All Chapters of One More Baby, Mr. CEO: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
114 Chapters
ZORA'S POVI glared at Katherine, but she still didn't let go of Trey. Elliot grimaced at the scene."Are you out of my mind, Kathy? Can you tell me what the hell is going on here?" I demanded angrily. "I think I have had enough of your weird behavior today. I can't stand it anymore. What is all this about."I glanced over at Elliot who did not seem at all surprised by Katherine's antics. Elliot was just looking at Trey worriedly. When he noticed that my eyes were on him, the frown on his brow smoothed out. Trey had gotten a little over his surprise and began trying to extricate himself from Katherine's grasp."For goodness sake! Can you leave the man alone?" I ground out. "If you still don't realize it, you are manhandling him."After a moment's hesitation and a glance at Elliot, Katherine slowly let go of Trey. She still stood close to him and smiled sheepishly."Alright, spill," I said to Katherine. I pointed an accusing finger at Elliot. "I know you are in this too... whatever thi
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ZORA'S POV"Make sure she doesn't miss her taking her meds at the proper times," the doctor said to me at the door of Freya's room. "Also make sure that you don't miss any of her doctor's appointments here." He suddenly smiled, a smile that lit up his tired face. "Freya will be okay, Ms Walter. She is free to leave now."With a wave at Freya, which was enthusiastically returned by her, the doctor left. I gave a sigh of relief as I shut the door after him. I turned to face the room. Freya was grinning from ear to ear. Her grin was infectious and I found myself grinning too. Today was the day we had all been looking forward to, the day Freya got discharged from the hospital. The past few days at the hospital had been tough, but it was all over now. We were going home. Katherine had been of invaluable help during these times. Though I hated to admit it, Elliot had too. As I walked further into the room, three pairs of eyes stared at me avidly."Say it! Say it!" Finn chanted as he bounced
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ZORA'S POVI shut my eyes in exasperation."Not now," I muttered. "Please, not now."The commercial I had just come from had been successful, but draining at the same time. I did not need this sort of confrontation right at this moment. With the way Sharon sounded, a confrontation was not all that was on her mind. She had come spoiling for a fight, just as she had done the last time. I jumped a little and my eyes snapped open when a heard a loud thump, just as I was considering whether I would go quietly into my office and wait for Sharon to leave, hopefully. The secretary gave a cry of surprise. I sighed. It sounded like Sharon had banged on the table."Madam," I heard the startled secretary say. "I will have to ask you-""No," Sharon said, her voice rising now. "I am asking you to tell that woman, Zora that I want- no, need- to see her. So, get off your ass and tell her that right now. And none of your she's indisposed crap by the way. I will storm into that office if that is what i
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ZORA'S POVI fiddled with the knickknacks littering my desk as I listened to him speak."But you're sure that she did nothing more than you what you just told me," Elliot said."I told you everything."Elliot grunted and muttered something about 'drastic measures'. He sounded really pissed, even more pissed than he had been about the posts circulating about me a few days ago."It's okay, Elliot. I think you are getting too worked up about this issue with Sharon. To tell the truth, I was sort of expecting something like this to happen after the news of the kid's paternity broke. So, you see... it's nothing really.""Don't say that, Zora. Don't brush it off as nothing. I was even thinking along the lines of getting a restraining order against Sharon. After all she is harassing you. This is like the second or third time she has pulled a stunt like this."I was too surprised to say anything for a moment. "A restraining order? For what exactly? Come on, you've got to be kidding me. It hasn
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ZORA'S POVCheryl had just finished reading out my schedule for the day. I drew the files she had said I was to look through just as she she said, "Ms Zora, yesterday, Sharon booked an appointment to see you."With my fingers inches from the documents, I stopped moving and looked sharply at Cheryl."She er- booked an appointment? I suppose we are both referring to Sharon Garrett, right?"Cheryl nodded. "One and the same.""Was it after she had created the scene here yesterday?""She actually booked the appointment via a phone call. I just thought you should know about it. Because of the scene she caused yesterday, I made an appointment for her to see you about a month from now. Before then, I'm sure she would have gotten over whatever is biting her."I nodded approval. "You did good, Cheryl."I was really surprised that Sharon had really booked an appointment. She did not strike me as a woman who would take instructions from anyone, much less me. I had said what I said yesterday with
