All Chapters of Moonlit Bonds: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
78 Chapters
In a word, Michelle's ears were either dysfunctional or she was in some kind of dream because… what?Did Shawn, the same Alpha King, Shawn that unhesitatingly dissented about her pregnancy and caused their separation without batting an eyelid, utter those words?Honestly, doubt was overflowing in her soul, then again it lasted briefly on her face before she returned her countenance to that of blankness.Her slightly dropped jaw got pulled up, then her gaze averted to the road as the car rode smoothly down the highway.To think that Shawn would say such words and even address her child. The one she struggled for the past weeks to keep alive in such a manner was certainly unpredictable and overwhelmingly surprising.But what bugged Michelle insanely was…why? What truly was the motive of Shawn?Silently, she sighed, frustrated at her zero understanding of this man – one moment you'd assume you know everything about him, but the next you would be completely oblivious to his true nature.T
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Alighting from the car, her eyes caught the dark clouds – surely, a thunderstorm was bound to happen. It was going to be a chilly night, as Michelle already felt her skin being dominated by goosebumps by the mere breeze.She wasn't the only one who seemed to notice the upcoming chilly weather, since the Alpha, Shawn, also felt slightly cold.He moved his eyes directly to Michelle once he alighted from the lush car, went over to her, then surprisingly held her hand in mine.Feeling his warm fingers wrapped around hers, Michelle turned to gaze at him, but as usual, he had a dashing smile on his lips.“It'd be unfortunate if we're caught in the rain, right? Shall we hurry shopping?” Shawn asked gently, and Michelle found herself nodding lightly.Noon had long passed and well it was characterized by Michelle getting a somewhat tedious checkup at the hands of a different gynecologist. Derek, who Michelle expected to be at the hospital unexpectedly, had been absent for days without stating
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Gently, those eyes of her finally parted and once her consciousness completely invaded her body, the sounds of the repeated clashing of rain droplets on the glass window penetrated her ears.It was raining heavily – her body had realized that before her due to the vast goosebumps that had covered her exposed arms.Though the window was shut tightly, the chilliness the downpour brought along was capable of clothing even the heavily cladded in goosebumps.For some seconds, her eyes gaped blankly at the ceiling, but once her nostrils inhaled a particular scent, her eyes flashed open sharply.Raven sat upright swiftly on the bed, then again her newly stitched abdomen caused her so much pain.“Ah!” a grunt fell off Raven's lips as her right hand went to caress the painfully throbbing spot. Without being told, her outfit had been changed to something similar, and she must have lost consciousness after what transpired the previous night.Raven glanced outside then felt confused – wasn't it s
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The downpour and incessant thunderclaps seemingly would go on for a while, so Margarita insisted on staying at his office. How did she even get into his office in the first place?“You fucking drove here in this rain, why can't you go back?” The harshness of his voice would have frightened anyone, then again anyone but Margarita.She wasn't fazed by hostility – Andrew did an outstanding job In making her accustomed to it.So yes, there were few things that could ever be said that'd faze her. Derek being mean to her was something she had foreseen even before their alliance was made.Presently, her legs were placed comfortably on his desk while her fingers busied themselves by filing her perfectly manicured nails. There was nothing for her to do or discuss with Derek and when he growled unfriendly at her.“Say, darling-”“Don't fucking call me that!” Rita's statement got cut short rashly by his light bark before he returned his eyes to the flies in his possession.Being a doctor was no
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Stepping out of the shower, his eyes instantly landed on the tray of meals placed on the center table – a smile curved up his lips.He knew that was Michelle's handiwork, but the fact that she felt embarrassed to see him again got him laughing lightly.It was always a habit of hers to get slightly ashamed whenever they had an intimate moment, but today was quite adorable.Recalling how she pushed his frame off hers and then dashed out got Shawn laughing out loud.He missed moments like that with her.There was something he always looked forward to when they were in a relationship, and reminiscing on them, the realization of how madly he missed them just dawned on him.The water droplets continuously dripped from his hair down to his well-built chest while walking towards his wardrobe.He stole a glance at the window and then listened to the sounds emanating from outside – it sounded like the downpour had ended, but what about the night's chillness?The Alpha King had planned out such
