All Chapters of The Billionaire's Hidden Legacy : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
135 Chapters
Chapter 110: Regret
****It was now dark and Olivia left from the park and headed to where she parked her car. She got to the spot, the only downside was that her car wasn’t there. She started looking around for it. She even checked the bush and under the seat in the park to see if it was under there. She looked everywhere but her car wasn’t there.Olivia sighed and she fell to the ground as she had planned on selling the car and getting some money but now it was gone. ‘What am I going to do?’ she cried and ran her fingers through her hair roughly.‘Just kill me once and for all!’ she yelled in anger. She was a finished woman with no money, and nothing to call her own. Where was she supposed to start from? No one would help her as everyone hated her and she had no family to call her own. She couldn’t even give her daughter a befitting burial.Olivia was distracted from her thoughts when she heard the sound of a car coming. Wanting to ask the car for a ride, she quickly rose up and went to stand in the
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Chapter 111: Telling the truth
After Kiandra left with Lucas, Belle continued her work. It was still a new world and she was trying to adjust to it but she liked it so far.She didn't know for how long she had worked for, but when she looked at the time, she saw that it was already past six in the evening.It was time to go home. With that thought, she closed the file she was reading and dropped it on her table. She would continue them the next day. Without wasting time, she packed her bag and headed out of her office. She wondered if Liam was still in his office as he hadn't come to tell her he was leaving.Knowing that he wouldn't leave without seeing her, she turned and went to his office."Liam," she called as she opened his door. She saw him sitting on the couch and he was on a call."Hmm," he said to the person who he was speaking to and he tapped the spot beside him signaling her to come sit.She immediately walked up to him and sat beside him. Without wasting time, he draped his hand over her shoulder and
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Chapter 112: Pretending not to know.
The two immediately broke apart and they turned to look at who had just cursed in anger. The person turned out to be no one else but Lucas and he looked mad whole emitting a murderous aura."Lucas,” Liam called softly as he got down from the bed. Just a few minutes ago he had resolved to speak to Lucas about the whole situation only for him to walk in on them making out. Belle immediately followed and she stood behind Liam as she didn't want to face her brother at that moment who had a murderous gaze on his face."You bastard! She was off-limits!" Lucas yelled in anger. He was beyond livid as he had just been betrayed by the person whom he regarded as his brother and best friend.He had never requested anything from Liam. When he did finally make a request, it was a simple one for Liam and it was that the latter would never get involved with Belle. Liam had not only given his assurance that it would never happen but he had even promised as well only for him to walk into the same Lia
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Chapter 113: Saw through her pretense
“Are you mad because of that?” Kiandra asked.Lucas turned to face her and he squinted his eyes at her; an action that made Kiandra feel uneasy. How was she supposed to lie and pretend to a man like this? “Yes,” he answered and returned his attention to punching the bag which made Kiandra heave a sigh of relief.“Why?” Kiandra asked as she wanted to know why Lucas was so against Liam and his sister being together. Lucas stopped punching the bag and he turned to face Kiandra once again.“I don’t know if I’m supposed to be more mad at the fact that I caught my sister making out with Liam or the fact that you know and hid it from me and is still pretending not to know,” Lucas smiled and Kiandra felt her heart drop. Right from when he had met her, he had known Kiandra to be a terrible liar. Her mouth would say one thing but her body language would say the actual thing. She might have not realized but she tended to scratch the back of her head when she was anxious, lying or trying to pr
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Chapter 114: Regained her memories
Morning came by and Kiandra was woken up by the sound of her alarm. When she got up to put it off, she found herself in Lucas’ arms. The last thing she remembered was sitting on the sofa waiting for Lucas to come back , which he didn’t do until she fell asleep.Seeing that he was still asleep, she turned off the alarm and got out of bed to get Zendaya ready for school. After having her bath, getting dressed and eating breakfast, Zendaya was ready to go to school. Kiandra took her out where the little girl’s personal driver was already waiting for her. “Don’t cause any trouble, Zendaya and I mean it,” Kiandra warned her daughter. “I won’t,” Zendaya answered her mother. Last night she wasn’t allowed to eat any ice-cream after dinner and she wasn’t happy about it. She would avoid Jayden so it wouldn’t cost her her dessert.“Have a good day,” Kiandra bid as Zendaya got into the car. She watched the car drive out of sight before turning and going back into the mansion. Kiandra wondered
