All Chapters of The Alpha's Orphaned Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21 : Red
*Estelle* The next morning I lay on my side, listening to the water pour out of the shower in the adjoining bathroom. I looked through the window down at the packmates beginning their daily routine when I saw Charles pass by. The water stopped running, and soon after, Gabe opened the door to begin getting dressed. Once again, he had to get an early start. I had no doubt that it was at least partly due to dealing with Charles's outburst from last night. I couldn't work out exactly why those two were a constant presence around Gabe. They seemed to feel entitled to his time and attention. "Why do you put up with Charles and Isolde?" I asked. At first, I thought that he wasn't going to answer me. I would have accepted that. It was a nosey question for me to ask. Gabe buttoned his shirt and sighed. "I owe them a debt," he said. He sat behind me and pulled me into his arms. I relaxed against his chest and held onto his hands. "My father was an Alpha too," he said softly. "O
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Chapter 22 : A Gift
*Val* I'd been out at the main checkpoint of our territory for hours already. The men had gone over every second of last night's patrol with me numerous times. No one noticed any odd scents or movements during the feast. It wasn't until morning that they discovered anything was off.We'd doubled the patrol since one of the guards was injured, so there shouldn't have been any gaps in security and no way for someone to sneak anywhere near our land. I couldn't make sense of what I was looking at. Blocking the trail we used to drive in and out of town, was a line of newly planted saplings. It would have taken time to plant them and it would have been loud. That wasn't the strangest part. Placed neatly beside the central tree was a large bouquet of white, five-petaled flowers wrapped in a silver, silky material. It looked like an offering of some kind. It was starting to feel like some kind of conspiracy was unfolding. I didn't want to entertain the idea that one of our own could
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Chapter 23 : The First Shift
*Estelle* It had been a few days since the flowers had been discovered in the forest and things had been quiet, but tense since then. Charles and Isolde had been absent from the main house, which was strange to everyone that I'd mentioned it to. There had been no more odd occurrences around the border or incidents in the village. Everything was quiet. In the calm, Gabe hadn't had much to do. Because of that, we'd been spending a lot more time together. My wolf was thrilled at the attention. I'd never felt that part of me so content. It was weird, but in a good way. Gabe had gotten more comfortable touching me without checking to see if we were being watched. I was learning what it took to make him smile and I loved that it was something I could do. I felt like I was getting my first taste of normality since I'd come to the village. It was nice seeing that Gabe's life didn't always have to be tense meetings and arguments. He liked to read, which explained the size of the lib
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Chapter 24 : Dreams Of The Past
*Estelle* I was running through a cold river. My paws were numb, but I kept moving. Time was running out. I could feel that he was right behind me. If I didn't find a safe place soon it would be too late. The smell of burning wood made it impossible to track his scent. There was no way to know if I'd lost him without stopping and checking behind me. I couldn't risk it. I had to press on. My lungs were burning from the effort. I must have been running for miles by now. My mind was disorganized, I couldn't focus on anything but the need to find safety. I jumped out of the river and kept running. My paws hit concrete and I hesitated. If I went into the city it would be harder for him to find me, but I would have no help. I heard something crashing through the foliage behind me and I ran. Suddenly, I was jolted from my slumber. I sat up quickly and blinked my eyes. There was sunlight streaming through the window and it disoriented me. I had just been running. No, that was a dre
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Chapter 25 : The Avenging Angel
*Estelle* Gabe had finally been able to arrange a council meeting with the leaders of the other packs in the area. He'd been trying for weeks to get everyone to take the rogue activity seriously. It wasn't until another territory's borders were breached that they seemed willing to listen. Gabe was irritated that his word hadn't been sufficient, and I didn't blame him. I had a feeling that things with the other packs were more complicated than I knew. I was warned to steer clear of the parlor where the meeting would take place. Gabe had told me to ignore any shouting I heard. It seemed like diplomatic relations were more than a little tense. Val and I were in the library flipping through family records in search of any mention of red or orange fur. It was tedious, at best, and we'd already gone through two pots of coffee today. It was only day two of our search for answers about my family. I was trying not to get my hopes up, but it was hard. The possibility that these du
