All Chapters of Torn Between Two Alphas: The Luna's Choice: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21: The Birth of the Luna
Layla refused to move from her son's side the entire four days he spent sleeping. She did not sleep nor did she eat. The waiting was excruciating. She felt as if she could not breathe, as if an elephant was sitting on her chest. Her heart was in her knees. Her mind was frantic. Her only comfort was the steady stream of healers who were constantly monitoring Cassias. It took a total of twenty-four hours for Alistar to make an appearance by Cassias' side. Layla could not bring herself to look or speak to him. They sat in awkward silence. It was the hardest thing she had ever done. Every fiber of her being wanted to tear into him, rip him piece by piece, but she held back. To distract herself, she counted the number of times Cassias' chest rose and fell from breathing. He looked so peaceful and beautiful, it was a surreal sight. She knew that he was fighting for his life. His right arm was broken. There were still no answers but Layla knew that he was too young to shift. His body cou
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Chapter 22: The Drunken Fool
The date of Balthazar Riverwalker's birthday banquet and hunt was quickly approaching. Layla split her focus from Cassias' recovery to preparing for the banquet. Alistar was dead to her. He tried to talk to her but she would turn away. He tried to hold her hand and she would move her hand away. She replaced Javier with one of her father's men and forbade Alistar from her room. The tension between the two was felt by every member of the household. Life had become a series of eggshells that everyone was forced to walk on. Layla would have kept appearances up but Alistar had killed the part of her that cared when he returned with a bloody unconscious Cassias. He still refused to give any straight answers to anyone who inquired. Layla had hoped that he would eventually leave. The colder she was towards him, the more she pushed him away, the more likely it would be that he would just go away. But it had been almost two weeks and he was still there. She wondered what she had to do to get
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Chapter 23: The Banquet
The day of the banquet was finally here. Layla kissed Cassias goodbye and told him that she would return the next day. It was a half a day's ride by horse to get to the Moonbane fort. But Layla knew that it was only a couple of hours when in wolf form. She could cut through the woods as a wolf that she could not by horse or by carriage. But her father did not shift and she did not want to worry about having a change of clothes so they went together with an extremely reluctant Tabitha. She was very nervous. It had been so long since she was face to face with the Riverwalkers and after she met Solomon's little brother Simon, she wasn't optimistic that it would go well. She was anxious to see what Saraiah wanted with her. She wished that her body hadn't changed as much as it had after being pregnant with Cassias but she couldn't go back in time and her new dress was very flattering and fashionable. She kept rubbing her hands against her thighs, pushing the fibers of the velvet up and do
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Chapter 24: The Meeting of the Lunas
Layla caught her breath. She had almost forgotten the real reason she was there, she was invited. By Saraiah Riverwalker. The woman who called her trash. And told her she would never be good enough for Solomon. She followed the servant across the great hall and into a small hallway which led to a small library. In the middle of the room was a mahogany table that stretched the length of the room. The room was wider than it was long and there was a small fireplace that was lit. There was a fur rug on the floor and a large wooden chandelier hanging above the table. In the middle of the table, in a large ornate chair, sat the one and only Saraiah Riverwalker.Saraiah had barely changed since the last time they saw each other. Her hair was slightly more gray. Her eyes were only slightly more wrinkled. The small number time had on her body only added to her stern and intense demeanor. She was more beautiful and more cat-like. She wore the same Moonbane insignia necklace as the last
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Chapter 25: Unfriendly Fire
Saraiah sat back into her chair. Layla couldn't read her face but knew that Saraiah had heard her. Saraiah scanned her up and down slowly. Layla sat back in her chair as well. She was suddenly overcome with a sudden crippling sense of insecurity. She didn't want to let it on to Saraiah so she mimicked her behavior. Saraiah smirked ever so slightly to herself and then snapped. A female servant appeared with a chalice of wine and set it to the right of her. Saraiah took a long sip while still maintaining her intense eye contact with Layla. "How do you propose to do that?" Saraiah's thick accent purred in Layla's ears like a cat. She sounded amused. "I would prefer to speak with your husband." Layla slowly crossed her left leg over her right knee. Saraiah held her chalice in both of her hands propping her elbows on the table. She leaned forward into them, "he is not here, I am. I will not waste the time of my Alpha and husband with nonsense and I am afraid you might just be full
