All Chapters of To Capture His Heart: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
130 Chapters
Chapter 69 -1
Chapter 69Craig BlackheartPOVFor the past week Sam had to stay in the hospital she’s finally able to come home, but she’s on bedrest and to be by her side I’ve been working from home.The police have been hounding us for answers for the entire week. Samantha and I both decided to tell the police we found her because of a ransom call then, we were able to track her location by the time my team got there she was alone.What did we do with the two assholes who hurt Sam? We’ve decided to let them stew for now. I want to focus on Sam right now. dealing with bottom feeders come second to her.I’m sitting on the sofa with Harry. She’s asleep in my arms. "Craig are busy?” Sam’s voice comes through the intercom I had installed by our bed.I get up without waking Harry. I’ll drop her in her room. I love being a dad. Being there for Harry this week while being there for Sam has been hard on all of us. Sam blames herself for what happened, I can’t help but feel like that blame should be on me
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Chapter 69 -2
Samantha BlackheartPOV"911 What's your emergency?" The woman on the other line asked.I sigh in relief."Please help me. There are men in the house. They’re armed.” I beg tears running down my face. Craig’s alone out there."Ma'am calm down. The men in your house, have they found you?" she asks."No, my husband hid us in the safe room. But he’s alone out there. Please send the police as soon as possible. My husband’s alone out there…” I stutter out."Okay ma'am. Police have been dispatched to your location. They’re ten minutes out. I need you to stay on the line with me. Can you tell me how many men were there?” she asks."I don’t know. My husband checked the security cameras before hiding us. So, I assume a lot." I tell her.I hug Harry in my arms. The doctors warned me about staying calm, but how could I be calm when Craig’s out there by himself.I silently pray that Craig be okay while the police make their way here.That’s when I remembered Craig asked me to call Blake.I hang
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Chapter 70-1
Chapter 70 Craig Blackheart POV After a long, long talk with the police they finally left. Blake had a few men pick Sam and Harry up, they were going to stay with Julliet and the girls for the rest of the night. Both of the girls were shaken up about what happened, I wanted to stay with them, but I needed to handle Aaron before he becomes a bigger problem. We were driving to the little cottage house, Aaron father had in his wife’s name. Stupid move if you ask me. If you’re in hiding, you don’t hide in anything under your own name. I should be thanking them for their stupidity. “Derek is sending backup." I say, just now remembering Derek mentioning men to cover us. "He mentioned if when we spoke. He did sound upset. He was with his girl.” Blake smiles. I frown and look at him. “He has a girl?” I ask. "Yeah, he does. Get this. One of Bradford’s exes." Blake then goes into a whole explanation of how they got together and how Derek fell in love and how she works admin for Derek
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Chapter 70-2
Blake walks in with a man. “I found him watching the show…” he pushes him to sit next to Aaron and his dad. “Martin…” Aaron hugs the man. "You think killing us is going to solve anything?" he says calmly taking a sit of what looks like gin. "The Jackson family has hurt my wife and daughter for years now. I’m here to put a permanent end to that." I deadpan. "You think killing us is going to stop people from going after them? You’ve made it abundantly clear they’re your weakness? You own cousin sold you out, funded this whole thing." he says in an amused tone. "You think I don’t have a team on Dean? Dean Blackheart will pay for his betrayal. You didn’t have a cent to your name, you think we didn’t know who funded your little fun?" I ask with a smile on my face. Did it hurt when I found out what my cousin did? Dean and I wear actually close, he was the only one who didn’t come after me. but he was just lying in wait until I have a weakness and it just happened to be my family. Tha
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Chapter 71-1
Chapter 71Samantha BlackheartPOVJulliet and I stay up waiting for Blake and Craig to return. After everything Blake and Craig went to look for Aaron. They had a doctor check that both baby and I are fine. He left an hour ago.I just hope Craig isn’t hurt. That he’ll return to me safely.When the front door opens both Julliet and I stand and rush over to the door.Blake’s the only one that walks in through.I sigh. Where’s Craig.“Don’t worry about Craig. He’ll be here soon. Why don’t you take a seat Sam…” Blake says when he sees me.He pulls Julliet into his arms. “Why aren’t the two of you asleep?” he asks.I shrug my shoulders and make my way to the sofa.“How were the girls?” Blake asks Julliet.Julliet and Blake talk for what feels like forever before the front door opens again.Craig walks in his head hung.I get up and rush over to him.When he notices me and smiles and pulls me into his arms.“Hey baby, what are you still up? Why didn’t you go to sleep?” he asks.“I wanted t