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Chapter 26 : Protecting Gabe
*Estelle* I woke with Gabe's arms around me. It was rapidly becoming my favorite way to wake up. I nuzzled close to his chest and smiled. Val and I had nearly made it through all of the family registries and still had no luck finding any reference to a red wolf. It was disheartening. I was starting to feel like I was wasting everyone's time. Val had remained optimistic, but I was pretty sure he was just being nice. I owed Lucky a fruit arrangement or something. She'd lost so much time with Val because of me. When I'd finally gone to bed last night I could hear Gabe's meeting still going in full swing. I had tried to stay awake and wait for him, but I must have fallen asleep. Gabe's arms tightened around me and he shifted slightly. "It's early," he said without opening his eyes. I wondered what time he'd finally been able to come to bed. "Sorry," I whispered. "I wasn't trying to wake you. How was the meeting?" "Frustrating," he grumbled. "It's impossible to get anywher
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Chapter 27 : Loss Of An Alpha
*Estelle* Val and I had taken a break to eat lunch. We were sitting across from each other in two plush chairs in the library and eating sandwiches Lucky had been kind enough to bring us. It was a nice break. The morning had been unfruitful, again. We only had a few books left to check. I was determined to get through the rest of the records today, but I was distracted. I felt terrible about it. Val looked exhausted but he was still here helping me out. I owed it to him to put my best foot forward. But I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation I'd overheard between Isolde and Charles. I was furious about the way they talked about Gabe. Charles was a two-faced liar, that was clear. But why? What was motivating him to act this way? It couldn't just be that he wanted his daughter to be the Luna. That was far too simple an explanation. The way he looked at me was so cold and full of loathing, it had to be more than misplaced jealousy. I just couldn't make sense of it.
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Chapter 28 : Be My Luna
*Estelle* I'd hardly seen Gabe in days. He'd been so busy dealing with the other packs that he'd missed dinner every night this week. Besides that, he was trying to figure out the security issues at the border so he was up early every morning. Most days I was asleep before he came to bed and he was gone by the time I woke up. I wasn't convinced that he actually made it to bed every night. The biggest obstacle in the relations with the other packs seemed to be Charles. He'd inserted himself into every meeting, not matter how mundane. Based on what Val had told me about him, Charles should have been an asset to the meetings, but Gabe was frustrated by the way things had stalled out. He just couldn't seem to make any progress and he was becoming increasingly irritated by it. If that wasn't enough to ruin my mood, Isolde had been a constant presence in the house. It seemed like she was lurking in every doorway, as if she were waiting for something to happen. I had no idea what it
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Chapter 29 : Sleeping With The Beta
*Gabe* Estelle's face drained of color as she stared up at me. Her eyes were watery and she parted her lips, but she didn't speak. She looked completely stunned. It wasn't at all the reaction I'd anticipated when I asked her to be my Luna. I thought that she would be surprised, but the horror on her face was hard to accept. I'd spent days with the idea of making her the Luna playing in my mind. It was all I could think about. The droning meetings that I was trapped in were only bearable because of Estelle. The thought of her skin against mine and her voice in the dark got me through the interminable diplomatic discussions. She was usually sleeping peacefully by the time I made it to our bed, and I didn't have the heart to wake her. My desire for her was only tempered by the way she curled into my touch the moment I joined her under the blanket. Even if it was subconsciously, she still reached for me and it made my heart sing. She distracted me, but I couldn't bring myself t
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Chapter 30 : Bear Lake
*Estelle* I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt so awful about anything in my life. Gabe was so upset with me that he hadn't come to bed last night. I'd waited up for him for hours. I couldn't blame him, really. He'd basically proposed to me and I just stared at him like an idiot. I wanted to find him and apologize, but I was afraid that I'd freeze up again. I was terrified of being the Luna, but I was more scared of losing Gabe. Mama Iida had comforted me the best she could after Gabe stormed out. She was kind about the situation, but it was clear that she was disappointed in me. I was too. I don't know why it was so hard for me to find my voice. All I had to do was tell him the truth; I wanted to be his Luna but I was afraid I'd mess it up. Gabe would understand that. He'd been forced to become the Alpha before he was ready. Then again, maybe he'd think I was being a baby since he'd been so much younger than me when he took on those responsibilities. It was all so mu
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