All Chapters of The mafia was saved by the witch : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
45 Chapters
Chapter 21
Those pressure cracks that Nathan presence had created ran a little further into her heart, making her pause. “I know I haven’t been a good friend, not for the past several years. You’ve known it, yet you’ve been a far better friend than I deserve. ”Hampson’s dispassion disappeared. Snatching the envelope out of Ella’s hand, she tossed it to a side table and put both hands on Ella’s shoulders. “Okay, you’re acting like this is the last time we’re going to talk, which is making it really hard for me to be pissed off at you. And that just annoys me more. ”“Why are you pissed off at me?” Ella blurted out.“You have your secret. That will just have to be mine. ” When Hampson pulled her down on the velvet sofa designed for longer male legs, she curled her legs up beneath her. Ella did the same, so they faced each other. In the mirrors scattered around the room, Ella thought they looked like bookends, connected by their joined hands, elbows propped on the back cushion between them. She st
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Chapter 22
“You’re so close, you’re rippling against my fingers,” he muttered. “So wet and needy. You’ve been wanting it bad. Beg me for it, girl. ”“Please. Please, I need you inside me. ”“Keep begging. I like your voice. Long as you keep talking, I’ll keep doing the things I’m doing. ”He was a sensual sadist of the first order, and she managed to do as he ordered, begging for his cock, to be taken, to be fucked hard, even as her voice faltered beneath his clever fingers and tongue, her breath laboring, body trembling so hard she felt close to seizing. “Nathan. ”He picked her up, but instead of bringing her to the saddle as he’d threatened, he took her to the ladder that led up to the hayloft. He’d retrieved the rope as well, so now he used it to pull her hands over her head, binding her to an upper rung. It put a strain on her shoulders, until he lifted her knees and placed them a few rungs below. She felt a jerk as the ankle rope was released, but then there was the click of a blade as he
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Chapter 23
No. ” Hampson shook her head. “It’s all mind interaction. Until you were on these stairs, you didn’t even physically touch. ”There was something so sad about that, having such an intimate fantasy, with no actual touching. It all made her sad.“I’ll be taking Theo with me,” Ella said. Her voice was even. Calm as death. A stupid metaphor, since there was nothing calm about death. Death was just…. silent. Eternal. A cold wind blowing across stone on a desolate hillside. “I’ll give him a sleeping draught to make him comfortable. For the sake of our friendship these many years, and with no other choice, I’ll have to trust you with that other matter I gave you. But when I get back, we’re done. This is unforgivable, Raina. ”“Nothing is unforgivable,Ella. Not when it’s done out of love. ”The Darkness surged forward at that. It barked out of her throat in a harsh, shrill laugh. From the startled look on Hampson face, and the sudden tension she felt from Nathan, Ella knew they detected it, t
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Chapter 24
Ah hell, she did love him. Loved him so much, but it was wrapped up in all of it, so that she couldn’t separate the pain of loss from those feelings, couldn’t heal enough to take him back. It was too late. She knew this shit; he was just stirring it all up again.That jagged ache was back in her throat, so she started to hum a lullaby. Theo made a contented noise in his dreams. Her chest tightened as she imagined such a contented noise coming from a baby, her baby. The lullaby had its own magical properties, taking her mind to the secret that meant more than anything. The only thing that could have meaning for her now.Hampson and Nathan were wrong if they thought she didn’t understand what she was doing. She knew the path she was taking was fraught with wrongness, but it was also right. Besides which, once a certain point was reached on a wrong road, there was no turning back. Darkness sure as hell didn’t offer exit ramps.She picked up her Dr Pepper. She’d infused it with a mega-pac
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Chapter 25
While the rest of the world saw longitude and latitude, magic users knew about another kind of map. Lines of power crisscrossed the earth, some fixed in predictable patterns, some constantly shifting due to unknown forces. Whether conscious or unconscious in intent, sacred sites were often built on the fixed lines, like ancient Stonehenge or a plain mountain chapel emanating tranquility. The fault lines weren’t merely feel-good spots, however, though it was certainly helpful that most humans thought of them that way, visiting them with starry eyes, New Age ideas and chakra stones.Fault lines provided the divine arteries that kept the earth flourishing, a spiritual flow as essential as the rivers and waterways that nourished physical life. Sorcerers like Nathan knew how to draw on them at the deepest levels, all magic users connected to them in certain ways. At specific points, the fault lines also contained portals to other realms. Even after centuries of awareness, ongoing studies b
