All Chapters of Thorns of the Heart: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
193 Chapters
Chapter 11
Madison’s POV In the quiet solitude of my room, the late afternoon sun gently streamed through the sheer curtains, casting a warm, golden glow that enveloped the space. I had retreated to the comfort of my room, seeking a moment of respite from the events of the day. My room, with its tasteful decor and inviting ambiance, was a sanctuary of serenity. As I settled into a plush armchair, the soft cushion cradling me, I couldn't help but smile. It was a smile that crept up on me without warning, a gentle, subtle curve of my lips. My cheeks tinged with a rosy hue, and I couldn't fathom the reason behind this uninvited expression of joy. I asked myself, my voice a hushed whisper, "Why am I smiling?" The answer eluded me, a fleeting mystery that danced on the periphery of my thoughts. It was a departure from my usual demeanor, where control and sophistication were my constant companions. At this moment, vulnerability had found its way into my heart, and it was a sensation both foreign and
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Chapter 12
Tyler's POV That evening, an unusual happiness enveloped me like a warm embrace. I couldn't quite pinpoint the source of my constant smile, but it seemed like Madison had become an indelible presence in my thoughts. Images of her danced before my eyes, even when she wasn't physically there. I laughed at myself, my reflection in the bathroom mirror mirroring my jubilant mood. "Stop it, Tyler," I chide myself. "You're a playboy and always will be." My chef, a perceptive older woman, couldn't help but notice my unusual excitement. She gently inquired, and I offered a vague explanation, attributing it to a good day at work. She saw through my white lie but decided not to press further. Instead, she commented, "I hope this happiness stays. It's been a while since I've seen you this elated." I nodded in agreement, not revealing the true reason behind my unbridled joy but deep down, I knew she may have caught me.. ***** Seated at the dining table, I couldn't stop smiling. I found myself
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Chapter 13
Madison’s POV The journey to the hospital felt like an eternity. I stared out the window, watching the world blur by, my mind a whirlwind of anxiety and fear. Memories of my mother's love and care flooded my thoughts. She had always been there for us, and now it was our turn to be there for her. "Please drive faster, sir," Andy pleaded with the taxi driver, his voice trembling with urgency. "We don't want to lose her." The driver glanced at us through the rearview mirror, his expression a mix of sympathy and frustration. "I'm already driving within my speed limit. I can't go any faster." Andy's desperation was evident as he made a promise. "I'll add to your fare, just please, get us there as quickly as you can." The driver seemed to consider the offer for a moment before finally relenting. He stepped on the accelerator, and the car surged forward, cutting through the traffic with a newfound determination. In no time, we arrived at the hospital. As we screeched to a halt in front
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Chapter 14
Tyler’s POV Brenda's sudden intrusion into my room caught me completely off guard. The intensity in her gaze was undeniable, and she began to speak with a tremor in her voice. "Tyler, please, we need to talk. It's important." I couldn't hide my annoyance; it welled up inside me, threatening to burst. I sighed heavily, my irritation clear in my voice. "Brenda, we've been through this multiple times. There's absolutely nothing left to discuss." She took a step closer, her expression a tumultuous mix of sadness and determination. "Tyler, both our moms have made arrangements for our engagement. You can't just abandon everything now." My frustration boiled over, and I couldn't contain my anger any longer. I blurted out, my voice filled with anger, "I've made myself crystal clear, Brenda. I want nothing to do with this. I want nothing to do with us." Her face showed the sting of my words, her eyes brimming with hurt. Her next words came out in a threatening voice, "Is it because of tha
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Chapter 15
Madison’s POV In the quiet of the hospital, I observed the transformation in Andy’s countenance as the doctor approached us. His eyes widened, and a glimmer of hope returned to his young face, a stark contrast to the worry that had weighed him down. I couldn’t suppress my feelings of relief as I reached out and gently clasped the doctor’s arm, my voice trembling with gratitude. “Thank you, doctor. Please, do everything you can to save her.” The doctor met my gaze with a sense of determination. “We’ll keep a close watch on her and do our best. Your mother’s a strong woman, and that works in her favor.” As the doctor left to attend to other patients, I turned to Andy, a reassuring smile gracing my lips. “She’s going to be okay, Andy. We just have to keep believing and stay strong.” He nodded, a mixture of relief and gratitude in his expression. “Yeah, Madison, we can do this.” I couldn’t help but smile. My smile, though tinged with sadness, concealed my true emotions. At least he
