All Chapters of Open Marriage: It Takes Two To Tango : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
93 Chapters
CHAPTER FORTY: Repentant Playboy
There was a time when Scott was even known as Beecroft's No. 1 Playboy. As far back as when he was a teenager, he attracted attention from females, both old and young. He was like a celebrity in his high school. Girls sent him tons of gifts and cards during Valentine's. His locker used to overflow so much that he could start a gift shop business.Scott never dated any girl in high school even though it would have been pretty easy for him. But once he got into college, he went on a journey of partying and getting laid almost every day. One in every five ladies at his college had a thing or two to say about his dick.Although he stopped partying and having sex with every Jane, Stella, and Bellamy just before graduation, he couldn't shake off the name he built for himself. Once a playboy, always a playboy, right?During the early years of his taking control of Brown and Co, pictures of him going in and out of hotels with women were always plastered on several newspaper pages and gossip b
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CHAPTER FORTY-ONE: I Need Your Support
Zara read the email again and again. This was the last thing she expected to see in her inbox on this cold night. After a time, she laughed, "Oh, Scott! It seems I am not your only enemy."Brown and Co. was founded almost a century ago. Margaret Brown had started it with her now late husband. And when Scott's father became an adult, he took over and built it into what it was today. Actually, the Brown and Co. of fifteen years ago was much more stable than the one of today.Scott was finding it hard to fill his father's shoes though he never liked to admit it. His grandmother didn't blame him, considering the fact that there was no one to teach him the ropes of running the company. She had done her bit. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough.Thinking of how Scott always stayed up late to work and attended several business functions, Zara couldn't help feeling pity for him. She knew more than anyone else how much the company meant to him.Just as she padded to her bed to sleep, her phone rang
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A gray-haired woman dressed in a cherry-colored oversize coat and a black dress walked in slowly, aiding her body with a silver cane. "Grandma!" Scott exclaimed and then rushed to the woman. "What are you doing here?"Margaret snapped without fail. "What sort of question is that? How could I stay home when someone is about to steal my company from me? And you, why didn't you tell me?"Scott backed up when his grandmother reached out to smack his arm. He then lowered his head like a boy. "I didn't want you to worry. Believe me. I had it under control.""We will talk about that later, you naughty boy!" Margaret sucked her teeth and shook her head. She slowly slipped into the chair at the edge of the table and then propped her cane on the armrest.The air in the room instantly became awkward. While most of the shareholders looked away in embarrassment, a couple of them looked at her like she was some queen. Zara was the only one who had a deadpan expression. As for Steven, he looked sho
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This statement brought color to Zara's cheeks. Not because she was pleased, but because she was trying so hard not to look flustered. Her heart was pounding as Margaret stared at her, waiting for an answer.Although Zara was sorely tempted to say that her grandmother didn't want any visitors, she knew that it would hurt Margaret's feelings. She also shuddered at the thought of telling the truth. After a minute of burying her face in the menu, she finally responded, "When I left home, my grandmother was feeling a little under the weather. She wants to rest for the rest of the day. If you like, I could set up a lunch date for both of you in a restaurant of your choice. Maybe this restaurant. They have good meals on the menu.""Oh, is that so?" Margaret's eyes slanted. "But why can't I just follow you home? It wouldn't hurt her for me to be with her today. We used to have tea in your family's luscious garden. Besides, I miss that place. I'd love to accompany you home and spend the weeken
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There were throbbing veins in Zara's neck as she got out of her car. She rushed over to Scott's and saw that it was empty. In a fit of pique, she kicked the front tire and banged the hood with her fist."I'm gonna kill you today, Scott," she cursed while rushing into the house. She stormed into the living room, but it was empty.She had just spotted Margaret's bag on the sofa when the cook came out of the kitchen carrying a tray of cakes and a tea kettle."You are home, Zara. Your grandmother has visitors. Would you like to—""Where are they?" Zara interrupted.With a confused look, Abigail responded, "In the garden.""Is anything the matter?" the older woman asked when she saw Zara dart towards the door that led to the garden by the side of the building.Zara didn't even respond. As soon as she walked into the garden, the laughter she had heard meters away ceased. She saw Margaret seated with her grandmother, but Scott was nowhere in sight. Where the hell was that snitch?"Zee, you a
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CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE: Your Parents Were Killed!