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ZORA'S POVI stood at the door for a minute longer. Katherine glanced at me, grinned when she saw my demeanor and made shooing motions with her hands. I rolled my eyes at her and once more focused on the door. Goodness! I could not believe that I, Zora, a full grown woman, was as excited about this date with Elliot like a teenager who was about to go to the prom. I clutched my purse tightly, took a deep breath, schooled my expression- or attempted to-,opened the door and stepped outside. Elliot had been leaning towards the door in order to ring the doorbell. He straightened when he saw me. For what seemed to me like a really long moment, he looked at me from head to toe. He took his sweet time about it, and I felt like a bug trapped by the light, which was his gaze in this case.Color flooded my cheeks when his eyes met mine. The admiration in his eyes was enough to make my toes curl in pleasure. He looked at me with such intensity, such fervour, like I was the only woman in the world
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ZORA'S POVI sat for a moment in my car and couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. A brief glance at the side mirror showed me that my cheeks were flushed with excitement and there was a sparkle in my eye that had not been there in a very long time. I had the feeling that that today was going to be a good one. I went into the building, cheerfully replying to the greetings my staff.As I walked into the elevator that would take me to my office, I waved at my secretary and another of my staff who were headed to an office. They returned my wave, but before the elevator doors closed, I saw them put their heads together and say something while briefly glancing in my direction."Okay, Zora," I said to myself as the elevator whisked me to the top floor. "You really need to rein it in a little.""Morning, Ms Zora," Cheryl greeted as I walked past her on my way to the office.She was sorting through some files while walking towards her office."Morning, Cheryl.""Please just give
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ZORA'S POVI transferred the phone from one ear to other, and rummaged in my bag to confirm if I had forgotten anything of importance. I hadn't."Look, Elliot," I said into the phone. "I really want to talk and all, but at this time, I can't. I am sort of busy at the moment- in fact, very busy. So, I will have to drop the call now and maybe talk to you later.""Oh no. You don't. Don't end the call.""But-""You are busy. I know. I heard you the first time. But you are the boss of yourself and your brand, aren't you? I am pretty sure that you can postpone whatever it is you want to do or whatever function you are about to attend.""Oh. Really? And why would I do that?""Because I want to talk to you for a while longer and I know you want the same thing."I chuckled. "You are impossible and a tad bossy, Elliot. Has anyone ever told you that?""You might have... once or twice."I flicked my wrist to glance at my wrist watch. "This is 1o'clock in the afternoon, on a working day no less. H
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ELLIOT'S POV"Hey, Elliot. Hurry it up, will you?" Drew called from his place on the couch. "You have been there for like ages. I'm thirsty."I shot a glare in the general direction of the couch on which Drew lay sprawled. To pour the drinks, I had to have both hands free. So I carefully set down my laptop on the counter of the mini bar. I began to reach for the drinks, then I paused as I remembered to save what I was working on on my computer. I quickly saved it. I didn't bother to carefully select a drink from the vast array that was available. I merely grabbed the first bottle my hand could reach and grabbed a glass. With the bottle and glass in one hand, my laptop held cautiously, almost reverently in the other, I returned to the living room and plonked on the couch.Drew, who was chewing something he had gotten from the fridge, dragged his eyes from the television. His gaze lighted on the bottle of wine I had brought."Wow. Thanks, man," he said. "That's my favourite."He reached
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ELLIOT'S POVKatherine and I were hunched over out cards. I eyed Zora and Drew who were grinning from ear to ear. They were looking far too relaxed and cocky. I narrowed my eyes at them. Zora saw me looking. Her grin got wider and she wiggled her brows."Well?" Drew said, drawing the word out.With a sigh, Katherine and I showed them our cards. Zora and Drew exchanged a look and threw down their cards."Jackpot!" Zora cried and gave a laughing Drew a high five. I groaned after I took a look at their cards. "Not again," I muttered."Yes again!" Drew said. "And guess what? This is just the beginning. We will keep beating you guys."I rolled my eyes. "Sheesh! Take it easy you two. It's not like you won the lottery or something."Katherine, who had been looking intently at Zora and Drew's cards, as though she was trying to find something to complain about, transferred her gaze from the cards to me. She shot me a glare. We had been playing a card game for the past hour while sitting cros
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