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Chapter 16
Madison’s POV Shortly after my conversation with Gemina, my phone emitted a soft chime, signaling the arrival of a text message. I glanced at the screen, and my heart sank as I saw the message from an unknown number. The words on the screen sent a shiver down my spine, and I immediately recognized the sender. "Your mum's quite sick, what if you comply and I help you with enough money for her to get betterl?" It was unmistakably the work of my ruthless uncle, Leonard. I hadn't saved his number, but the malevolent tone of the message revealed his identity. Anger and suspicion coursed through me. How had he learned about my mother's condition? Was he stalking us, or did he have covert informants within the hospital who reported our family's distress? As I read the message, my thoughts began to flow like a relentless river of questions and fears. My uncle, a sinister figure, had left a trail of pain and suffering in our family's history. He was driven by greed, and his insatiable des
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Chapter 17
Madison's POV I stood waiting for Mrs Rosaline by the doctor’s office, her presence provided a sense of calm and certainty amidst the chaos of the hospital. The door to the doctor's office creaked open, and Mrs. Rosaline stepped inside. I watched as she engaged in a conversation with the physician. She was not just any nurse; her expertise was renowned. I had seen her in action before, and her mere presence inspired confidence in patients and their families. I waited patiently, anxiety coiling in my chest. I wanted to know what the doctor had discussed with Mrs. Rosaline, to understand the details of the impending heart surgery. Despite my overwhelming fear, I knew that my mother was in capable hands, both medically and personally. I couldn’t help but admire Mrs. Rosaline’s competence and her genuine care for our family. Her comforting aura was like a lighthouse guiding us through the stormy seas of illness and uncertainty. Mrs. Rosaline soon emerged from the doctor’s office, her
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Chapter 18
Tyler's POV I sat in my office that morning, the sun casting long shadows on the floor. The window offered a view of the bustling city below, but my focus was on the stack of files I'd long neglected. They were a mountain of pending tasks, waiting to be conquered. Just as I was diving into the first file, my secretary, Lisa, knocked lightly on the door before entering. Her entrance was always accompanied by an air of efficiency. "Sir," she said, her tone laced with a sense of urgency, "we've got a board of directors meeting coming up." I sighed, knowing I'd overlooked this important event amidst the chaos of my workload. "When is it?" "It's scheduled for today at 3 PM," Lisa informed me. "Today?" I asked incredulously. "How did I forget about that?" Lisa was quick to offer a solution, her voice poised and reassuring. "Don't worry, Sir. I've prepared a briefing for you, and we can still make it in time." I nodded, grateful for her proactive approach. "Good, thank you, Lisa. Plea
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Chapter 19
Tyler's pov I hurried through the polished corridors of Marshal's Fundings, Los Angeles' foremost hedge fund organization. The board meeting was slated for 3 p.m., and I was already eight minutes late. Despite my swift pace, my mind was still preoccupied with the earlier unexpected encounter with Madison's brother. I couldn't shake off the deep concern I felt for Madison's ailing mother. Upon reaching the opulent boardroom, the tension was palpable, and the room buzzed with the conversations of the board members. I took my seat at the head of the table, and the board members fell into a respectful silence. I cleared my throat and spoke in my characteristic composed tone, "Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the delay. Thank you for your patience. Now, let's proceed." The room filled with the sound of rustling papers as everyone retrieved their meeting agendas. The meeting had a packed agenda, but I had a nagging thought lingering at the back of my mind. I knew I had to balance my
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Chapter 20
Tyler's POV After the board meeting, I drove straight home, a maelstrom of emotions churning within me. I was deeply troubled and incredibly frustrated by Madison's omission. Why hadn't she confided in me? Did she not think I was worthy of her trust? These questions plagued my mind relentlessly, like a persistent itch I couldn't scratch. Upon arriving home, I stepped inside, weighed down by a heavy heart. The soothing coolness of my house offered a brief reprieve from the suffocating emotions that had been consuming me. I decided to take a cold bath in an attempt to wash away some of my frustration. As the water coursed over my body, I contemplated the situation further. I couldn't escape the grip of anger and bewilderment. Madison had clearly hidden something significant from me, and the sense of betrayal gnawed at my insides. "Why would she do this? Why didn't she trust me enough to share her troubles? I thought we had something deeper than just sex." The hot water did little t
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