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Chapter 26: The Courtyard Conversation
Layla recognized the voice immediately. It was the last person she wanted to see. "Don't you have a wedding to be in?" She spat. Solomon sat next to her and started to gently rub her back. "Stop touching me! Your wife would not like it." "Layla," he purred, "don't be like that.""Don't be like what?" She moved her body away from his hand. "Were you ever going to tell me?""Layla," his voice was like honey. "Don't 'Lay-la' me! I want answers. You are getting married and it, what, slipped your mind?" "Layla, it's not like that," he began. "Stop saying my name and just get to the point." "I am trying to get to the point. You keep cutting me off." He was losing patience with her. "I'm only cutting you off because you're not saying anything. You are betrothed and you never told me! Not once." Her voice was raised, it was like she was almost screaming. The alcohol did not help her at all, she had lost control of herself. He did not move. He sucked air through his teeth. "It
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Chapter 27: The Bedroom
Layla propped herself onto her elbows. His head was lost between her thighs and his mouth was slowly inching closer and closer to her clit. His hot breath tickled against her skin but she was too busy memorizing the way the lines of his muscular shoulders melted into his back. Her whole body yearned for his tongue to meet her, it was as painful as it was pleasurable. Finally he did, softly at first, but soon building a steady rhythm. Layla felt as if all the air was knocked out of her. The only thing she could focus on was the sensation of his tongue. She fell onto her back as he began to apply more force with precision and expertise. He grabbed her waist from underneath her and pulled her closer to him intensifying the sensation. Layla gasped for air as she firmly grabbed the back of his head, she twisted his hair through her fingers. The closer she was, the more she pulled on his hair. Her heart was racing as the sensation was building, she let out a loud moan. She had only one tho
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Chapter 28: The Red-Headed Stepchild
Layla nuzzled into Solomon's arms. She turned her body towards him and began to trace "I love you" with her fingers on his chest. She watched his chest rise and fall slowly, she could tell he was falling asleep. "Hey," she whispered as she gently nudged him. "We can't stay here all night. It's your father's party. You have to wake up." "Shhh," he said sleepily, "don't say that. We can stay here forever."She chuckled softly to herself. She was feeling more sober than she was back in the courtyard. "It's a bug party and I know you will be missed if you stay here any longer." He kissed the top of her head, "I know you're right, but you wore me out, Lone Wolf.""You're welcome, " she smiled. "I aim to please.""You definitely did. I love you," he sighed as he started to drift off to sleep. Layla, again, nudged him. "You have to wake up. I'm feeling better now. I need to talk to your father and I want you to come with me." "My love, my mate, my Luna, please stay here. Go to sl
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Chapter 29: The Calm Before the Storm
Solomon stood motionless before Layla, he was shaking from betrayal. "I never break my promises, Layla. I swore to you and to the Goddess. I don't think we are thinking clearly." Layla shook her head, "this isn't a question of loyalty to our fathers anymore. This is in regards to my son and I will not abandon him for you. One day when you have children you will understand the sacrifices that all parents must make." His entire body tensed up, "I am not telling you to abandon your child, Layla. I would never ask you to.""But you are, you said that you couldn't be a step-parent," she snapped. "That's not what I meant. I was trying to be honest and vulnerable with you. Did you want me to lie? As his mother, wouldn't you want to know and talk it out before everything happens and we are at a point where I resent you and you resent me?"His voice was gravelly and thick with anger. "Yes! Of course I would prefer to talk this out before anything happens but what is there to talk about
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Chapter 30: The Un-Welcomed Guest
The guards stumbled to barricade the doors. Solomon loudly bellowed a word in the language that he spoke with his family, the language that Layla did not understand, and within seconds every member, including the women, shifted. It was intimidating to be surrounded by hundreds of well-trained muscular wolves. Her old fear of the beast rose to the surface, she wanted to run but she was surrounded. She felt as if she was still a child standing between her shifted parents. But one thought kept her planted in her current reality; Alistar was outnumbered. And there if he didn't flee as soon as possible, there would be no Thundermoon pack left once the night was over. She would be a pack-less Luna and essentially worthless. She was furious at Alistar for pulling this stunt at Javier for not talking him out of it but especially at herself. She couldn't play along, she just had to wear her contempt of him so freely on her sleeve. Alistar was not an intelligent man but he wasn't a dummy. He
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