Right now, I needed to see Anni
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Chapter 47 : Back Home
Seraphina's POVI felt closer to Kit than I ever had. Like a direct line between our minds had been connected. I couldn't get enough of pulling on the bond. Every time I did, Kit beamed at me. I pulled on it when we got out of the shower.When he dressed me.Even when I saw the mark in the mirror. I expected a scar. Something as jagged as William's bite. But it didn't look like that at all. The scar William left me with was gone. Altogether disappeared. Now, I was left with a light, silver indention of Kit's teeth. Not bruised. Not at all painful.It felt like a mark of love.My fingers brushed it and a spear of heat shot right through me. I wasn't expecting it. Kit pulled an ill-fitting shirt over his head and raised his split eyebrow at me. "Can you…feel that?""I can," he answered, a little smile on his lips full of ardor. Distant whispers flowed through one ear and out the other. Like the buzz of a radio. It would come and go. "Why do I keep hearing buzzing?""S
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Chapter 48 : Delicate Matters
Kit's POVIt was good that Sera hadn't stayed. If the elders were this nasty when she wasn't here, I didn't want to think about how awful they'd be to her if she was. Weeks passed with council meeting after council meeting. They would try to hammer in ideologies that I didn't agree with. Not remotely. Old, outdated ways of thinking that benefited them, but not the pack. Frankly, it went through one ear and out the other. All the same bullshit.And in between those meetings, I had curious wolves who wanted to meet me. See their new Alpha face-to-face. Sniff me out to determine for themselves if I was safe. As was their right. I wasn't going to turn them away. I needed them to trust me. I needed them to understand that I served them, not the other way around. But it would take a lot of work to get to the level of trust we needed.I expected that. Thankfully, I had Xander with me as interim Alpha while all the dust settled. They trusted him. And he was proving to me how des
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Chapter 49 : Catching Up
Seraphina's POVWhen I saw Kit's truck pull into Rosie's driveway, I almost didn't believe it was him. We had spent so much time apart, that it felt surreal to see him again in the flesh. We spent weeks pulling on the bond whenever we thought about each other…which was all the time.He'd call me every night to say goodnight to Annika. She'd share with him her growing vocabulary and he told her he loved her. After I put her to bed, we'd talk until the early morning hours. About how Abe slept on Rosie's couch at night and spent the day reconnecting with his wife after years of being apart. How I helped Rosie care for the homestead and I somehow didn't kill any of her plants yet. I would also tell him about how much Annika loved feeding the chickens and would go so far as asking to feed the goats at Reiner Ranch.He never talked much about what was happening on the packlands, but he sounded exhausted. It was like I was his escape from all the complications of bureaucracy and clea
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Chapter 50 : A Problem for Another Day
Seraphina's POVKit stepped inside my room, tossing his bag on top of my bed. My eyes gazed over his arms, the broadness of his shoulders. I ached with longing. A bead of heat flared between my thighs. I was hypersensitive to him, feeling his body heat flush through me.I missed him.I missed his arms around me.His mouth pressed against mine.I missed how he felt inside of me.Desire coiled in my belly. We had so much to talk about, but first I needed to have him. Reacquaint myself with his body. I needed to remind him just how badly I burned for him. Wetness gathered between my legs as my eyes raked down his back, the firm muscles bulging through the fabric.Despite how he claimed they didn't feed him on the packlands, he looked so much better than he did the night of the blood moon. Filled back out. Tall and strong, not gaunt at all. Of course, I'm sure that the boost of Alpha power helped.Kit always had power that buzzed beneath his skin, that called to mine, but n
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