All Chapters of A Partner For The Rich Playboy: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
77 Chapters
11...The contract...
RYAN. I rapped at the door afront me like a gentleman,but deep down I was getting impatient at the lack of response. I heard voices within and muffled sounds of footsteps. She better get this door open now. As if my thoughts were heard,the door opened. I was expecting a surprised looking Claire,but I got nothing like that. Instead,I saw an attractive teenage boy with a pleasant smile. He gave me a once over and a look of disapprobation crossed his face. He was definitely expecting someone else,so was I. "I need to see Claire" I said firmly. He furrowed his brows "Why?"I looked fixedly at him."You know what? Never mind" He said and turned his head backwards. "Claire, someone's here, said he needs to see you!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. I almost rolled my eyes. Is that necessary?He turned his head towards me, staring at me in a studying manner while I pocketed my hands to wait for Claire. His eyes dropped to the action and then went up to meet my eyes. He narrowed his e
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12... I'm done with this, honey...
CLAIRE.The date was taking place in a very beautiful and expensive restaurant. I love the quiet environment,the decorations,the services of the waiters and waitresses,the menu,I love everything about this place,it's ten times better than where I work or worked now since I already got fired.Yeah, my boss ended up firing me when I took an excuse off work today. That woman is crazy,but Ryan is crazier. I wonder why he prefers to eat at other restaurants less expensive than this one. He's been grumbling about how this place doesn't have the homey aura he wanted. I wonder what exactly isn't homey about this place?The restaurant I worked in is also an expensive restaurant,at least to middle class people like me, not to someone like Ryan,but this restaurant is far more expensive.The food served is also delicious that I wished I had more. Everything here is perfect. "I like you,Claire right?" Ryan's sister said. A naughty red haired with sharp remarks just like her brother,but her rem
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13...Let the show begin...
RYAN. "Fuck,fuck,fuck" I cursed under my breath as I watched Claire walk away angrily. "Claire...." I called quietly, but she was already out of earshot but not out of the restaurant yet. I ran my fingers through my hair, regretting the words I said to her. The only solution to my problems is walking away right now. I fucked this up. I always fuck things up and I've done it again. "Well?..." I heard Cassie's high pitched voice."Well what?!" I snapped at her "Hey easy...." Roy's voice was soft and calming "A normal guy would go after her" Cassie chuckled "Did you forget Ryan is an abnormal guy?"Is that how even my close family members view me? My expression showed nonchalance to her hurtful words,but I knew within me that those words affected me. "I'm not abnormal" I blurted out, strongly disagreeing with her.I was conscious of the gawks I got as the words came out. "Geez, people,stop gaping at me" I rolled my eyes to feign indifference "I'm really normal. Why is that so ha
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CLAIRE.I was dumbfounded at Ryan's action. His hands roaming my body, his voice going seductively whispery in my ear and then as if that wasn't enough, perceiving the heavenly scent of his cologne were all too much for me to handle at once. I felt an unexplainable spark from his touches."Will you go to the party?" I heard him asking,his hands roaming my back soothingly.Why are bad people experts at good things. I swallowed. "Is that that uhh..." I stammered, getting affected by his touch as I can't remember the last time I got touched that way.Help me please, what was I about to say again?"Act affectionate for once" He ordered. "What...what the hell do you want me to do?" I almost wanted snap at him but his hands on my body was really affecting my mode of speech and would not allow me to."I don't know okay? Just do something!"That rough whisper again.I pouted my lips,unsure of what to do at the moment. I looked at him and placed both of my hands on his broad
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15... Party...
RYAN. I studied Claire's reaction as she scanned Wally's environment and I could see she was impressed. Her eyes had shone brightly like she was in a wonderland. She smiled adorably at me. "I love this place. It's so beautiful"It's been a while she gave me a smile as nice as that, I honestly miss that. Wally's party is just like old times, the settings is exactly like the high school one. The guy doesn't wanna grow up. "Wow, I love this party already" Claire commented beside me. I glanced at her face, she was grinning from ear to ear. Her pretty face was glowing and her white pearly teeth added to her beauty. I looked around me, I caught some guys staring lustfully at her while she's oblivious to their stares. I wrapped my hands around her bare shoulder possessively, surprising Claire and myself too. My hands got the unfamiliar light tingles I feel from making physical contact with her. It happened the last time I touched her too. Claire gave me a sharp questioning look, stif
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16...Mouth to mouth...