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Chapter 71-2
Amanda DevinePOVI knew my life was over the second those men grabbed us from my basement. My life was flashing before my eyes. I couldn’t find out where I went wrong. We’d done everything the way we were supposed to. The couple who gave us Samantha’s location gave us everything we needed to get away with it, Craig Blackheart should never have found us. Samantha was supposed to be dead down a ditch.Not me locked up in some dirty, filthy basement.I clench my fists. Samatha should be dead!We’ve been down here for what feels like days. Weeks even. Aaron got away with what he did. He didn’t have to pay the same way we did. He was gone by the time we got there. And when I try to tell the two men watching us, the more they ignore me. We were going to die here. I knew it. They were trying to mentally exhaust us before they end our lives. Greg has been quiet in a corner since we got here.He hasn’t made a sound, other than the meals they give us, is the only time he looks up.He’s been sl
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Chapter 72
Chapter 72Craig BlackheartPOVThere’s either something wrong with this woman, or she’s just plain dumb?Either way it’s not looking good for her. I don’t care if she’s plain dumb or plain stupid. She dies for thinking she could lay a finger on Sam and get away with it.I tilt my head to the side as I listen to her ramble on about what good of a man I am. The type of man I am. I’m the type of man who wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone who thinks they can lay a finger on my family.I don’t have to be a bad man to protect my family. If I let her go, she’ll come back and cause more harm in the future."A good man would still kill you." I speak.After I left my parents this morning, I spent an hour just driving around the city, I needed to calm down. I felt like I’d betrayed Sam by not killing them. No matter how bad my parents had gotten I’ve never felt the amount of rage I had last night.After leaving them I didn’t feel any better. I still don’t feel happy about leaving them like that.
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Chapter 73
Chapter 73Blake DavenportPOVAs soon as Craig leaves, I take his seat and watch these two squirms under my stare.I let them simmer. They’re dying before the clock strikes twelve. I’ve always been the type of person who didn’t let people cross them.Samantha is like family. Like a little sister to me.I’ve known Craig for a really long time. He’s been there for me more times than I can count. He’s been alone for most of it. him meeting Samantha someone who made him happy and gave him a family has been a blessing. These two tried to take that away from my best friend I wasn’t going to let them get away with it.Last night when the girls were sleeping Craig came to me and told me what his parents did. How they funded this whole operation. How they tried to get Samantha away from Craig.I was devastated for him. The Blackhearts needed to be humbled. I was going to be the one to humble them for my best friend and his happiness. They were always going to be there trying to break him and
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Chapter 74
I nod. “We could do something at home as well, I don’t feel comfortable with that either, but that’s a part of our lives as well. We won’t be able to keep them in that bubble forever.” I say.She shakes her head "I know, but they’re too young right now..."I smile kissing her head "Of course, we’ll do it the way you want it…" I tell her.“So, when are we trying for baby number three?” she asks.My eyes widen. “What? You just gave birth to the girls and you’re already thinking of another? If I remember correctly, you were in labor for almost twenty-four hours.” I remind her.She smiles. “I want a boy as well. And I thought you’d want a son…”“The girls are more than enough for me. I don’t think I ever want to see you in the same about of pain again. Jesus, I’ve never felt that powerless in my life…” I shake my head.Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine."You’re being dramatic again..." she rolls her eyes."I am not being dramatic Julliet. You were in so much pain and refu
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Chapter 75
Chapter 75Garret VanderbiltPOVFor as long as I could remember I’ve never thought about being with another woman after Sarah and I divorced. Here am I sitting in my house with a ring in my hand.Dianna and I haven’t dated long but I know I want to marry this woman; I love her with everything in me. My feelings for her continue to grow with each waking moment.Grayson has been my whole life since the moment he was born. I gave my entire being into his care. My son was my whole heart. I wouldn’t change any of the choices or the decisions I’ve made in my life.I’d already spoken to Grayson, and he actually helped me pick out this ring. A ten-carat diamond platinum ring. The ring is huge. The thing weighs a ton.Grayson encouraged me to take this step. I was ready but I wasn’t sure if Grayson was. He was more than happy for me to take this step. Dianna is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Our chance meeting and Grayson’s intervention brought us together.But I believe
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