All Chapters of The Captain, the Mechanic and the One Night Stand: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
Chapter 11 : Flashbacks
Theodora's POVI glanced back to the sliding doors, now numerous goons guarding the exit. My gun was only a few feet from me. All it took was a well-timed lunge. Six bullets.Nine men in this room including the Pantomath. Not enough for each of them, but I didn't need it. The gears turned in my head, a plan forming in a few seconds. Then there was the question of Javier by my feet. How the hell was I going to drag his massive body out of this club with henchmen on my tail? I didn't have super strength, only an impeccable aim.Wait. I mulled over the conversation. The Pantomath was cocky, and it helped that I played stupid. It's amazing how much he lets slip out of his lips.The Pantomath said that the serum would wear off shortly. I needed to stall. "Don't even think about it, Theodora," The Pantomath said, clearly pleased with himself. "I forgot to tell you that STC answers to me. Your ship is grounded until I say otherwise." Fuck. I tilted my head to the side.
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Chapter 12 : Debrief
Javier's POVThe scent of blood was thick in the air. Fuck, my jaw ached, wanting nothing more than to taste Theo for myself. Sweep the tip of my tongue across the trembling flesh. Impatience swirled in my blood, pumping hotly into every vein.I gripped my hands into fists, willing the beast inside to lower its heavy head. Dissipate back into my bones. My control was a thin wire, especially as I noticed the gashes in her leather jacket weeping blood. Daxton noticed, spinning around to me again. "What the fuck happened down there?" he demanded. I parted my lips to reply, but Theo beat me to it, taking big thick gulps of air as she choked out, "I got what we needed." She reached for the document in her jacket. "Take these to Benji."Daxton narrowed his eyes, accepting the crumpled form. Without even looking at the document, he reached out to Theo. His entire body slacked, softening with concern. "Are you okay?"Theo ducked, avoiding his touch altogether.She was clearly s
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Chapter 13 : Just Say You're Welcome
Theodora's POVPuffing on a joint, I tried to quell my flashbacks. I was only in my sports bra, weaving stitches through my arm. A rogue tear slipped down my cheek, but I used a bloodied hand to wipe it away quickly.My chin wouldn't stop quivering as I inhaled deeply, releasing a bout of smoke to soothe my torment. My goal wasn't to get high. In fact, I preferred the sensation of being drunk to the sensation of being high, but I smoked to silence the voice.The intrusive thoughts about how I almost got my crew killed. How I got out this time, but my luck was running out. I'd lose my crew just like I lost my platoon back on the Hermes Cluster. All except for Benji and Ellie.My hands shook, my arm aching from my crude stitches. I slapped a bandage over it, letting the pain wash over me. It anchored me into the present, so I wouldn't get sucked back down onto that Cluster with bombs falling around us.Panicked eyes stared up at me as I outstretched my hand, trying to pull them
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Chapter 14 : Malachi
Mads's POVI stared at the fucking call button, stuck in a loop of wondering whether I should call Theo or not. The smell of blood permeated the ship. I knew it was Theo's. And the fact that she came back to the ship bleeding, injured again fucking killed me. Shaking my head, I turned back to my project, fiddling with a loose screw in our hyperdrive. With my hypersensitive senses, I could hear even the quietest rattle. Feel the slightest offset in airflow. I was tapped into the Peacemaker.Even so, I couldn't stop thinking about Theo. I worried about her all the fucking time. Getting stuck in gun fights. Meeting with dangerous men. The woman lived on the edge. But she was a big girl. Didn't want me doting after her. Frankly, I wasn't much of a doter either. The thing was that I knew she could handle herself. I'd seen her quickdraw. Her reflexes and loyalty firsthand. I trusted her with my life. I have seen her bravery repeatedly, but that didn't stop me from wanting to shi
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Chapter 15 : The Next Breadcrumb
Theodora's POVWe were approaching the last known location of the cargo ship holding Sol. I was feeling better now than I did earlier after talking to Mads. He always knew how to make me feel better. A smile curled the side of my mouth thinking about how he demolished a stack of pancakes. Ellie couldn't get them out fast enough.I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him. Because I did. I missed how he knew me and how I never felt the need to hide anything from him. After all, Mads was my friend before we fling-ified our relationship. I sighed, not knowing why I dwelled over him. Mads and I would never happen. I wasn't a loving person. I wasn't passionate or romantic. I didn't even like cuddling. Mads was too sweet and too thoughtful to not be reciprocated. Sure he came across as rude and cold at times, but once he made that connection, Mads was a real softie. Stupid to think we could be casual. I liked him too much to be transactional. But I had to leave it there. I'd only kee