CLAIRE. I didn't notice when I got encircled by some girls in the party,until one of them moved closer to me and started to mock me. What did I ever do to any of them?I recognized most of them as the girls that yelled Ryan's name, desperately wanting his attention. They've been calling me all sort of names,and I made sure I threw back a snarky reply,even though deep down, I was hurt by their mockery of me. "Look at her..." One of them waved her left hand around me scornfully "She doesn't even look sexy"Her other friends laughed mockingly, attracting attention from few party attenders.I rolled my eyes. These girls should grow up. Are they gonna fight me because they saw me with Ryan? He probably slept with all of them. "Look here dumbass,he's only gonna sleep with you and dump you like trash" Another bikini girl added. I guess that's what he did to them. "You see,this care he's showing now is not gonna last" Another one told me. I rolled my eyes. "Okay? So?" They were shock
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17...I don't want you to cry anymore...
RYAN. What do you do to stop a girl from crying?Nothing came to my head at first. Her tears affected me than I would like to admit. Everything about Claire is easily comprehensive and at the same time a puzzle. Seeing her cry moved my heart and for the first time in years,I felt a strange warmness within me. I stared at her inquisitively. Why the hell is she crying? Was I being too harsh on her or something? Or was it Brenda and her mean friends? I swear if the girls are the cause of her tears.... I stopped my thoughts from going darker to focus on Claire. When I'd noticed her shakiness minutes ago, I thought it was because of the cold from her soaked clothes,then suddenly, the childish side of her was shown right in front of me. Her tears kept flowing freely down to her smooth cheeks. After thinking of everything I could do to make her stop crying but couldn't find a single solution,I relaxed and didn't stop staring at her. I never knew a girl could remain beautiful even when s
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18... Not allowed to fall in love...
CLAIRE.Roy is a nice guy,he makes people smile and comfortable. He told me in a way of advice not to think about what people say about Ryan and I should focus on the good sides of Ryan. I briefly searched for a good side but I couldn't even get one, though he had amazed me with his action earlier.Ryan comforting me isn't something that get to happen often, my heart knew that and had made lots of drumming sounds while he was holding me in his arms. The big question is; Why did he do that?Is it all part of this fake dating romance?Or he's just being nice?Or did he get a sermon somewhere about kindness?I can't seem to get a solid reason why he was nice to me the way he was minutes ago. Roy walked me to the entrance of the room, promising to stay outside by the door till Ryan comes back. The empty bedroom was richly designed to a Prince's taste. This Wally guy definitely has lots of cash. I sat on the bed, wondering why Charles wanna talk to Ryan alone. Charles is probably beati
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19... Grandma Tessa's birthday...
RYAN.Today is Grandma Tessa's birthday. I was anxious as hell to attend the little party, I almost held Claire's hand for calmness. Yes, it's just a little party among family members, but that's what makes it a dreading party because I might as well be called 'the centre of attraction'. You see, I'm viewed as the black sheep of the family and in gatherings like this one I'm about to walk into,all attention is usually on me,like they're waiting for me to do something really bad at any moment. I had a lots of negative 'what ifs' roaming on my mind. What if Grandma Tessa is displeased to see me as her grandson? I mean, She's my granny,so I respect her a lot. What if she doesn't accept my gifts?What if my parents,especially my dad, suddenly remembers the shitty things I did in the past? I'm not exactly the son of the year, I'm certain I can never be one. Claire had voiced out compliments about each and everything in my parents house till I had to snap at her to stop. My edginess w
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20... I'm gonna kiss you now...
CLAIRE. Have you ever felt your heart beat so fast and loud, not because you're in love,but beating fast out fear of being exposed that you'd think it'll rip out of your chest? Well that's how I feel right now. The different direct stares from Ryan's family wasn't helping matters at all,it made things worse. I looked at Ryan, silently communicating with him to help out since he was the one that got us into the mess. Damn his poker face, I can't read his expression. "Is it been a long time you've known each other?" One of Ryan's aunt questioned. "Yes..." I answered."No..." He replied. Uh uh. I mentally slapped my hand over my forehead, this is so messed up already. Ryan's dad hummed, drawling the sound. "Interesting""What Claire meant was...Yes, it's been a while we've known each other but not on an intimate level" Ryan cleared up. His grandma grinned at us,her dimples popping up as she did. The old woman looks more like his mother while his mother could easily pass as his
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