All Chapters of Trapped Between the Mafia Brothers: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31 : Sleeping Alone
Eden's POVIf the taxi ride to the airport wasn't terrible enough, the drive from the airport to the Golden Estate is even worse. They're not just upset with my words now, they've been wounded by what I've said about them, and what they think I feel toward them. I've f*cked it all up now.I'm the last one inside the house, my bare feet sink into the lawn while I think about how horrible everything has become. I've messed up my one true purpose in getting close to these brothers.I never ever wanted to hurt them.I scan the darkness of New York, the evening just beginning here after the time change. I miss the sun, and I can't sleep even if I want to, but going inside doesn't seem to be the best idea either.Mason stands in the front doorway, his brows furrowed as he looks at my odd, unmoving spot in the front yard. "Eden, come on. It's getting cold outside."I didn't even notice the dropping temperatures, feeling so hot with frustration that I guess it doesn't matter. My he
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Chapter 32 : Roleplay
Eden's POVDante pulls me into the shower before the sun even rises. Even though we were naked all night, the wounds and the adrenaline from the day before had caused too much tension for anything fun to happen. I'm okay with it though.For once, our serene silence was enough for me to feel secure between them both.Dante takes over the task of washing my hair while Ryder sleeps in, per usual. He finally stalks out of bed, wearing a pair of pajama pants that hang just under the muscles that carve a trail right toward his arousal. My heart sputters in my chest.Having Dante press into my back as he draws soapy hands down my sides doesn't help. His erection is sputtering as well, brushing against my lower back.They're both smiling and relaxed. I am pleased with their delight after having such tension between us for so long. For once, maybe just this time, our blissful streak will carry on uninterrupted.Ryder comes close, ready to yank free of his clothes and join us, but hi
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Chapter 33 : Rob Me
Eden's POVSomeone cuts my wrists free, and I feel a little relieved at first. I thought it would bring back the memory of the heist, but in reality, the brothers work at securing my hands behind my back, and another plastic tie loops around my wrists again.My eyes go wide behind the tie."Can't have you doing anything rash," Dante teases.Ryder joins in the snickering banter, "We know how you like to move the blindfold off your eyes."And thank god I had. Without doing that, I would have been kicked to the curb after the robbery at Grand Dominion Bank. I would have resorted back to my old, miserable life with Jack Ward. Taking that blindfold off in the car was the best decision of my life.And they're right—I'd do it again if not for them beating me to the punch and restraining my arms behind my back. I inhale sharply, the little tatters of clothing being picked off my body, piece by piece. They admire my white lingerie, pulling and adjusting and caressing my body in the
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Chapter 34 : Leave A Voicemail
Eden's POVEvery night since the Golden brothers and I roleplayed the robbery has been amazing. We are closer than ever, and to my surprise, they have been taking more and more time off of work and ignoring phone calls when they come late in the evening or too early in the morning.The only issue is, I am being eaten alive with guilt over not telling them how I fully feel about them both. I can't stand holding onto this secret, but then again, I doubt it's much of a secret. I can't get enough of them, and they can't seem to get enough of me either.I fall backward into the office chair, bored out of my mind, and curiously I begin going through the desktop computer they keep in here. It's the middle of the night, and I can't sleep with my thoughts racing like they have been for days now.The brothers are downstairs, sleeping away in bliss after I managed to crawl ever so carefully out of bed. I scroll through the Internet and check my email, poking around to kill time until morn
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Chapter 35 : Room 612
Eden's POVThis whole state is impossible to navigate, but thankfully the car I took from the estate has a GPS embedded inside of it. Carol slept through the trouble this morning and woke up to a mess and an empty house. Hopefully, she hasn't already told the brothers I've left the estate.I can't have Ryder and Dante making this war worse.I race through the Lamont Lounge, looking through the bar and the nearly empty dance floor—it's too early in the afternoon to be in a dance club getting drunk, but I had to double-check. Making my way into the elevator, I keep a careful eye out.Erik Donahue still wants me dead. Being in the city with that threat overhead isn't really wise, but the weight of the flash drive in my pocket is so heavy that I forget about the threat against me right now. I make my way to the room I've been inside before and knock lightly.Asher throws the door open and yanks me inside, slamming it shut seconds later while he looks as furious as Ryder and Dante