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Chapter 16 : I Still Want You
Theodora's POVSomething about spacewalking always made me hungry. My brother, too. Maybe it was the heavy equipment or maybe the zero gravity, but I was starving. Quietly, I started to make myself a snack. Most of the ship had turned in for our trek to a refuel station. I didn't want to wake anyone up by clomping around the kitchen.I was too wired to sleep though. Anxious. Feeling close to the completion of this mission, but still too far. It felt like Sol was snatched right out of my fingers. It irritated me. But there wasn't much I could do about it. Besides, I needed some brain fuel while I thought of the next steps.Once we came back on board, Daxton ate his way through all of our leftovers. Javier went to his chamber to update Cyrus on his daughter. And I reported the unmanned vessel anonymously to the authorities. I knew reporting it was the best course of action for it. An unmanned vessel was primarily for safety reasons. They were big targets for bandits. They'd u
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Chapter 17 : Bloodlust
Javier's POVI felt like I had just walked in on something. Mads and Theo were a few feet apart, but I noticed how Theo's body quivered.Theo's cheeks flushed and beautifully crimson. Her lips were swollen and wet. Pupils expanded and she blinked slowly. I even noticed the tremble in her knees. I could scent the way her blood throbbed through her veins, sweetening the air around her. Spun sugar that melted on my tongue.That craving for blood fired up within me again. It puzzled me how it only happened around Theo. I didn't feel the craving toward anyone else. After we got back from Sol's ship, I had to pop my supplements. A few months' supply dwindling to nothing. I popped them like candy, thinking it was enough.I could scent Theo's blood from across the ship, but it felt far more potent now. My jaw ached, longing to feel its power thrum through my body. The taste of her blood would be as rich as the nectar from between her legs. And I had my fill of it. Still cravin
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Chapter 18 : Between Systems
Theodora's POVAeolus was a few days away. Until then, I was going to spend my free time on the bridge or drinking with my brother. Anything to keep me away from the two men I kissed the other day. My fingers stroked the side of my neck where Javier bit me.I could still feel it even though the marks were gone.My body twisted up at the memory. Damn it. I can't believe he bit me.More unbelievable to me was that he gave me the supernova of orgasms when he fed off me. I never thought I'd be the type of person to enjoy that sort of thing, but there I was, moaning like I was being paid for it, as he drank from me. Fucking ridiculous.Every time I tell myself not to fuck Javier, I end up doing everything but fuck him. Who could blame me? Mads wasn't the jealous type, but apparently, Javier was. And I shamefully liked watching Javier get all wound up about me and Mads. Dangerous. That was a dangerous dynamic to like.I didn't want to think about it. Eventually, if I kept this
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Chapter 19 : Crash Landing
Javier's POVStill disoriented from the incredibly rough landing, Mads and I climbed the steps into the main cabin area of the ship. Debris was hanging from the rafters. Metal paneling was torn up and scattered across the couches. The cabinets in the kitchen were entirely broken off and crumbled on the ground. There was a massive fissure through the ship so deep I could look up and see a blue sky from where we landed. Damn. The ship looked like shit. But I was alive. Thanks to Mads.I glanced next to me at the towering werewolf, who seemed to be taking inventory of all the damages as we made our way to the bridge. "Hey! You guys okay?" Daxton shouted from the busted-up hallway. He was limping in our direction as fast as he could. "Yeah. The engine room is a mess though," Mads replied, pausing so Daxton could catch up. "Do you know what happened?" Daxton groaned. "No idea. I was napping when, all of a sudden, I was thrown from the bed on the ride of my life." Ma
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Chapter 20 : Choices
Theodora's POVWhen I came to, everything ached.My ribs felt sore, my arm tucked to my side, feeling weak and unstable. Fuck, did I break my arm? The last thing I remembered was being catapulted across the bridge right into a window, so I'm sure that could have broken an arm.My other arm was stretched across the cot, fingers wound up in something cool and comforting. The last time I broke a bone, it was my femur in the wheel of a cyber bike. That one took a solid week to heal with the advanced healing serum. A week of being bedridden, but at the very least, we were traveling so there wasn't much I was missing out on either way.I groaned, slowly opening my eyes. Important to make sure I didn't have double-vision since I know I hit my head pretty hard. I flexed my fingers and whatever I was holding moved."How do you feel?" a silky smooth voice asked quietly."Javier," I murmured, blinking the sleepiness from my eyes to see him clearly next to me, leaning against the co
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