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Chapter 26
It says you’ve joined the billion other species that instinctively know what most humans are too dumb to figure out. Running from a fight is the best way to survive. ”Rubby raised a brow. “You don’t look like the type who runs from a fight. ”Ella yawned. “I didn’t say I was any smarter than the average human. ”Rubby smiled at that. Leaning forward, she covered Ella’s hand, gave it a quick squeeze. “I’ll yammer at you half the night, so you just tell me when you need to go to bed. I know you’re done in. Per your instructions, I’ve set it up so the coven won’t come until tomorrow at dusk. You can sleep in, recover from your drive, and then I’ll help you with any setup you need for your teaching strategy. Today was my last day at work for the next couple weeks. I’ve taken my vacation time to dedicate myself fully to this, and the other women who could do so have done the same. The full coven will be here every night and on the weekends. ”Ella nodded. “Good. It sinks in better that wa
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Chapter 27
As she gazed out toward the water, she pulled the vitality from the circle to her like a long, dark cape, the kind the witch wore in Sleeping Beauty. The stepmothers had always gotten a bad rap in those films, women of strength and ambition who weren’t afraid to grasp power. The lingering energy shimmered, disturbed, and she knew it wasn’t from the fault. She draped herself in that cloak, pulled it closer to breathe it in, imagining mayhem and death. Asmodeus in bloody pieces, her raining fire over him, over all of it. A warrior Goddess of vengeance and death.A growl disrupted her concentration. She’d put Jerry to bed, knowing he was worn-out, but now, lowering her gaze, she saw Rubby Australian shepherds sitting on the other side of the circle, regarding her steadily. The way dogs watched intruders. Their earlier friendliness was replaced by wariness, hackles raised, the growl continuing to rumble in the female’s throat.With one sweep of her hand, she could turn them into nothing b
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Chapter 28
The fourth time, Christine was tired of getting zapped, and her resolve and focus firmed. Her shielding held for a handful of seconds before Ella got through. The praise she gave Christine, as well as the approbation of the group, bolstered the woman. She’d also been able to detect those shimmers around her own hands, not just Ella’s.Students gave a hundred extra miles for even the most minute success from their hard work. It spurred the teacher as well, such that Ella found herself grinning, genuinely proud of them.Several more times and Christine found the groove. She anchored the shield and held it for a solid minute until Ella let it go.“Yeah. ” Ella gave her a high five, which Christine returned with a pleased smile and a shaky hand. “Now, in a few moments, we’ll break out into pairs and let you all practice that. ”“But we don’t know how to do the zapping part,” Sally said.“Yes. That’s a more complicated skill, and one we’ll discuss after you get this down. Right now, you gu
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Chapter 29
Three years without him, without this. Oh, God and Goddess. As Nathan had pointed out, Jerry just gave her the shamefully needed release. Whereas even angry, hurried, in- the-outdoor-cold sex with Nathan was bliss, to feel that connection after so long. Clutching his shoulders harder, she made whimpering noises into his neck as he worked his hips, his buttocks flexing under her calves as she clamped her heels against his thighs. The climax shuddered through her lower belly, through her tight nipples and aching breasts, rubbing against his shirt. She inhaled him, aftershave, soap and Nathan’s own male scent, and wanted to be here in this moment forever.“Nathan….. ”“Go on over, baby,” he whispered into her ear. “I’m right behind you. I want to feel you clamp down on me. Fuck, you’re heaven. ”Girl was for when he teased or flirted, or sometimes in the heat of lust, like in the barn fantasy. Baby was when he thought her emotions were going to get the best of her, or when he himself was
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Chapter 30
But she’d done it. However, she couldn’t feel it. It really wasn’t a yee-haw, throw-your-fist-in- the-air kind of victory, anyway, right? The image of her face was a brand on her mind, but more than that she felt Nathan’s silence. His eternal absence. The hollow emptiness of it all. Thinking of her exultance when she’d gloried in the creature’s pain, she felt a little sick. A lot sick. She barely made it to the commode, and then she was coughing, retching it all up. Breakfast, lunch…. Actually, she hadn’t eaten lunch, so just breakfast and bile, dark, putrid bile that smelled a lot like the soul-eaters. She’d taken the Darkness into her, made it work for her, used it to drive them back. Kept Hampson …. Oh Goddess, Hampson. She straightened from the commode with a snap, reaching for a hand towel with shaking fingers. As she scrubbed it over her mouth, she made it to her feet. She needed to go see if Hampson was okay, if they needed help. When she stumbled to the bathroom door, she r
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