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Chapter 115: Meeting her mother
Tyrone watched as Dolores slept. After she had lost consciousness, the nurse had checked her and she said that she was fine but that didn't stop him from worrying for her.He found himself unable to sleep and he spent the night watching her while waiting for her to wake up. Was it the memory she remembered that made her faint? He asked himself as he stroked her hair. She didn't seem to be in pain anymore and this made him heave a sigh of relief.Feeling a bit tired he rested his head on the bed, beside her arms while still in his sitting position. He slowly began to fall asleep.But he had barely fallen asleep when he felt someone touching his hair. He immediately sat up and he found Dolores staring at him."Dolores you're awake," he said and he immediately stood up. "Hmm, can you help me sit up,” she asked him. "Sure," he answered and he helped her sit up. As soon as she was up, she grabbed a pillow and started hitting him much to his surprise."You asshole," Dolores yelled as she
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Chapter 116: Money for her surgery
A waitress came up to their table at that point. "Ma'am, would you like to order anything?" She asked."Water will do," Kiandra simply said and the waitress left to go get it."You still haven't told me what you want and you're wasting my time," Kiandra told her mother."Aren't you going to help me? I could die," May cried out."What happened to the asshole oh sorry your boyfriend. Can't he help you? After all, he helped you abuse me," Kiandra asked her mother just as the waitress brought back her water. "Thank you," she said to the waitress who nodded and left."I'm sorry for what I've done," May apologized. If her daughter was angry at her then she would apologize so that she would give her the money she needed for the operation. "How did you get my number?" Kiandra asked her mother curiously, while conveniently ignoring her apology."It doesn't matter, dear," May said and Kiandra felt the urge to puke due to the endearing word May had used."Last chance before I leave, what do you
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Chapter 117: Wanting to know
Kiandra turned to Lucas and then said. "When I found out I was pregnant with Zendaya, I found out she won eleven thousand dollars in a gambling game and I made her transfer ten thousand dollars to me so I would use that to take care of our daughter."Kiandra didn't need to expressly state what she wanted as Lucas immediately understood it. "The ten thousand will be transferred back to her," he stated."No, the money for the kidney transplant costs over four hundred thousand dollars," May cried out."Well, that isn't any of my business," Kiandra said and she stood up. "You should be grateful I'm returning your ten thousand dollars to you."Lucas also stood up seeing as she was done with her mother and he led her out of the cafe. May followed them and she tried to get to Kiandra but she was stopped by Lucas' men much to her anger. Not only did she break her vow of never telling Kiandra who her father was, she didn't get the money she had broken her vow for.When Kiandra and Lucas got i
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Chapter 118: Sighting Olivia
“Like mother like daughter,” Dolores remarked after Kiandra was done telling her the dynamic of her and Lucas' relationship. Just like Olivia had come between her and Tyrone, her daughter Daira had done the same to Lucas and Kiandra.She had taught her son on how to take responsibility and she was sure that if Daira hadn't heard and deleted the conversation between herself and Kiandra, Lucas wouldn't have allowed Kiandra and Zendaya to go through all that they went through.He would have taken responsibility and there was a high chance he would have made Kiandra his wife to give his daughter a legitimate status."It's a shame, the girl is dead. I would have really loved to meet her," Dolores stated with an evil glint that Kiandra recognized all too well as Lucas usually had that same glint whenever he meant no good."I'm glad however that you two are finally together and not only for the sake of your daughter but because you two love each other," she said and Kiandra smiled in happin
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Chapter 119: Only his to trouble
"But why? I know you're mad at me for exchanging you but you have to agree that I never mistreated you for once," Olivia stated and Belle smiled bitterly."That was because I was your pawn in remaining my father's wife. You knew that the moment you started to maltreat me, he wouldn't hesitate to divorce you," Belle saw right through Olivia's facade and that was the truth as Olivia couldn't speak."Besides you never did anything special for me, so don't even try to use that," Belle stated. "Not only did you separate me from my mom, you kidnapped her and tortured her for over twenty years. Well I hope you'll be pleased to know that she has regained her memories and I don't have to say what that means for you.""No!" Olivia yelled and she grabbed Belle by the hand. "You can't leave me alone. Save me please," she yelled.Belle looked around and saw that people had recognized her and they had already brought out their phone to record them."Let me go, Olivia," Belle demanded and she shook
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