"Your parents were killed, Zara Hall. They didn't just die by accident. They were killed!"Zara's jaw slacked when she heard the strange voice from the other end of the line. She couldn't believe her ears. "What did you say?""You heard me right. The accident that took your parents' life wasn't just an accident. Someone orchestrated it!"Hearing this, Zara's legs turned to jelly. She staggered back until her back hit the wall. Her head became fuzzy and tears made her eyes sting. "Who are you? How do you know my parents?"Scott, who had been staring at her with his eyebrows raised, moved closer in worry. He mouthed, "What's wrong, Zara? Who are you speaking with? What are they saying?"Seeing that she was trembling, he got even more worried. He reached out to take the phone from her, but she avoided him and pressed it against her ear.Just then, the menacing voice came through again. "My identity is not important. What's important is that I have the info that you need. You want to know
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Scott grunted with his face twisted in pain, "Ow! What did you do that for?""That's what you get for poking your nose into what doesn't concern you!" Zara snarled, holding his shirt even tighter. "I thought I made it clear that I don't want to be followed. Why the hell did you follow me here?""Give me a break, Zara. Did you really expect me to stay back when you ran out of the house like a madwoman? I had to make sure you were okay."She completely lost it. "Who are you to be concerned about my well-being? You never gave two fucks about me even when we were married. Why the hell are you bugging my life now that we are divorced?"Scott said nothing to that. He just coughed and averted his eyes."Do you have any idea what you have done? And what your presence here cost me?" she continued to yell.A few passersby glanced at them and whispered. Zara didn't give a damn. Today, she was going to set the record straight. She'd had enough of his bugging. Most importantly, she wanted to vent
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Zara felt a thump in her chest at the sound of his voice. It was nothing like the clear and domineering snarl he usually used in speaking to her. This time, it was low and pitiful. Somehow, it reminded her of the night of passion they shared just before their divorce was finalized."I need you..." he muttered again. His grip got a little tighter. Zara felt his sweaty palm against her cold wrist. It gave her goosebumps in the twinkling of an eye.She stood frozen for another minute. Soon, Scott stirred on the bed. She saw his eyelids peel open slowly. Her breathing seized when her gaze met his. His moss-colored eyes were warm. All the hatred Zara harbored for him seemed to take second place now. He was like a helpless child in her eyes at this moment.Slowly, she turned her body by ninety degrees. She held his wrist and made him let go of hers. "Okay, I'll stay. Just go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up.""Promise?"After a sigh, she crossed her heart and replied, "Yes, prom
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The shout echoed in the bathroom. It was as if it bounced on the walls and even the glass for the shower enclosure. A second later, the bathroom went silent.An icy warning trickled up Zara's spine. She could tell whose voice that was even in her dream. Sure enough, she turned to find Cora standing at the threshold with her nose flaring."Didn't you hear me? What's going on here?" Cora snarled, her eyes red with fury.Scott leisurely wore his pants and turned around with difficulty. He frowned slightly. "What are you doing here? Who told you I was here?""Really, Scott?" Cora raised an eyebrow and said, "Is that all you can say in this situation?""It's not what you think," Zara chipped in."It's not what I think? I find you in the same bathroom with my man who is pants down and you say it's not what I think? Do you take me for a fool, Zara? I always knew you were trouble from the first day we bumped into each other after your return. But I thought you, at least, had some self-respect
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CHAPTER FORTY-NINE: Jordan's Request
Cora felt her knees buckle. Her head suddenly felt full. She broke out in cold sweat as her mouth went dry. What was Scott talking about? What did he know? Did he know she had been deceiving him all along? No, it can't be. He still dotes on Tommy. He wouldn't if he already knew the truth, right?Blinking in a bid to maintain her composure, Cora stammered, "I... I don't know what you are talking about."Yes, you do!" Scott snarled. "Quit pretending, will you? For once, own up to your shit!"She burst into tears. "Why are you yelling at me? I really don't know what you are talking about. I don't know what lies Zara or anyone told you, but it's not true!""No one told me shit! Stop bringing Zara into this, will you? You were so mean to her just now. How can you still act like a saint?"Cora screamed, "Why are you always defending her against me! Rumor has it that she has been sleeping with different men. All the companies she acquired in the last few years were done crookedly. I even hea
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