All Chapters of The Vampire's Opal: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
62 Chapters
So Don't
Mal didn’t wait for an answer as his free hand made its way down the hem of her boxers. He pulled them down just enough for his hand to find its prize. He kissed her again while his fingers found their way to her already soaked folds. Her breathing picked up more, and he knew he was driving her crazy. Just like she was driving him mad.Claire couldn’t contain herself anymore. The second his fingers found her clit, her breath hitched, and she moaned into his mouth. “Fuck Mal. Don’t. Stop.”His fingers started slowly rubbing circles around her nub, making her even hotter. He pulled away from her, enjoying the teasing. “ ‘Fuck’ should only be used in the bedroom, Little One.” He came back to kiss her as his fingers pushed into her. “FUUUUCK!” He put one finger in, then another. Pumping into her as the tremors started. Not wanting to be outdone, Claire raked her fingers down his back, feeling all of his muscles contract under her hands. She found the hem of his shirt and pulled it
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Steamy Walls
Once she was inside the room, he grabbed her around her waist and threw her on the bed. She quickly bounced and tumbled to the side, followed by Mal landing on the bed. She giggled as she ran to the bathroom with Mal hot on her heels. He grabbed her once more, spun her around, then slammed her against the door. Their breathing grew ragged as they looked into each other’s eyes. Claire spoke first, “you should probably let me get a shower before bed…” He slowly lowered her to the ground, keeping her held against him so she could feel every ridge of his body and he could feel every curve of hers. She kept a firm grip on his forearms to keep her balance as she drew in a shaky breath.“Go on then…” Mal moved to lean his hip against the bathroom counter, cross his arms over his chest, and raised an eyebrow; challenging her.Turning her back to him, she started the shower. Then ran her hand through the dripping water, then sauntered back to him. She stood on her toes in front of him and w
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Scrambled Eggs
Jack yelled into the phone without waiting for Mal to speak.Mal didn’t flinch when he held the phone away from his ear. “Good Morning to you as well. What seems to be the problem?”“Is Claire there with you?”Glancing toward the hallway, he could still hear her snores. “Yes. She is still asleep. What’s going on?”“The fucking rogues…A group of rogue vampires were at the lake house party last night. They ransacked Claire’s car.” Mal’s grip tightened on his phone, almost snapping it in half. He composed himself while Jack continued. “Thankfully, the police were there, so they couldn’t hurt any of the kids. They just watched. But damnit. They ransacked her car. The fuckers were so close, Malachy. If you hadn’t taken her in last night…” Jack didn’t hide the quiver in his voice. Mal didn’t want to think of what would happen if Claire hadn’t shown up in his backyard.Trying to steer the subject away from Claire, Mal asked, “Have we heard from Alpha Miller lately about our guest?” Malac
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That Damn Doorbell
Mal gently lifted her chin. “No one was hurt. But I fear they may just be getting started. This was a warning.” He brought his hand to her cheek, using his thumb to rub the lone tear that involuntarily fell.Claire nodded her head, then turned her cheek into his palm. His cool skin seemed to calm her; the cool counteracting the heat that threatened its way to the surface. Mal leaned down, his lips pressing to hers. She opened willingly as their tongues eagerly explored each other’s mouths. She didn’t realize she needed this comfort. He was turning her insides to mush, but fanning the flame that never seemed to die when she was around him. Mal effortlessly lifted her to the counter, opened her legs, and placed himself in between them. *ding *ding *dingClaire tore her lips away from his and placed her forehead on his chest, trying to hide her laughter. “You really need to get that damn doorbell fixed.” Deciding that she had a point, Mal wanted to either dismantle the annoying cont
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What Was That?