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Chapter 36 : Mercy, Please
Eden's POVThe wine cellar is freezing cold.I huddle in the corner of the cellar, between shelves of red and white wine, all of which are more expensive than the bottle before it. I can't even have any to drink, or anything to drink at all, with my hands still bound behind me.My wrists have raw, exposed cuts, and I can't even feel the sting of pain from them anymore. My face is throbbing with bruises, along with my neck and the rest of my body over the last few days of viciousness and neglect.I'm wearing a long dress shirt that Asher has managed to put me in between random beatings and atrocious lines of questioning. I try to keep my lips sealed about where Ryder and Dante are, but it won't last long. I'm breaking slowly, and the cold, relentless torment of my body is starting to wear me down even further.The door opens across the cellar, and I try to appear small, almost non-threatening, and maybe that will curb their appetite to hurt me further. I haven't had food or wa
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Chapter 37 : Having Her
Ryder's POVAnother sleepless night. Another wordless day.Carol makes dinner, but the smell of it alone is enough to set me off. Nothing tastes the same since Eden left. I can't feel warmth and comfort until she is back in my arms. Everything aches, and I'm sore with a stiff rage that boils under the surface, waiting to be lifted up so the pressure of the steam can be unleashed.If I were to fully release like I want to, I may set the world on fire in my wake.I haven't spoken to my brother. I'm not sure when I will again. He sits beside himself in the corner of the room, overlooking the river. He's hardly moved since Eden left. Carol scolded him pretty terribly since she found out what happened, the state of the office, and how we treated Eden that morning.Carol wasn't too kind to me about it either, and finally, after her lecture, she had sat down, shrugged her shoulders, and said, you did this to yourselves.She was right, too.I turn away as she offers me a plate. I
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Chapter 38 : The Remorse We Feel
Eden's POVI wake slowly, in peace, but also in pain. I can spot the wounds on my body purely by the throbbing aches that dot my body all over. I rub my eyes and regret it instantly, my cheek pulsing from the small touch I put there.Looking around the familiar bed, I spot a few unfamiliar spaces next to me. Ryder isn't beside me, and Dante isn't behind me. The last thing I recall was Asher finally convincing me to give up where the estate was, but I never anticipated he would actually give me back to the Golden brothers.That is, unless he gave me back and then took them away!I leap out of bed, landing on my knees while my foot lands crooked on the floor. My ankle is wrapped in the tight knot of a metal brace. I hop upright onto my good foot, seeing the length of my leg lined in dark scratches and deep welts.Standing straight, I catch the sounds of a familiar voice down the hall and try my best to limp on my good ankle toward the living room. Rounding the corner, I spot th
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Chapter 39 : Dangerous & Darling Men
Eden's POVMason paces through the kitchen while I maintain my spot on the couch, fighting to stay awake until the Golden brothers return home. I can't help but ache with the time that passes, worried over their well-being in a city that Erik Donahue is most likely scouring right now for all three of us.I can't feel my ankle anymore; it's so tightly braced in the wrap that I woke up in that I find myself wanting to pace with Mason just so I can move again and feel my blood pumping.For now, I make it as far as the bookshelf nearby, fighting myself to reorganize it all.Again.I pick through the leather-bound photo books and pull the one that seems to be overstuffed with pictures. Flipping open the cover, I hear Mason grumble to himself as if unsure if I should be poking through this stuff or not.His irritation at the estate when I deleted that voicemail was unmatched by any anger I've ever seen from Mason, and he and I haven't always had the best of relations with one ano
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Chapter 40 : The Three of Us
Eden's POVDante lays back in bed, his hands heavy on my sore hips. I'll be damned if I show the pain that spikes from his massive palms running trails down my ribs, my body bouncing in gleeful anticipation while he steadies me on his lap.Ryder moves behind me, meticulously taking off my shirt and kissing my shoulders and neck in heavenly unison. I purr a noise, leaning back into a warm, wall of muscle that is Ryder's bare chest. He pulls my ass against Dante's lap as his pelvis brushes my lower back.We're all naked in a matter of seconds, assuming the same positions as before when we were clothed.Dante picks me up on his lap and lowers his erection deep into my core, setting wildfires in my chest. I heave for air, his hands managing to pull me forward, pressing my chest to his while his hips take up the movements and speed.To my surprise, they are rather gentle.Considering the wounds marking all three of us now, I can't be surprised at their newfound calmness.Ryder
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