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Though it felt slightly uncomfortable that a cab was waiting for her at her arrival, Michelle couldn't waste any time pondering deeply about it.It was simply irrelevant when compared to Derek. Surprisingly, how her body still moved quickly once he called about being sick.To others, it might be peculiar then again, the gynecologist had been one of the few people who stood beside her during her lowest of low hours. What sort of human would she be to abandon him during his hard times?Yes, it was rather late at night and the chillness of the air made her feel nauseated, but Michelle was determined to help Derek.She doesn't know anything about medicine nor about the body structure of a werewolf, yet Derek is specifically pleased for a shoulder to lean on.By now, the cab which she rode in has departed further away from the Palace and headed for his penthouse, with Michelle's eyes staring outside.Her thoughts were partly on Derek and also on… Alpha Shawn. She hadn't had time to think a
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“I appreciate your help, Sir”He could only stare pitifully at the beauty who smiled slightly at him – now, he wasn't even trying to hide his sympathy and pity for her.As a Shaman, he devoted himself and had one interest in his life – that was to save, and help to cure the injured and sick. As one, no one could comprehend the amount of rage he felt whenever she, this certain beautiful maid, would be brought to the infirmary for treatment.How could one continuously get injured for almost every consecutive day? It was completely unacceptable and vexing.Earlier that night, the Head Maid came to him to borrow the first aid kit. At his refusal to lend it to her, she brought Raven the same individual he treated the previous day for another treatment.Furiously, he treated the deep painful cuts on all her fingers, dismissed her, and now, she is back because of a head injury.“This can't keep going on” the aged shaman muttered as his eyes studied Raven, whose head was wrapped severally wit
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Fear.Strangely enough, it was the sole thing Michelle could feel being in such a situation. It wasn't unexpected, but Derek suddenly kissing her was something Michelle could fathom but chose not to.After all, during their earlier interactions when her silly heart was desperately in need of solace, they shared a kiss. Then again, it wasn't one out of pure love, but instead closure.Michelle concluded it'd be a one-time thing, then again her foolishness or her refusal to acknowledge Derek's feelings had, well, landed her in such a situation.Wrists bonded to the wall with his manly frame pressing against her body roughly, she wanted nothing more than to tear away.Yet…was that even possible. Apart from being a werewolf, Derek was astonishingly strong, and for someone as weak as her, pushing him off would be impossible.However, Michelle was overly uncomfortable, disgusted, and horrified – she didn't want this. Even her body agreed with her thoughts since her lips refused to part ways
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Even a mad man would seem sane when compared to the way in which the Alpha King, Shawn, was driving. His senses weren't practically with him – he threw every sense of caution, danger, and thoughts out of the damned window once he noticed his ex mate's absence. Made up images about Derek forcing himself on Michelle kept popping randomly in his head, and it merely got his foot stepping more aggressively on the pedal. Even without saying a word throughout the entire drive, every living being could sense his true intent – murder. He was surely going to brutalize that son of a bitch in a way that he'd regret being birthed. It wasn't just some empty words – Shawn always composed himself to avoid inflicting unimaginable pains on that gynecologist. But now, he was laying his hands on Michelle. Raven's power were incomprehensible, yet somehow, she displayed a visual of Derek and Michelle in his bedroom. Shawn could vividly recall Derek's lips claiming hers violently. “Fucking hell!!” Aga
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THIRTY-NINE.It was morning, and the bedroom which belonged to the Delta of the Scarlet Heart Pack was… bloody.It was the most suitable term to describe the unsightly state of the bedroom. Ranging from the expensively tiled white marble floors that were now covered in blood, to the walls. Singularly, the entire place was a mess.Numerous maids, despite their unwillingness, were ordered to clean the room by the Head Maid. Surely, their dissents would forever remain irrelevant, so they had to do it unless they were tired of working as a maid here.Currently, the maids dispersed to the different angles of the bedroom but were so amazingly terrified by the excess blood and remained motionless for a while.One, in particular, couldn't stop gawking uncomfortably at the bedsheets that were practically drenched in blood. The mattress lay on the floor since the bed wood had seemingly been broken.Did the Alpha King do this? There was no denying it – his anger the previous night was pretty dan
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