Mal just nodded to Alexander, before walking further away from her. Lex looked at Claire with such sadness in his eyes, “Claire. You know how Malachy helped rewrite the law that now allows Mythicals to marry and mate with one another?” She nodded her head, unsure of where this was going. “Good. The Council now feels that the Vampire Leader, the Vampire King, should take a bride or a queen, if you will. So that he and his bride can be an example of union within our world. The Council has asked for the assembly of all eligible women, who are eighteen years old and above, so that the King can choose his bride. Do you understand what this means?” Lex didn’t even realize that he had moved to kneel in front of Claire until he grabbed her hands; silently pleading with her to understand. Mal’s growl from across the room reminded him of his place. Lex stood, then raised his eyebrows at his boss with a playful smile, before he took a step back.“So the Vampire King is playing out a Cinde
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Today Was A Good Day
The last week went by at a snail’s pace. Graduation had to be postponed a few weeks due to “leaking pipes” in the auditorium, but Claire overheard her father and Zach when she returned home a few days after her birthday.“The rogues damn near destroyed the building. Are we sure we got them all?” Jack’s voice quivered with his restrained anger.Zach nodded his head. “We have dealt them with. We didn’t get any info from them, though. Perhaps we’ve stopped them for now.”Jack stared into his whiskey glass, contemplating. “That’s what worries me. We’ve stopped them. For now.”The scene played on replay in Claire’s brain, and she couldn’t wrap her head around it.The rogues attacked her car at the party and her high school auditorium. But why? She was the only connection between the two.She walked into the living room, where everyone gathered around the coffee table. When she sat down, Steph grabbed her hand. “The banquet for the King is next weekend. We get to look at some dresses and do
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It's Not A Competition
The girls made it home safely and with plenty of bags filled with their goodies. Steph used her speed to run up to her room and slammed her door shut. As they walked through the living room, Jack’s mouth was agape at the amount of bags they carried in. “Did you gals leave anything in the stores? Jeez.” Marian threw a small pink bag onto his lap as she sat next to him. He raised an eyebrow inquisitively as his hands reached into the bag and pulled out a red thong. “Daaaaamn…” He grabbed Marian, pulled her onto his lap, and nuzzled her neck. “Y’all can’t wait until I leave the room? Gross.” Claire took off for her room, trying to ignore the animal growls coming from the living room, and keep her lunch down.Making it to her room, she shut the door hastily and gently laid her bags on the bed. She was never more thankful to have a soundproof room than at that very moment. She emptied her bags, save for her dress bag, into her duffel bag for the trip to the Miller’s territory in a few
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Knock Knock
It had been a rather relaxing day since they arrived on the pack lands. The other girls on her floor were partying and causing a ruckus, so Claire grabbed her book and her noise canceling headphones; she needed to tune out the noise.On the verge of falling asleep, a knock on her door jolted her awake.“Ugh. This better be good, or someone is dying tonight.” She opened the door to Sean, sheepishly running a hand through his sandy hair. “Just wanted to say good night. And no matter what happens tomorrow night, we’ll always be friends.” Claire could only look at him. “Well duh, Dipshit. And goodnight...” She closed the door as he walked down the hallway. What in the world is going on with everyone?Getting comfortable again, she grabbed her book to continue reading. Within a few minutes, she was fast asleep.*******************************************************She looked so peaceful; her hair spread over her pillow, her soft lips slightly opened as she gently snored. He sat on the
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Mimosas All Around
Birds chirped outside her window as a stream of sunlight hit Claire’s eyes. What the hell? She glanced at her alarm clock: 5AM. “Fuck. Damn birds. Go back to sleep.” Claire mumbled as she rolled to her other side, stretching her arm out. And immediately sat up. She was alone in her bed. “Mal?” She got up to check the bathroom.Nothing. She walked back to her bed to sleep some more when she noticed a note on the pillow.“Claire-Last night was incredible. You are incredible. I wish we had more time to finish what we started, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to stay until the morning in case Jack came back. I loved having you in my arms and falling asleep listening to your heartbeat and your adorable snoring. It was amazing to hold you all night. I love you, Little One. Now go back to sleep and I will see you later tonight.-Mal”She grabbed the other pillow and buried her face in it; it still smelled like him. She had about two hours until she had to be up to prepare for the c
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Making Friends
More guests arrived and more glasses piled up on their table. The Taylors and Millers were throwing back tequila shots and bottles of wine like it was their job. Laughter was abundant as they mingled with each other and the other guests. Claire nervously drummed her French-tipped nails on her glass as she bit her bottom lip and tapped her feet. She enjoyed the banter that was coming from their table, but she needed to step away to work away some of the uneasiness that was settling in the pit of her stomach. Walking around the edge of the crowd, a middle-aged woman smiled sweetly at Claire. “Hello, child. Glorious evening, isn’t it?” Claire smiled back and walked to her side. “Yes, it is. Hi, I’m Claire Taylor.” She held out her hand to the woman as she introduced herself as well.“Hello Claire. I’m Priestess Ramona. Council leader of the witches and warlocks. And I am very excited to meet you in person. Your reputation precedes you, young Claire.” Her gaze trickled down to Claire’s
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